北京市海淀区2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版 下载本文

W: Wow, you really have a lot of fun in Grade Seven! 请听一段独白,完成第11至第12小题。

I had a really bad day today. When I came back from school this afternoon, I

couldn’t find my pet dog Kiki. Kiki is like a brother to me. He came to our home when I was only five years old. He is now part of my life. I feed him every day, and sometimes give him a bath. Every night, he sleeps on my bed. He always greets me when I am back home. Before I do my homework, I always walk him in the park. In the evening, he stays with me when I study at my desk. And we often play together when I am free. He can make me feel safe and truly happy. But now I feel so sad. I don’t know where Kiki is, and I’m really worried about him. I wish he could come back soon. If someone could send him back, I would be very thankful!


Healthy eating habits are really important to our lives. To eat healthy, the following ways can be helpful.

Before each breakfast, we’d better get up an hour early and go for a walk. After we finish the morning walk, we will find the breakfast more delicious. A cup of milk, some bread and two eggs will make us feel good the whole day. We can also eat some fruit, but not too much for breakfast.

For lunch, always remember to eat some green vegetables. I know many people don’t like eating them, but they are good for our health. Also, never eat too much meat. Junk food is not healthy, either.

As for dinner, it’s best if we have it at least three hours before our bedtime. And eat something light like salad. Our body doesn’t need much energy at night. Don’t eat too much ice-cream. It can make us fat.

These easy ways can help us eat healthy. Try these ways for a week and you’ll see the difference!