题 目
系 (院) 专 业 班 级 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 职 称
茶叶包装设计 计算机科学技术系 计算机网络技术 20010级1班 刘永霞 1023110517
朱茜 讲师
独 创 声 明
作者签名: 刘永霞 二〇一三 年 五 月 四 日
作者签名: 刘永霞 二〇一三 年 五 月 四 日
摘 要
关键词 :包装; 木质材料; 消费; 文化渊源; 设计; 流程
Tea packaging design application research of wood
Packaging design is a separate discipline, it is directly the lives of the public service is brand communication between producers and consumers, emotional bonds. In today's era of brand competition, the importance of packaging has far exceeded the value of its basic functions, it has become to advertise their products and promote sales, create brand an important factor. So let the differences of the same form of goods displayed in front of customers is to raise the goods in front of consumers has become the main purpose of packaging design.
The world is colorful, people of color realize their true feelings in the design and color as they all lead to passion, in order to better design the perfect combination of color reflected in the brand's packaging, color, design and analysis has its specificity, a better understanding of color and understanding of the product with all aspects of the design can be better.
This article outlines the origins of tea culture, and the value of packaging. And analysis of packaging in the consumer psychology of expression. Through the professional design tool to achieve the entire process of tea packaging design show. And the software used to do a simple lack of elaboration.
Keywords: packaging; Wood-based materials; consumer; cultural origin; design; process
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ..................................................... 1 1.1 论文研究的目的和意义 .......................................... 1 1.1.1研究目的 ................................................. 1 1.1.2研究意义 ................................................. 2 1.2 茶叶包装的研究现状 ............................................ 3 1.2.1国外研究现状 ............................................. 3 1.2.2国内研究现状 ............................................. 4 第二章 茶叶包装的设计理论依据 ..................................... 6 2.1关于茶包装的发展学说 .......................................... 6 2.2茶叶包装的设计理念 ............................................ 6 第三章 包装设计 ................................................... 8 3.1 设计思路 ...................................................... 8 3.2 茶叶包装设计的功能要求 ........................................ 8 3.3 调研与材料的选择 .............................................. 9 3.4 具体设计 ..................................................... 10 3.4.1 造型设计 ................................................ 10 3.4.2 结构设计 ................................................ 10 3.4.3装潢设计 ................................................ 10 3.5 包装盒的结构及主要装潢设计过程 ............................... 11 第四章 瓦楞纸箱的结构及装潢设计过程 ............................. 13 4.1 瓦楞纸箱的尺寸计算 ........................................... 13 4.2 瓦楞纸箱的结构及装潢设计图 ................................... 15 4.3 瓦楞纸箱强度设计及校核 ....................................... 16 结 论 ........................................................... 18 参考文献 ......................................................... 20 谢 辞 ........................................................... 21