2018-2019上学期高二课标提升版第17期参考答案及详细解析 下载本文

2018-2019上学期 高二课标提升版 第17期 参考答案及详细解析


1-5 ACCAB 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 ABBCC 16-20 BABAC 21-25 CDDCA 26-30 DBDDA 31-35 ADDCA 36-40 GFCAB 41-45 BABDA 46-50 CBCDD 51-55 BAACC 56-60 BDACA 61. symbols 62. was designed 63. as 64. appeared 65. that / which 66. closely 67. a 68. simplified 69. to send 70. pointing 短文改错

71. ... a service volunteers ... volunteers → volunteer 72. ... job is to ... is → was 73. ... with my daily ... my → their 74. ... take care the ... the前加of 75. ... we were arrived ... 去掉were 76. ... places what the ... what → where 77. ... clean but comfortable ... but → and

78. An interested thing ... interested → interesting 79. ... keep them healthily ... healthily → healthy 80. ... wants to continue ... wants → want 书面表达

One possible version:

My favorite movie

My favorite movie is The Pursuit of Happyness, which is starred by Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith.

This movie centers around a single father who had nothing but never gave up. He worked hard to take care of his son very well. Through his effort, he finally achieved his dream and changed his life.

The reason why I enjoy this movie is that I’ve got a deeper understanding of happiness thanks to it. I realized that the most valuable treasures we have are our family and the spirit of hard work. And I hope all of you can watch this movie and develop your own opinions about happiness.


听力 第一节

(Text 1)


1. A。推理判断题。根据关键信息That table has been ordered可以推出,对话发生在一家饭店。

(Text 2)


2. C。推理判断题。根据关键信息I will ask Mary to pay more attention to her dog可以推出,Mary是男士的女儿。

(Text 3)


3. C。推理判断题。根据关键信息but it must be in a convenient neighborhood可以推出,女士最看重的是公寓的地点。

(Text 4)


4. A。推理判断题。根据关键信息How about this 42-inch one? It’s a great type, and it looks like it’s on sale, too可以推出,说话人极有可能买一台42英寸的电视。

(Text 5)


5. B。细节理解题。根据关键信息Actually, I made it in my grandpa’s yard可知,女士的画是她自己创作而得。 第二节

(Text 6)



6. B。细节理解题。根据关键信息I would go with the fresh fish可知,女士推荐了鱼。

7. C。推理判断题。根据关键信息Could I take it away, please可以推出,男士想把所点的食物带走。

(Text 7)


本段材料围绕女士半夜起床做工作计划展开。 8. B。 细节理解题。 根据关键信息I had to get up around 2:00 in the morning及I had to finish my work plan可知,女士凌晨两点起床是为了做计划。 9. A。推理判断题。根据关键信息My boss had said he wouldn’t need it until this Friday. But then he suddenly changed his mind and wanted it two days earlier可以推出,老板本来是周五要计划,但后来提前两天,今天要,所以今天是周三。

(Text 8)



10. C。 推理判断题。根据关键信息A show between My Chemical Romance and The Used. A newer band called Drive A opened for them可以推出,相比之下,Drive A是最新的乐队。 11. A。推理判断题。根据关键信息But do you know the best part及I ran into the singer from The Used and got to buy him a drink. We talked for a while. It was so exciting可以推出,最让男士高兴的是他遇到一名歌手,并且和他交谈了一会儿。

12. B。细节理解题。根据关键信息I’ll bring my Drive A CD with me so you can listen to it可知,男士许诺要把Drive A的一张CD带给女士听。

(Text 9)



13. B。观点态度题。根据关键信息And it gets better with each passing day可以推出,男士觉得大学生活一天比一天好。

14. C。推理判断题。根据关键信息Now I can do anything I want without having to worry about

what my mother will say可以推出,男士上大学后较大的变化是有了更多的自由,可以自己决定做什么。

15. C。 细节理解题。根据关键信息But what about school? You can’t just play around all day, can you可知,女士最关注的问题是男士的学习。

16. B。细节理解题。根据关键信息No, my father did. He is a wonderful chef可知,以前是男士的父亲为他做饭。

(Text 10)



17. A。 推理判断题。 根据关键信息they still got up early and worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week可以推出,说话人的祖父母每周要工作84小时。

18. B。 细节理解题。 根据关键信息At first, I helped my grandfather feed the animals before school可知,说话人起初是帮爷爷喂动物。 19. A。细节理解题。根据关键信息On weekends, instead of going to town like most of my friends可知,说话人的好多朋友周末都会去镇上。

20. C。推理判断题。根据关键信息My farming classes at the local college start next year可以推出,说话人已经做好打算,上大学要学习农场管理,不过这是明年的事儿。 阅读理解 第一节


主题语境:人与社会——体育 【短文分析】

本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四位冉冉升起的棒球明星,他们分别是纽约扬基队(New York Yankees)的外野手(outfielder)Aaron Judge、亚特兰大勇士队(Atlanta Braves)的游击手(shortstop)Dansby Swanson、休斯顿太空人队(Houston Astros)的三垒手(third baseman)Alex Bregman、洛杉矶道奇队(Los Angeles Dodgers)的投手(pitcher)Julio Urias。 【背景解读】

1. 美国职业棒球大联盟(Major League Baseball,简称MLB),是北美地区最高水平的职业棒球联赛。1903年由国家联盟和美国联盟共同成立,是美国四大职业体育联盟之一。北美四大职业体育联盟由NFL(National Football League,美式橄榄球联盟)、MLB(Major League Baseball,美国职业棒球大联盟)、NBA(National Basketball Association,美国职业篮球联赛)和NHL(National Hockey League,国家冰球联盟)组成。

2. 纽约扬基队是美国职业棒球大联盟中隶属于美国联盟东区的棒球队伍之一,其主场位于美国纽约布朗斯区。纽约扬基棒球队至今已有100多年的历史,该队在40次美国职业棒球大联盟联赛中获得27次冠军。在美国所有的职业棒球队中,扬基队是唯一每个位置均有球员入选棒球名人堂的球队,和西班牙足球甲级联赛皇家马德里俱乐部一起被认为是世界上最著名的体育俱乐部。 【答案解析】 21. C。推理判断题。由Aaron Judge部分中的He still needs to cut down on his strikeouts, but the Yankees think he’s worth the wait可知,Aaron Judge需要减少他三击未中出局的次数,不过扬基队依然认为他值得等待,由此可推知,他的问题并没有影响他成为有前途的候选人。

22. D。细节理解题。由Dansby Swanson部分中的His performance was so good that he was chosen for the 2016 All-Star Futures Game, a showcase of the best minor-league players可知,