2018年6月大学英语六级真题试卷二及详细答案(精品) 下载本文



2018年6月大学英语六级真题试卷及答案(二) .......................................................................................................... 1 2018年6月大学英语六级真题试卷(二) .................................................................................................................... 53 快速对答案 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 68

Part I Writing (30 minutes)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust




consumers. You can cite examples to illustrate your

views. you should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.




三,写作要注重语法结构,不要出现明显的语法错误,否则扣分较多,影响总体成绩。 四,遇到不会写的词,要用其他相关的词语表达。

Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


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Conversation One

M: 【1-1】Tonight we have a special guest from a local establishment, the Prage café. Welcome! W: Hi! Thanks for having me on your show.

M: 【1-2】Thank you for joining us! So please tell us why did you decide to open a café? W: Well, we saw the opportunity to offer something a little special and different from other establishments. Cafés certainly are very a competitive market sector. There are more than plenty in our city. 【2】 And we thought they are all rather similar to each other. Wouldn’t you agree?

M: Certainly yes! So how is your establishment any different?

W: Well. Simply put, we have rabbits wandering freely around the place. Our customers come in and enjoy their food and drinks, while little rabbits play about and brush against their legs. There’s no other place like it.

M: That’s amazing! How did you come up with the idea?

W: We saw other cafés with cats in them. So we thought why not rabbits? People love rabbits. They are very cute animals.

M: But is it safe? Do the rabbits ever bite people or do any customers ever hurt the rabbits?

W: It’s perfectly safe for both rabbits and our customers. Rabbits are very peaceful, and certainly do not bite. 【3】Furthermore, our rabbits are regularly cleaned, and have all received required shots, so there is no health risk whatsoever. 【4】 As for our


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customers, they are all animal lovers, so they would never try to hurt the rabbits. Sometimes the young child may get overexcited and be a little too rough, but it’s never a serious matter. On the contrary, the Prage café offers a great experience for children, a chance for them to learn about rabbits and how to take care of them. M: Well, it’s certainly the first time I’ve heard of a café like that.


1. establishment [is?t?bli?m?nt]

n. 企业;建立;(通常反对变革的)当权派;反对改革的保守当权派

2. whatsoever [?w?ts??'ev?] pron.无论什么;任何

3. advocate [??dv?keit] vt. 提倡;拥护;鼓吹;为…辩护; n. (辩护)律师;提倡者;支持者

4. profitable [?pr?fit?bl]

adj. 有利可图的,有益的;可赚钱的,合算的

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5. pose [p?uz]

vt.& vi. 使摆姿势;以…身份出现;招摇;炫耀; vt. 提出;造成(威胁、问题等);引起;产生; n. 姿势;姿态;装腔作势;伪装

6. injection [in?d?ek??n]

n. 注射;注射剂;[医]充血;(卫星等的)入轨

7. tame [teim]

adj. 驯服的;平淡的;无精打采的; v. 驯服;抑制

1.What do we learn about the woman?

1. A) She advocates animal protection. B) She sells a special kind of coffee. C) She is going to start a cafe chain. D) She is the owner of a special cafe. 【答案】D

【解析】 本题为细节题,由 【1】Tonight we have a special guest from a local


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establishment, the Prage café. Welcome! 【1-2】Thank you for joining us! So please tell us why did you decide to open a café?可知:今晚我们邀请了一位特殊的嘉宾,她来自于

当地企业the Prage café,大家欢迎!后面又说到“欢迎加入我们!请您告诉我为什么要开一家咖啡店?”D选项:她是一种特殊咖啡厅的主人,符合文意。因此,本题的正确选项为D项。

2.What does the woman say about cafés in her city?

2. A) They bear a lot of similarities. B) They are a profitable business sector. C) They cater to different customers. D) They help take care of customers' pets. 【答案】A

【解析】 本题为推断题,由 【2】 And we thought they are all rather similar to each other. Wouldn’t you agree?可知:我认为他们彼此都很相似,你同意吗?,言外之意,它们很


3.How does the Prage café guarantee that its rabbits pose no health threat?

3. A) By giving them regular cleaning and injections. B) By selecting breeds that are tame and peaceful. C) By placing them at a safe distance from customers. D) By briefing customers on how to get along with them. 【答案】A

【解析】 本题为细节题,由【 3】Furthermore, our rabbits are regularly cleaned, and have all received required shots, so there is no health risk whatsoever. 可知:不仅如此,我们


4.What does the woman say about their customers?

4. A) They want to learn about rabbits.

B)They like to bring in their children.


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C) They love the animals in her cafe. D) They give her cafe favorite reviews. 【答案】C

【解析】 本题为细节题,由【 4】 As for our customers, they are all animal lovers, so they would never try to hurt the rabbits. 可知:至于我们的顾客,他们都是动物爱好者,因此他们



Conversation Two

M: Hey, there. How are you?

W: Oh, hi! I’m great, thanks. And you look great, too.

M: Thank you! It’s good to see you shopping at the organic section. I see you got lots of healthy stuff. I wish I could buy more organic products from here. But I find the kids don’t like it. I don’t know about yours, but mine are all about junk food.

W: Oh, trust me! I know exactly how you feel. My children are the same. 【5】 What is it with kids these days and all like junk food they eat? 【6-1】I think it’s all that advertising on TV. That’s where they get it. M: 【6-2】 Yes, it must be. My children see something on TV and they immediately want it. It’s like they don’t realize it’s just an advertisement. W: Right. And practically everything that advertises for children is unhealthy processed foods. No surprise then, it becomes a battle for us parents to feed our children ordinary fruit and vegetables.

M: That’s just the thing! One never sees ordinary ingredients being advertised on TV. It’s never a carrot or a peach. It’s always some garbage like chocolate-covered sweets. So


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