2018年6月大学英语六级真题试卷二及详细答案(精品) 下载本文

11.What does the speaker say about the Amazon?

11. A) It carries about one fifth of the world’s fresh water.

B) It has numerous human settlements along its banks. C) It is second only to the Mississippi River in width. D) It is as long as the Nile and the Yangtze combined. 【答案】A

【解析】 本题为细节题,由【11】 Yet this 4,000-mile long South American river carries

about 20% of the world’s fresh water, more than the Mississippi, Nile and Yangtze combined.可知:这个4000多英里长的南美洲河流拥有世界20%的淡水,超过了密西西比河,尼



Passage Two

How often do you say to people “I’m busy” or “I haven’t got time for that”? 【12】 It’s an inevitable truth that all of us live a life in the fast lane, even though we know that being busy is not always particularly healthy. Growing up in New Zealand, everything was always calm and slow. People enjoyed the tranquility of a slower pace of life. 【13】But after I moved to Tokyo and lived there for a number of years, I got used to having a pile of to-do lists, and my calendar always looked like a mess with loads of things to do written across it. I found myself filling my time up with endless work meetings and social events, rushing along as busy as a bee. 【14】 Then, one day I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not only detrimental but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race. So, I started practicing the various practical steps mentioned by the author in


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the book, and began to revolt against the very idea of being too busy.【15】It doesn’t mean that my to-do lists no longer exist, but I’ve become more aware of the importance of slowing down, and making sure that I enjoy the daily activities as I carry them out. From now on, when someone asks you how your life is, try responding with words like “exciting” and “fun”, instead of the cultural norm that says “busy”. See if your experience of tranquility that follows.

【杀掉拦路虎】 1. inevitable [?n?ev?t?bl]

adj. 不可避免的;必然发生的;<非正>总会发生的;必然发生的事;

2. lane [le?n]

n. 小路,小巷;航道,空中走廊,规定的单向行车道;车道;[篮球]罚球区;

3. tranquility [tr??'kw?l?t?] n. 平静;安静;安宁;平稳;

4. detrimental [?detr??mentl] adj. 有害的;不利的;

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

n. 有害的人(或物);不受欢迎的求婚者; 5. revolt [r??v??lt] vt. (使)厌恶;

vi. 反叛,背叛;厌恶,反感; n. 造反,起义;

6. norm [n?:m]

n. 标准;规范;准则;(劳动)定额;

7. fatigue [f??ti:g]

n. 疲劳,疲乏;劳务杂役;(士兵穿的)工作服; vt. 使疲劳;使疲乏; vi. 疲劳;

12.What does the speaker think is an inevitable truth?

12. A) Living a life in the fast lane leads to success.

B) We are always in a rush to do various things. C) The search for tranquility has become a trend. D) All of us actually yearn for a slow and calm life. 【答案】B


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【解析】 本题为推断题,由【 12】 It’s an inevitable truth that all of us live a life in the fast lane, even though we know that being busy is not always particularly healthy.可知:这


13.What does the speaker say about her life in Tokyo?

13. A) She had trouble balancing family and work

B) She enjoyed the various social events. C) She was accustomed to tight schedules. D) She spent all her leisure time writing books. 【答案】C

【解析】 本题为细节题,由【13】But after I moved to Tokyo and lived there for a number

of years, I got used to having a pile of to-do lists, and my calendar always looked like a mess with loads of things to do written across it.可知:但是我搬到东京在哪儿生活几年,


14.What made the speaker change her lifestyle?

14. A) The possibility of ruining her family.

B) Becoming aware of her declining health. C) The fatigue from living a fast-paced life. D) Reading a book about slowing down. 【答案】D

【解析】 本题为细节题,由 【14】 Then, one day I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not only detrimental but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race. 可知:后来,有一天,我偶然发现了一本名为《赞美缓慢》


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15.What happened after the speaker changed her lifestyle?

15. A) She started to follow the cultural norms.

B) She came to enjoy doing everyday tasks. C) She learned to use more polite expressions. D) She stopped using to-do lists and calendars. 【答案】B

【解析】 本题为细节题,由 【15】It doesn’t mean that my to-do lists no longer exist, but I’ve become more aware of the importance of slowing down, and making sure that I enjoy the daily activities as I carry them out. 可知:这并不意味着我的待办事项清单已不复


Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 【听力原文】

Recording One

Governments, private groups and individuals spend billions of dollars a year trying to root out non-native organisms that are considered dangerous to ecosystems and to prevent the


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introduction of new intruders. 【16】 But a number of scientists question the assumption that the presence of alien species can never be acceptable in the natural ecosystem. They say that portraying introduced species as inherently bad is an unscientific approach. 【17】 “Distinctions between exotic and native species are artificial,” said Dr.Michael Rosensberg, a professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona. Because they depend on picking a date and calling the plants and animals that show up after that date exotic. “Ecosystem’s free of species to find as exotic are by default considered the most natural. You can’t roll back the clock and remove all exotics or fix habitats,” Dr.Rosensberg said. Both native and exotic species can become invasive and so they all have to be monitored and controlled when they begin to get out of hand. At its core, the debate is about how to manage the world’s remaining natural ecosystems and about how and how much to restore other habitats. Species that invade a territory can harm ecosystems, agriculture and human health. They can threaten some native species or even destroy and replace others. “Next to habitat loss, these invasive species represent the greatest threat to biodiversity worldwide,” many ecologists say. Ecologists generally define an alien species as one that people accidentally or deliberately carried to its new location. Across the American continents, exotic species are those introduced after the first European contact. That date rounded up to 1500 AD represents what ecologists consider to have been in major shift in the spread of species including crops and livestock, as they begin to migrate with humans from continent to continent.【18】 “Only a small percentage of alien species cause problems in their new habitats,” said Don Smith, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Tenacy. “Of the 7,000 alien species in the United States, out of a total of 150,000 species, only about 10% are


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