2016年苏州市中考英语模拟试卷(4)及答案 下载本文

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听力材料: A.情景反应

下面你将听到5个句子,请根据听到的句子,选出最恰当的答语。每个句子读1遍。 1.You look very nice in red.

2.Hi, Emma! This is Tom. He is my cousin. 3.What is the date?

4.Who lost the maths book?

5.Excuae me, sir. Where is the bus stop? B. 对话理解

下面你将听到7段对话,请根据听到的对话,选出正确的选项。每段对话读2遍。 听第1段对话,完成第6小题

M: Don’t you usually come to school by bike, Mr. Wu?www.21-cn-jy.com W: Yes. But I like walking. 听第2段对话,完成第7小题

M: When do you have supper every day, Mrs Green? W: At 7: 00.

M: But its 7: 30. Have you had it?

W: Not yet. We’re going outside for it. Would you like to come with us?【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 M: No, thanks. I’m full.


M: When is the shop near our school closed? W: It’s open from 9: 00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.. 听第4段对话,完成第9小题 M: Do you like fish, Ann? W: A little.

M: What about chicken? W: I like it very much.

M: What about your mother? W: She likes fish a lot.

听第5段对话,完成第10小题 M: How many kites are there in the sky? W: Let me count. Oh, fifteen. M: No, there are two birds.


M:Miss, coukd you show me my seat?

W:Sure. Your seat number is 8A. Follow me and I’ll show you the way.21世纪教育网版权所有 M:Thank you. You know this is my first trip by plane and I feel a little nervous. W:Don’t worry. If you need any help, just call me.21cnjy.com 听第7段对话,完成第13--15小题 M:You don’t look well. What’s the trouble? W:I didn’t sleep well last night. M:Why/

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W:I coughed a lot and had a bad headache. M:Did you see the doctor?

W:Yes. He says I’ll get well again in just a few days.21教育网 M:Are you taking medicine/ W:Yes. Three times a day.

M:Shall I help you with your lessons? W:Np, thank you. I can do it myself.

C.短文理解 下面你将听到2篇短文,请根据听到的短文,选出正确的选项。每篇短文读两遍。


Hi, everybody! My name is John. I study in Grade Eight at Woodland School near London. I didn’t know how to do things for myself before I came to this school. Now I even know how to cook healthy and delicious meals.2·1·c·n·j·y Our school has a reading week in October every year. My classmates and I love it. We can read any books from the library. We can even bring books and magazines from home but we have to tell our English teacher what we are reading. Near the end of each class we can talk to our friends about our books. The reading week is always too short because we want to read all our friends’ books, too.www-2-1-cnjy-com


Wang Fang is 16 years old. She helped her neighbour out of a fire. On May 10th, Wang Fang was at home alone. Suddenly she heard someone shouting“ Fire! Fire!” She run outside. She saw a lot of smoke from next door. She went in and saw her neighbour, Gtandpa Sun, a 19-year-old man, in the kitchen. He couln’t get out because he hurt his leg. There was a lot of smoke and the fire was very hot. But she was not afraid. She poured water on the fire and helped Grandpa Sun out. The fire hurt Wang Fang’s neck, arms and face. She was in hospital for two months, Many people visited her and brought her flowers and presents.21·cn·jy·com Wang Fang was glad that she helped Grandpa Sun, “ We should help each other.” she said.


一、1-5CBBCC 6-10ACBAC 11-15ACABA 16-20CABCB 21-25BCBCA 二、1-5ABCBD 6-10DCAAB

三、1-5 ACBDA 6-10 DCACB 11-15 DACBA 16-20 DACCA 四、1-5CDBBA 6-10BBACD 11-15CDBAD 16. Best Actress. 17.7. 18. No, she isn’t 19.她天生就有表演的天赋。 20. I know myself better than anyone else does 五、 1.except 6.crowded 11. top 16. different 六、 A.

2.guilty 7.director’s(s’) 12. around 17. richer

3.clues 8.else 13. higher 18. travel(l)er

4.skills 9.entering 14. watching 19. enjoy


10.Three quarters 15. another 20. fun

全国中小学教育资源门户网站 | 天量课件、教案、试卷、学案 免费下载 | www.xsjjyw.com

最大最全最精的教育资源网 www.xsjjyw.com

1.If you have difficulty making a decision, you’d better ask your relations for help.

2.The police have confirmed the victim was attacked with a knife, as a result he bled to death. 3.The concert had been on for half an hour when she was breathing heavily. 4.Could you please offer me some suggestions on how to improve our results? 5.It’s very hard for settlers to live on Mars because of gravity.21·世纪*教育网 B.One possible version:

Among many exam experiences, I still remember what happened in the final exam last term.

In the past I always felt nervous at the beginning of exams. And because of this, I never gave the best performance.. But in the last final exam, when I got the paper, ! was surprised to see some warm words on the paper, \Good luck.\confident. I did best that time?

Ever since then, whenever I have exams, these simple but warm words always encourage me and make me feel confident.

全国中小学教育资源门户网站 | 天量课件、教案、试卷、学案 免费下载 | www.xsjjyw.com