新标准大学英语综合教程Book1-Unit6教案 下载本文


授课题目(教学章、节或主题): Unit 6 Shop till you drop! Active Reading 1 Retail therapy or shopaholism? 教学目的和要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 1.掌握:The usage of some useful words & expressions, some grammar points and some structures from the passage. 2.熟悉:The usage of Absolute Structure and how to differentiate fact and opinion 3. 了解:Getting to know some shopping modes and something related to shopping from the film Sex and the City课时安排 授课时间 6 学时 第一周、第二周 教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点): 1.基本内容:Part I Starting point Part II Active Reading 1 Retail therapy or shopaholism? Students should grasp the text content, useful words and expressions, appreciate a discussion type of article using example cases for debating a topic and do the exercises followed. Part III Writing Task—Reformulation: paraphrasing or clarifying 2.重点:a. Key words: retail, comparable, bankrupt, claim, estimate, conscious… b. Phrases & Expressions: for the world, go/get/run into debt, go bankrupt, in need of, on the road to recovery/success…, c. the skills of differentiating fact and opinion 3.难点:Expressing opinions with examples of one’s own experience or observation 讲课进程和时间分配: Step 1 Starting Point (15 minutes) Step 2 Reading Task (Active reading 1) (145 minutes) 1. Introductory remarks 2. Words and phrases U1-1

3. Language points Step 3 After Reading (75 minutes) 1. Exercises in the textbook 2. Questions about the text for discussion Step 4 Guided Writing (35 minutes) 1. Reformulation: paraphrasing or clarifying 讨论、思考题、作业: 1. Try to summarize Active Reading 1; 2. Writing Exercise 2 on page 83; 3. Find some information about relative values for Unit 7. 参考资料(含参考书、文献等): 1. New Standard College English (Integrated Course) Book 1 (Teacher’s Book); 2. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English; 3. Some comments from the internet about the film Sex and the City 授课类型(请打√):理论课√ 讨论课□ 实验课□ 练习课□ 其他□ 教学方式(请打√):传统讲授√ 双语□ 讨论□ 示教□ 指导□ 其他□ 教学资源(请打√):多媒体□ 模型□ 实物□ 挂图□ 音像□ 其他√ 填表说明:每项页面大小可自行添减。


Unit 6 Shop till you drop!

Teaching Content:Retail therapy or shopaholism?

Lesson Type: Intensive Reading (New Standard College English Book 1) Total Time: 4.5 Hours Class/Object: Freshman (the second term) Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Starting Point (15mins) ? Questions about shopping 1 How often do you go shopping? 2 What do you spend most money on? 3 How often do you buy clothes? 4 Which items you buy are essentials?

5 How often do you buy presents for other people? 6 Which do you prefer to use, credit cards or cash?

7 Do you ever borrow money from friends or family, or from a bank? 8 Do you try to save money?

? Work in pairs. Discuss which kind of shopping you enjoy most. ? going to the shopping mall ? home shopping on television ? online shopping

? mail order catalogue shopping ? Additional question:

Can you give a definition to “shopaholic”?

Step 2 Introductory remarks (10mins) Sex and the City

? a popular US television series set in New York City, featuring the professional and romantic lives of four women – Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda ? made into a film ten years later in 2008 Brief introduction to the text
