新编实用英语unit1教案 下载本文


授课题目 Text A My college life 授课时间 第 周 星期 第 节 课 次 第 次课 课 时 2 学时 教 具 多媒体 授课班级 教学方法 授课方式 Situational Teaching Method 理论课□√ 实验课□ 讨论课□√ 习题课□ 其 他□ 教学目的 1. To make the student to know the differences between senior high school life and college life. 2. To master the key words and phrases in Text A. 教学重点 1. New words and phrases . 2. The important grammar points. 教学难点 Long sentences and complex sentences in the text. 课后作业与思考题 Fill in & Translation Students show great enthusiasm to the new college life. They are very interested in the following college life and they are asked to make their own plans for college life . 教学后记



(一 ) 新课导入

教师通过多媒体展示新校园,新生军训照片,从而导入课堂主题——new life at college, 让学生发表来到新校园的感受与计划。 (二)讲授新课 (1)New words 1. Various 各种各样的

. Various people said they had seen the accident. 许多人都说目睹了这次事故。

a variety of (多种的) = various (不同的, 各种各样的)

. There are a variety of animals in the zoo.

=There are various animals in the zoo.

2. Campus 校园 3. Arouse 唤醒,引起

4. Enthusiasm 热情,热衷的事物 Enthusiastic (adj) 热心的,热情的

. Enthusiasm is the lifeblood of creativity. 热情是创新的命根子。

5. Benefit 得益,受益


. It is said Yoga is of great benefit to human health. 据说瑜咖功对人体健康有极


2)用作动词。(常与from, by连用)获益;得益于

. The plants benefited from the rain. 植物得益于这场雨。 . We benefit from daily exercises. 我们得益于每天做操。 固定搭配: for the benefit of为了...的好处

be of benefit to 对…有益

6. Adapt 适应,改编

固定搭配:adapt to 使适应,适应于

. You must adapt to the norms in the society you live in. 在社会生活中就要遵循社会

生活准则。 7. Mature 成熟的

前面通常可加:become, get, grow, 表示“变得成熟” 8. Comfortable 舒适的 comfort 舒适 (n.) 搭配:in comfort

. This is a place in which the westerners feel comfortable..

这是一个西方人感觉舒适自由的地方。 9. widen 使变宽,扩大

gap between rich and poor has continued to widen. 穷人和富人之间的收入差距在继续扩大。 10. addition 补充

固定搭配:in addition 除此之外,除了 In addition to 除了

In addition 和 in addition to 之间的区别:

1) in addition 相当于副词,通常放在句首,后面接完整的句子;例:

The garden has the best collection of plants. In addition, it contains numerous of trees and flowers from oversea.

这个花园有当地植物的最佳珍藏。除此之外,它还有无数来自海外的花草树木。 2) in addition to 整个词组相当于一个介词,to后面要接宾语。例如:

In addition to native plants, the garden contains numerous trees and flowers from oversea.

除了当地的植物,这个花园还有无数来自海外的花草树木。 11. apply 申请

固定搭配:apply for 申请 apply to 适用于,运用于

apply oneself to 致力于,集中精神做某事

(2) Text analysis

Main idea of the text; important phrases 1. be different from 与…不同

The college life is quite different from senior high school life.

2. above all 首先,尤其是

Above all, there are various activities at college. 同义词:at first, at the beginning, in the first place 3. take part in 参加,参与

On campus, we should take part in more activities to enrich our life. 在大学校园里,我们应该通过多参与课外活动来丰富我们的生活。 4. look after=take care of 照顾,照看

Our parents keep looking after us all their life. 我们的父母一辈子都在照看着我们。 5. depend on 依赖

Depending on others will never make us mature. 依赖他人永远都不能成熟。 同义词:depend upon

6. adapt oneself to…使某人适应于

One should adapt himself to the change conditions. 我们应当使自己适应于变化了的情况。 7. drive somebody to do 驱使某人做某事

Teachers would drive the students to study if they don’t work hard. 8. more often than not 往往,常常

More often than not, these processes start with a simple question: what interests us