大学英语3 阶段作业(范围)1~3 下载本文



1、 Frankly speaking,your article is very good except for

some _________ mistakes in grammar. A) obscure 晦涩难懂的 B) glaring 明显的 C) trivial 微不足道的 D) rare 罕见的

2、 All the signs _________ an early resumption of the

battle. A) point at 点 B) point 点

C) point out 指出 D) point to 指出

3、 I prefer to work in an ___________ environment

where there are good libraries and cultural facilities. A) urban 城市 B) rural 农村 C) suburb 郊区 D) area 区域

4、 He seems to be _________ enough to climb to the

mountain top in an hour. A) radiant 辐射

B) conscientious 有责任心的 C) conspicuous 引人注目的 D) energetic 精力充沛的

5、 Nowadays,people in the city enjoy a _________ of

musical life. A) variety 各种 B) range 范围 C) extent 程度上 D)

width 宽度

6、 The new product is on________ before it is put on

the market. A) test 测试 B) trial 试验

C) experiment 实验 D) inspection 检查

7、 We must strengthen our________ on the western


A) defences 防御 B) defects 缺陷 C) defeats 失败 D)

defendants 被告

8、 Mother told him not to________ the streets after


A) wander 漫步 B) wonder 想知道 C) move 移动 D) go 去

9、 The apartment-house is built around a ________ . A) court 法院 B) course 课程 C) counter 计数器 D) courtesy 礼貌

10、 We must not touch this switch under any

________. A) situation 情况 B) giant 巨大的

C) circumstances 情况下 D)

civilization 文明

11、 Facing the ________ situation the sales

manager looked________ . A) puzzling, puzzled 困惑,困惑

B) puzzling, puzzling 莫名其妙,莫名其妙 C) puzzled, puzzled 困惑,困惑 D)

puzzled, puzzling 困惑,困惑

12、 In a time of social reform, people's state of

mind tends to keep ________ with the rapid changes of society. A) step 一步 B) progress 进步 C) pace 速度 D) touch 触摸



1、Hearing the sad news,the glass __________ from his hand and fell into pieces. A) slid B) slipped C) glided D) slided

2、She felt __________ and did nothing but sleep the whole day. A) slack B) the slack C) slacking D) slackly

3、The birds __________ at the sound of the gun. A) spread B) scattered C) flied D) sped

4、It was under __________ that he agreed to resign from the committee. A) failure B) pressure C) control D) influence

5、The typhoon laid the trees __________ with the ground. A) smooth B) ever C) even D) flat

6、Jane is __________ with cold so that her teeth are chattering. shaking shivering quaking shocking

7、The children _________ in their father’s shop when things are busy. help to help on help away help out

8、He ___________ that half an hour would be enough for him to get to the station, but he simply forgot that it was the rush hour. realized assumed admitted acknowledge

9、After hearing the news, I could not ____________ my work that whole afternoon. concentrate in set minds to set my mind on set my mind at

10、I __________ that you have heard the news. assist assemble assume arrange

11、The Space Age __________ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union. A) initiated B) originated C) embarked D) commenced

12、I told the boy to __________. A) take easy B) take easily C) take it easy D) take it easily

13、The state government gave much attention to the __________ of teachers.

A) train B) trailer C) trail D) training

14、Mrs. Smith went on a diet and in three months

___________ her weight to 100 pounds. A) brought back B) brought up C) brought down D) brought about

15、My__________ in teaching is different from yours. A) altitude B) appear C) approach D) approval

16、The police warned people to be _________ for pickpockets during the Christmas rush. A) at guard B) on ears

C) guard our attention D) on guard

17、He is very good man, but he is now in a__________ situation. A) tense B) close C) thick D) tight

18、You’ll ___________ to the job after you have been here a week or two. A) catch up B) catch to C) catch on D) catch with

19、It' s __________ necessary for them to send the patient to a hospital at once. A) absolutely B) confidently C) mainly D) abstractly

20、I would _________ play tennis than football. A) quite B) simply C) rather D) like

