高考英语一轮复习 语法专项突破 第5讲 情态动词和虚拟语气 北师大版 下载本文

—You can't be hungry.You've just had some bread and ham.

10.There is no need for you to worry about your salary, boy.You shall get it very soon.


1.—Why do we get up so early?

—If we missed (miss) the flight we would have to stay here for another day. 2.(2016·云南高三联考)—Helen, are you going to the airport to see Jack off the day after tomorrow?

—If he were_to_leave/should_leave (leave) tomorrow, I would go. 3.But for the encouraging cheers from the audience, our team couldn't_have_won (not win) such an important match.

4.(2016·吉林一中模拟)I was busy the other day, otherwise I would_have_come (come) to help you.

5.Who does that shop assistant think he is?He behaves as if he owned (own) the grocery.

6.Look at the trouble we're in. If only we had_taken (take) our teacher's advice! 7.(2016·河北高三联考)—Why are you so depressed, Shelly?

—I lost the contest narrowly, or I would_have_gained (gain) the award of 10,000 dollars.

8.I wished the children had_been_sleeping (sleep) when we returned home, but in fact they were still awake.

9.(2016·宁夏质检)—Shall we go to the movie tonight?

—No, I'd rather youstayed (stay) at home with our baby.You'd better not leave it to the babysitter at night.


(2016·山西省高考考前质量监测)Miss Fang 1.couldn't (not) read for very long without getting a headache.Her mother told her that she 2.should go to

the Health Service and see a doctor.“You should see a doctor as soon as possible,” she said.“You 3.might/may need glasses.”

When Miss Fang had free time, she went to the Health Service.The appointment clerk said that the doctor 4.could see her at 3:30.

Miss Fang replied that she 5.would not be able to be there at 3:30 because she had a class then.“The doctor might take you at about 3:50,” the appointment clerk suggested.

“6.Shall I put you down for 3:50, or 7.would you rather come tomorrow?” Miss Fang replied, “I think I 8.can make it at 3:50.”

Miss Fang went to the class.She asked her teacher,“9.May/Can I leave at 3:45 today?I must have an eye examination.” As expected, the teacher said, “Yes, of course you 10.can.”