变频器恒压供水系统方案 下载本文

responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and analysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material prices,Freight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;PLC风光变频器一拖五供水控制系统



图1 生活/消防双恒压供水系统示意图

现场设备参数如下: 型号 80GDL54-14×7 流量 54m3/h 扬程 98m 效率 70% 转速 2900r/min 电机功率 22KW 电机数量 5台 3.系统控制要求

用户对五台泵生活/消防双恒压供水系统的基本要求是: ⑴生活供水时,系统低恒压运行,消防供水时高恒压值运行。 ⑵五台泵根据恒压的需要,采取先开先停的原则接入和退出。


⑷五台泵在启动时都要有软启动功能。 ⑸要有完善的报警功能。

responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and analysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material prices,Freight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;⑹对泵的操作要有手动控制功能;手动只在应急或检修时使用。 4.设备选型


JD-BP32-XF型是山东新风光电子科技发展有限公司推出的专用供水变频器,使用空间电压矢量控制技术适用于各类自控场合。在恒压供水中可以采用这类变频器。JD-BP32-XF型变频器除具有变频器的一般特性外,还具有以下特性:水压高、水压低输出接口,变频器运行上限、下限频率(可以任意设定),可以方便地进行双压力控制,内置智能PI控制,以上功能非常适用于供水控制要求。在本例中选用JD-BP32-22F(22KW)风光供水变频器拖动用户水泵。 (2)PLC选型


根据图1所示及控制要求,统计控制系统的输入、输出信号的名称,代码及地址编号如下表1所示。水位上、下限信号分别为I0.1、I0.2。 输入输出点/代码及地址编号表1 名 称 输入信号 手动和自动消防信号 水池下限信号 水池上限信号 变频器报警信号 消铃按钮 试灯按钮 水压低信号 水压高信号 输出信号 1#泵工频运行接触器及指示灯 1#泵变频运行接触器及指示灯 2#泵工频运行接触器及指示灯 2#泵变频运行接触器及指示灯 3#泵工频运行接触器及指示灯 3#泵变频运行接触器及指示灯 4#泵工频运行接触器及指示灯 4#泵变频运行接触器及指示灯 5#泵工频运行接触器及指示灯 5#泵变频运行接触器及指示灯 生活/消防供水转换电磁阀、压力转换 火灾报警指示灯 水池水位下限报警指示灯 报警电铃 变频器开停机控制 代 码 SA1 SLL SLH SU SB7 SB8 SY1 SY2 KM1,HL1 KM2,HL2 KM3,HL3 KM4,HL4 KM5,HL5 KM6,HL6 KM7,HL7 KM8,HL8 KM9,HL9 KM10,HL10 YV2,HL11 KA1, HL12 HA KA2 Q1.5 Q1.6 Q1.7 地址编码 I0.0 I0.1 I0.2 I0.3 I0.4 I0.5 I0.6 I0.7 Q0.0 Q0.1 Q0.2 Q0.3 Q0.4 Q0.5 Q1.0 Q1.1 Q1.2 Q1.3 Q1.4 ②PLC系统选型

responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and analysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material prices,Freight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work; 系统共有开关量输入点8个,开关量输出点14个,选用西门子主机CPU222(8入6继电器输出)1台,加上扩展模块EM222(8继电器输出)1台。即可满足用户供水控制要求 (3)压力传感器

在供水系统中,压力传感器既可以采用压力变送器,也可以采用远传压力表。在本例中采用远传压力表,压力表相应接线端子接到变频器主控板3脚、4脚、5脚即可。 5.电气控制系统原理图

电气控制系统原理图包括主电路图、控制电路图及PLC外围接线图三部分。 (1)主电路图




如图3所示为电控系统电路。图中SA为手动/自动转换开关,SA打在1的位置为手动控制状态,打在2的状态为自动控制状态。手动运行时,可用按钮SB1~SB12控制五台泵的起/停和电磁阀YV2的通/断;自动运行时,系统在PLC程序控制下运行。 图中的HL13为自动运行状态电源指示灯。