外研版四年级英语下册地教案(一年级起点) 下载本文

教学目标 语言知识目标

功能 描述太阳与各行星的位置及各行星由于离太阳距离的远近而产生不同的冷热程度。

语法(结构、句子) 描述各行星与太阳的距离。The … is near to the … . The … is far from the … . 语言技能目标 词汇 听 说

读 能在听的过程中从语句中辨别出并能够正确认读如下单词: space, ring, night, banana, at all , not at all , look like, small

写 能背诵并默写以下单词:planet, sun, moon, hot, cold, near, far from , long, short, fat , thin, round 语句 听

读 能够听懂并认读:

This is space . This planet is beautiful. It’s got three beautiful rings . The…is (hot, cold, fat, thin, long, short…). It’s … and … . It’s the … . 能够读懂Unit 2 Listen and repeat 诗歌。

说 能够用The … is near to the … . The … is far from the … . 描述各行星与太阳的距离。能够用The…is (hot, cold, fat, thin, long, short…). It’s … and … . It’s the … . 新 课 标第 一网xkb1.com It looks like a … … .


写 能够正确默写以下句型:This planet is near to the sun . It’s very hot .

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This planet is far from the sun . It’s very cold .

学习策略 能简单介绍太阳与各行星的距离,并总结各行星的冷热程度,体现学生善于观察的能力。

文化意识 简单了解太阳系中各行星与太阳的位置关系,并简单介绍各行星的主要特征。

情感态度 培养学生对自然科学的热爱,教会学生善于观察,乐于发现,体现学生勇于开拓创新的精神。

任务 学习任务:根据太阳系各行星位置图描述行星基本特征。 Module7 Unit 1 It’s very hot . 一、教学目标与要求 1. 知识与能力目标 a . Knowledge target:

Words: planet , sun , hot , cold , near to, far from , long , short , fat , thin , space, ring

Sentences : This planet is near to the sun . It’s very hot . This planet is far from the sun . It’s very cold .[ This is space . This planet is beautiful . It’s got three beautiful rings . The snake is short .

b. Ability target : 学生能够运用The … is near to the … . The … is far from the … . 描述各行星与太阳的距离。能够用The … is (hot, cold, fat, thin, long, short…) .等句型描述描述事物、人物、动物的具体特征。 2. 情感态度目标

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二. 教学重点及难点

a. Main points : planet , sun , moon , hot , cold , near to, far from , long , short , fat , thin

b. Difficult points: cold , thin , planet , near to , far from This planet is near to the sun . It’s very hot . This planet is far from the sun . It’s very cold . 三. 课前准备

A tape recorder , some pictures .

四. 教学过程 (T: teacher ; S: student; Ss: students) Step 1 Warm up Say and do . Long, long , long , Short, short, short , Fat, fat, fat, … …

Let Ss to chant with actions like this . Step 2 Presentation and practice

T: Look at the picture , this snake is long . Can you say more ? S1: This snake is green and yellow . S2: This snake is beautiful .

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… …

Let Ss to make a match between two groups . Which group can say more ?[小 (通过竞赛活动,充分调动学生参与课堂活动的积极性,同时很好地复习了以下形容词: hot , cold , long , short , fat , thin ,并适当拓展了学生学过的其他形容词,如:big, small 等。达到知识的循环滚动,有利于巩固知识。)

T: This bear is fat . His head is round . I know another thing . It is round , too . Look at the blackboard carefully, I’ll draw it on the blackboard. Can you guess what is it ?

Ss: Is it a … … ?

T: Yes, you’re right . It is a sun . Can you describe this sun ? Ss: This sun is round . This sun is hot . … … T draws another planet on the blackboard.

T: This is a planet . T teaches the new word : planet Read the new word in high voice and low voice .

(操练单词时通过高低声音的变化改变原本枯燥乏味的重复朗读,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。) 新课标第一网xkb1.com

T: This planet is near to the sun . T teaches the new phase : near to Ss: This planet is near to the sun .

T: This planet is near to the sun . Is it cold there ? Ss: No, it’s very hot there .

T draws another planet far from the sun on the blackboard . T: This is a planet . Is it near to the sun ?

Ss: No . T: This planet is far from the sun .

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