外研版四年级英语下册地教案(一年级起点) 下载本文

2. play the tape and sing a song .

3. Say some phrases: sing a song, write ,talk, dance ,say ‘hello’, get up, go to bed …and ask them to do the actions.

(通过做动作将以前所学的动词词组巩固复习) Step 2 Presentation and practice

1、 Make a dialogue :What are you doing? I am reading a book.(复习进行时态)

2、point a student to ask : What is she doing? What is he doing?

3、show a picture and guess: What is she doing?What is he doing? 4、play the tape :What‘s happening?She/He is singing.

Then the teacher say: Someone is playing the drums. And someone is singing. Why are they so happy? Can you guess? S: Maybe they are having a party.

5、listen to the tape and answer the questions:

Who is playing the piano? Who is singing? Who is playing the drums? 6、listen it again and answer:Is it Mother‘s Day?(teach Mother‘s Day) 7、On Mother’s Day , I bought a present .

Guess: what is it in my hand?(老师手中握一个拳头,让学生猜里面是什么?第一次打开手掌什么也没有;再握起拳头,学生都猜没有;但是,当他们看到手掌再一次打开里面有礼物时,发出惊讶的叫声) 老师出示单词卡片surprise Step 3 Consolidation and extension

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1、 listen to the tape and find“ing” 2、 listen to the tape and repeat the text 3、 do some exercises .完成活动手册练习 Step 4 Summary

T: What have you learn today?让学生自己总结今天学到了什么 Step 5 Homework

Listen to the tape and repeat the text Copy the sentences. Step 6 Blackboard design Unit 1 We’re having a party.

What are you doing? We’re having a party. What’s happening now? Tom is singing. M5

一、教学目标与要求 1、知识与能力目标 To learn the sentences:

Daming is painting a picture for his mother. He is painting flowers and birds.

To learn the words: play the flute, draw, make a cake ,party 2、情感态度目标

运用现在进行时态讲述正在发生的事情,培养学生善于观察的能力。 二、 教学重点及难点

To learn the words: 运用现在进行时态讲述正在发生的事情

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三、课前准备:tapes, cards 挂历 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up


Step 2 Presentation and practice

老师给学生们看一张挂历,指着10月1日,说:it is our National Day. It is a special day. 同时出示special 的单词卡片。老师用中文讲述母亲节的由来。然后老师再指着今年的母亲节那天,It is Mother’s Day .It is a special day, too. Do you give a card to your mum on this special day? Will you write some message for your mum? 同时出示message 的单词卡,然后引导学生自由发言。最后老师说:You are all good children. Do you know what Daming is doing for his mum? Let’s look at Unit 2 and find out.

Step 3 Consolidation and extension listen to the tape and find “ing” listen to the tape and read the text Step 4 Summary

学生两人一组,用学生用书第13页的游戏图做游戏,游戏玩法同前,但不是用过去时说话,而是改用现在时说。 Step 5 Homework Do exercises.

Copy the words and sentences

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Listen to the tape and repeat the text[ Step 6 Blackboard design Unit2 He is painting flowers.

Daming is painting a picture for his mother. He is painting flowers and birds. Module 6

一、 教学目标与要求 ① 知识与能力目标:

To learn the words: fantastic, play football, fly our kites, watch TV, idea, report, stick

To learn the sentences:

I’ll write the reports. I’ll draw the pictures. What will you do, Sam? I will cut the paper. ②情感态度目标

Help the students consolidating future tense and the usage of “let’s”.

能够正确运用一般将来时态,制定计划。培养学生有计划做事情的能力。 二、 教学重点及难点

Main point: Master the future tense and the usage of “let’s”. Difficult point: Ss can read the dialog fluently. 三、 课前准备: a tape recorder, some cards. Module6 Unit 1 I’ll draw the pictures. 一、 教学目标与要求 ① 知识与能力目标:

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