21、Let me know the time of your__________. A) reach B) arrival C) came D) got

22、I little understood the pressure __________ her. A) on B) in

C) at

D) against

23、The dish wan’ t__________ me, so I felt still a little hungry after the supper. A) in line for B) in line with C) on the line D) line up

24、His excellent educational background _________ him for the job. A) qualifies B) promises C) encourages D) leads

25、__________ teaching in the school, Jane gives piano lessons to some children at home. A) Except

B) In addition to C) But

D) In addition

26、All our supply of food has __________. A) pass out B) out run C) run out D)run up

27、He is quite sure that it's __________ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days. A) roughly B) exclusively C) fully

D) absolutely

28、Aunt Mary gave us sandwiches for our picnic and a bag of cookies in __________. A) address B) addition C) a way D) fine

29、The letter was __________ in its wording. A) former B) formula C) form D) formal

30、In the West, people often __________ for mail-order goods, which can save a lot of time. A) sent out B) order C) send

D) send away

31、—I saw Alice in tears yesterday. What happened to her?

—Nothing important. __________ a lit cigarette burned a hole in her new skirt. A) Just for B) Just that C) Just because D) Only because


1、Extensive reporting on television has helped to _________ interest in a wide variety of sports and activities. A) gather B) generate C) assemble D) yield

2、He is a _________ nobody, and it is_________ a matter of time for people to forget him. A) only,mere B) mere, only C) mere, merely D) merely, mere

3、The police will give you a ticket if you __________ the speed limit. A) break B) exceed C) upset D) split

4、As time went _________, people who stayed in that isolated mountain village lost their hope. A) out B) by C) away D) off

5、What's the _________ amount of wine you are allowed to take through customs duty-free? A) big

B) minimum C) great

D) maximum

6、It is wise of you to___________ well-trained workers___________ untrained ones in the assembly line.

A) substitute,for B) substitute,with C) replace,by D) replace,with

7、American governments can definitely benefit_____ providing troops for Taiwan. A) at B) from

C) to D) about

8、Only Chinese have successfully _________ pandas and raised their babies in captivity. A) afforded B) supported C) bred

D) improved

9、He___________ all the doors and windows of his house.

A) banged B) barred C) bared D) barbed

10、A driver should concentrate__________ the road while driving, or it’s easy to bring accidents. A) to B) on C) for D) in

11、The government has made a promise to the public to further _________ taxes. A) reduce B) increase C) improve D) consider

12、The cost of the damage _________ our worst fears. A) excelled B) examined C) exceeded D) excess

13、he house is in beautiful _________. A) surrounding B) surroundings C) environments D) circumstances

14、It's maintained that _________ in bulk is not good to the goods.

A) communication B) sending C) transport D) traffic

15、It suddenly _________ to me that we can ask our neighbors to help us. A) thought B) considered C) carne D) occurred

16、Although I liked the appearance of the house,what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful ___________ through the window. A) vision B) look C) picture D) view

17、In order to make the trains run safely,the railway should be___________ constantly. A) kept B) kept on C) maintained D) made 18、So hot here, isn’t it?\-------\the air conditioner?\A) turning B) to turn C) turn D) open

19、We have received orders _________ US $1,000,000 since the new product was introduced to the market. A) amount for B) amount to C) account for D) amounting to

20、I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _________ when judging my examination. A) regard B) counting C) account D) observation

21、__________ that three people cannot move it. A) So and huge the stone is B) So is the huge stone C) So huge the stone is D) So huge is the stone

22、Theory is based on practice and ___________ serves practice. A) for good B) on occasion C) with difficulty D) in turn

23、Strong boots are_________ for mountaineering. A) absolute B) special C) moderate D) essential

24、Flies in food shops _________ disease. A) arise B) arose C) breed D) arouse

25、A budget of five dollars a day is totally _________ for a trip round Europe. A) inadequate B) incapable C) incompatible D) invalid

26、John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must ___________ the curiosity and creativity of children. A) seek

B) stimulate C) shape D) secure

27、“That weird girl doesn’t talk to anyone.”----“You can’t blame her for that. She has had trouble____since she was six.

A) speaking B) speak C) say D) saying

28、Taking a plane is the quickest___________ to get to Tibet. A) mode B) manner C) means D) method