汽车安全性能毕业论文精编版 下载本文



随着电子和信息技术的发展, 汽车性能已在传统的行驶、转向、制动性能等基础上有了很大提高。人们对于汽车的安全性要求也从被动安全性转向主动安全性。 本文就在此出发点上,着重介绍了几种发展比较成熟的现代汽车制动系统,如ABS、ESP及ASR等等。通过对这三种制动系统的功用构造、工作原理及工作过程的介绍,让大家更加了解现代汽车制动系统的安全性。另外本文又介绍了几种制动系中较为先进的新技术,如电子差速锁(EDS)、电子制动力分配系统(EBD)、辅助制动系统(BAS)、紧急制动辅助装置(EBA)、转弯制动控制(CBC)和全电路制动(BBW)等等。通过对这些新技术的功用及原理的简单介绍,让大家有了一些初步认识。虽然发展并没有那么成熟,或者说是广泛,但是其前景还是很明朗的。 关键词:汽车制动 安全技术 ABS 电子技术




Title: Automotive brake systems of modern safety technology Abstract: Along with electronic and the information technology development, the automobile performance in the traditional travel, changed, foundations and so on in braking quality had the very big enhancement. The people also change the initiative security regarding the automobile secure request from the passive security. This article on in this starting point, emphatically introduced several kind of development quite mature modern automobile braking system, like ABS, ESP and ASR and so on. Through to these three kind of braking system function structure, the principle of work and the work process introduction, lets everybody even more understand the modern automobile braking system the security. Moreover this article also introduced in several kind of braking systems a more advanced new technology, like electronic differential lock (EDS), electronic braking force distribution system (EBD), assistance braking system (BAS), emergency brake auxiliary unit (EBA), curve brake control (CBC) and the entire electric circuit apply the brake (BBW) and so on. Through to these new technical functions and the principle simple introductions, let everybody have some preliminary 1


understanding. Although develops not that maturely, or said is widespread, but its prospect is very bright. Keywords:Automobile brake Safety work ABS Electronic technology 2