外研版四年级英语下册地教案(一年级起点) 下载本文

能听说的句子:It’s a Chinese instrument.[

能听说读的句子:What did he /she play? He/ She played…. 能听说读写的句子:What did they play? Dad played the erhu. And Mum played the pipa. 2、情感态度目标:

学生能够运用所学的英语主动练习和实践,让学生通过本课的学习,能够初步产生对于音乐欣赏的兴趣,培养他们欣赏音乐美的能力。 二、教学重点及难点

1、学会学习询问和描述过去干的事。 2、能够掌握重点词、句。

3、会总结归纳规则、不规则的动词过去式。 4、进行语篇的训练,描述自己过去做的事情。 三、课前准备:

教学挂图、乐器图片(可用课件展示)、录音机(或配套CD--ROM) 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warm up Group work:

Ask and answer: What did you do last weekend? Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. Ask the teacher: What did you do last weekend? T: I listened to music. I like to listen to music. I like Chinese music like this. (播放一段音乐)

第 25 页 共 79 页

Do you know him?

吕思清played the music. ( 一张吕思清的演出图片 ) What can you ask?

What did he play? (板书、教读) He played the violin. (板书、教读) 2. What did she play? (图片) She played the guitar.

3. Guess: It’s a Chinese instrument. It looks like a violin. I spell the word just like pinyin. What is it? (图片)

Teach: erhu instrument It looks like a violin. 4. What did she play? (图片) She played the pipa.

Teach: pipa It looks like a guitar.

5. Look at the picture. (可采用女子十二乐坊的图片) Pair work: Ask and answer. Who are they? What did they play? T: Where did the play? Teach: concert 6. Listen and answer: What did Dad play? What did Mum play?

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Does Amy like this music? 7. Listen, point and repeat. Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1. Do the exercises on the activity book. Page 14 –1 Match the questions and answer. Page 15 – 2 Listen and number.

2. Practise on the book: page 15 –3 (注意the 的用法)

3. Remember game: What did they play? (可采用Page17 -- 4的图) Step 4 Summary

1、让学生自己总结本节课的知识点,教师应该强调一下有关play 加球类游戏、乐器的不同。

E.g. play football play basketball play volleyball play the erhu play the flute play the guitar 2、Read the sentences together. Step 5 Homework

1. Listen and repeat this unit.

2. Copy the main sentences on page 15 – 2. 3. Ask and answer in pair (pictures on page 15 – 3). Step 6 Blackboard design

Module 4 Unit 1 Dad played the erhu. What did they play? Dad played the erhu. Mum played the pipa.

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Module 4 Unit 2 I was very nervous. 一、教学目标与要求: 1、知识与能力目标:

(1)词汇:clap, nervous, before, at the end, proud, when , happy (2)语句: I was very nervous At the end everyone clapped. And I was very proud. 2、情感态度目标:

学生能够运用所学的英语主动练习和实践,让学生通过本课的学习,能够初步产生对于音乐欣赏的兴趣,培养他们欣赏音乐美的能力。 二、教学重点及难点

1、学会学习描述过去干的事。 2、能够掌握重点词、句。

3、会总结归纳规则、不规则的动词过去式。 4、进行语篇的训练,描述自己过去做的事情。 三、课前准备:

教学挂图、乐器图片(可用课件展示)、录音机(或配套CD--ROM) 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warm up

1. Listen and try to sing the song: Page 17 – 3 “I saw the music man.” 2. Do the actions:

play basketball, play football, play volleyball, play the piano, play the violin, play the guitar, play the pipa, play the erhu

第 28 页 共 79 页