2018年6月大学英语六级真题试卷二及详细答案(精品) 下载本文


W: Exactly! 【7】And these big food corporations have so much money to spend on clever tactics designed to make young children want to buy their products. Children never stand the chance. It’s really not fair.

M: You are so right! 【8】 When we were children, we barely had any junk food available, and we turned out just fine. W: Yes, my parents don’t understand any of it. Both the TV commercials and the supermarkets are alien to them. Their world was so different back when they were young. M: I don’t know what will happen to the next generation. W: The world is going crazy. M: You bet!

【杀掉拦路虎】 1. organic [?:?g?n?k]

adj. 有机(体)的;有组织的,系统的;器官的;根本的;

2. ingredients [??'ri:d??nts]

n. (混合物的)组成部分( ingredient的名词复数 );(烹调的)原料;(构成)要素;因素;

3. tactics ['t?kt?ks]

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

n. 战术;策略,手段;用兵学;[语]法素学;

4. obesity [??'bi:s?t?] n. 肥胖,过胖;肥胖症;

5. texture [?tekst??(r)] n. 质地;结构;本质; v. 使具有某种结构;

5.What do the speakers say about the food that their children like?

5. A) It contains too many additives. B) It lacks the essential vitamins. C) It can cause obesity.


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D) It is mostly garbage. 【答案】D

【解析】 本题为细节题,由【5】 What is it with kids these days and all like junk food they

eat? 可知:这些天来,孩子们都喜欢吃垃圾食品,这是怎么回事?,D选项:几乎是垃圾食品,符


6.According to the speakers, what affects children’s choice of food most?

6. A) Its fancy design. B)TV commercials. C) Its taste and texture. D) Peer influence. 【答案】B

【解析】 本题为细节题,由【 6-1】I think it’s all that advertising on TV. That’s where they get it. M: 【6-2】 Yes, it must be. My children see something on TV and they immediately want it. 可知:我认为那都是电视上的广告,它们是孩子们能够获得这些信息的途径,是的,一


7.What do the speakers believe big food corporations are doing?

7. A) Investing heavily in the production of sweet foods. B) Marketing their products with ordinary ingredients. C) Trying to trick children into buying their products. D) Offering children more varieties to choose from. 【答案】C

【解析】 本题为细节题,由【7】And these big food corporations have so much money to spend on clever tactics designed to make young children want to buy their products. 可知:这些大的食品公司在广告设计上花很多钱,以此让小孩买他们的产品。C选项:


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8.What do we know about the speakers when they were children?

8. A) They hardly ate vegetables. B)They seldom had junk food.

C) They favored chocolate-coated sweets. D) They liked the food advertised on TV. 【答案】B

【解析】 本题为细节题,由 【8】 When we were children, we barely had any junk food available,可知:当我们还是孩子的时候,我们几乎没有垃圾食品吃。B选项:他们很少吃垃圾食


Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


Passage One

At some 2,300 miles in length, the Mississippi is the longest river in the United States. At some 1,000 miles, the Mackenzie is the longest river in Canada. But these waterways seem minute in comparison to the world’s two lengthiest rivers: the Nile and the Amazon. The Nile, which begins in central Africa and flows over 4,100 miles north into the Mediterranean, hosted one of the world’s great ancient civilizations along its shores. Calm and peaceful for most of the year, the Nile used to flood annually, thereby creating, irrigating and carrying new top soil to the nearby farmland on which ancient Egypt


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depended for livelihood. As a means of transportation, the river carried various vessels up and down its length. 【9】A journey through the unobstructed part of this waterway today would pass by the splendid Valley of the Kings with the tombs of many of these ancient monarchs have stood for over 3,000 years. 【10】 Great civilizations and intensive settlement are hardly associated with the Amazon. 【11】 Yet this 4,000-mile long South American river carries about 20% of the world’s fresh water, more than the Mississippi, Nile and Yangtze combined. Other statistics are equally astonishing. The Amazon is so wide at some points that from its center neither shore can be seen. Each second the Amazon pours some 55 million gallons of water into the Atlantic. There, at its mouth, stands one island larger than Switzerland. Most important of all, the Amazon irrigates the largest tropical rainforest on earth.


1. comparison [k?m?p?r?sn] n. 比较,对照;[语]比喻;比较级;

2. thereby [?ee??ba?] adv. 由此,从而;在那附近;

3. irrigate [??r?ge?t]

vt. 灌溉;冲洗(伤口);使清新; vi. 灌溉;冲洗;

4. unobstructed ['?n?b'str?kt?d]

adj. 不被阻塞的,没有障碍的,畅通无阻的;交通;


5. splendid [?splend?d]

adj. 壮观的,豪华的;极好的或令人满意的;闪亮的;为众人所推崇的;

6. tombs [tu:mz]

n. 墓穴( tomb的名词复数 );墓葬;墓群;

7. monarchs

n. 君主,帝王( monarch的名词复数 );

8. intensive [?n?tens?v]

adj. 加强的,强烈的;[农]精耕细作的;[语]加强语意的;(农业方法)集约的; n. 加强器;[语]强义词,强调成份;

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9. devastating [?dev?ste?t??]

adj. 毁灭性的,灾难性的;惊人的,可怕的;迷人的;强大的;

v. 彻底破坏( devastate的现在分词);摧毁;毁灭;

10. primitive [?pr?m?t?v]

adj. 原始的;发展水平低的;落后的;[生物学]原


n. 原始人;早期的艺术家(作品);单纯的人:不世故的人;自学的艺术家; 11. tribes

n. 部落( tribe的名词复数 );(动、植物的)族;(一)帮;大群;

Questions9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.

9.What can be found in the Valley of the Kings?

9. A) Stretches of farmland.

C) Tombs of ancient rulers.

D) Ruins left by devastating floods.

B) Typical Egyptian animal farms. 【答案】C

【解析】 本题为细节题,由【 9】A journey through the unobstructed part of this waterway today would pass by the splendid Valley of the Kings with the tombs of many of these ancient monarchs have stood for over 3,000 years. 可知:如今在这条不可阻挡的水路上旅


10.In what way is the Amazon different from other big rivers?

10. A) It provides habitats for more primitive tribes.

B) It is hardly associated with great civilizations. C) It has not yet been fully explored and exploited. D) It gathers water from many tropical ruin forests. 【答案】B

【解析】 本题为细节题,由【10】 Great civilizations and intensive settlement are hardly

associated with the Amazon. 可知:伟大的 和密集的部落几乎没有和亚马逊河流有关联;B选



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