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ÐÕÃû Name ÁõÇ¿ Quentin Qiang Liu ËùÔÚԺϵ Schools & Departments Ö×Áö·ÀÖÎÖÐÐÄ Ñ§¿Æ¡¢×¨Òµ Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center Major Ö×Áöѧ Oncology E-mail£ºliuq9@mail.sysu.edu.cn, wangzf@sysucc.org.cn (i) Ö×Áö¸Éϸ°û¶¯Ì¬ÑݽøµÄ»úÖƼ°¸ÉÔ¤µÄÑо¿ (ii) ·Ö×Ó°ÐÏòÖÎÁƲúÉúµÄ¶à±¶ÌåµÄÄÍÒ©»úÖƼ°¸ÉÔ¤µÄÑо¿ (iii) ±ÇÑÊ°©¼°¼××´ÏÙ°©µÈʵÌåÁöÈ¥·Ö»¯µÄ±í¹ÛÒÅ´«Ñ§»úÖƵÄÑо¿ Ò»¡¢ÕÐÊÕ²©Ê¿ºóWe focus on dissecting the distinctive properties of cancer stem cells Äâ³Ðµ£»ò¿ªÕ¹µÄin various carcinomas, and exploit these traits as vulnerabilities Ö÷ÒªÑо¿ÈÎÎñ towards the development of targeted cancer therapies. The candidate will engage in cutting-edge, high-impact cancer research that will main task for bridge the fundamental, translational and clinical sciences, and will post-doctorate have the opportunity to work closely with clinicians. Specific areas research ( in of investigation relate to (i) molecular mechanisms and intervention both Chinese of dynamic evolution and drug resistance of cancer stem cells (ii) and English ) molecular mechanisms of polyploidy induced by target therapy (iii) dedifferentiation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and thyroid carcinoma: epigenetic mechanism and application. ¶þ¡¢¶Ô²©Ê¿ºóÉêÇëÈ˵Ä×ʸñÒªÇó ÉêÇëÈËÓ¦¾ßÓÐÉúÎïҽѧÏà¹ØÁìÓòµÄÑо¿±³¾°²¢»ñµÃ²©Ê¿Ñ§Î»¡£»ý¼«ÉϽø£¬¾ßÓÐÍŶӺÏ×÷¾«Éñ¡£±í¹ý SCIÂÛÎĵÄÓÅÏÈ¿¼ÂÇ¡£ Qualified candidates should have strong background in one or more of the following areas: molecular/cell biology, biochemistry, cancer genetics. Previous experience in generating and analyzing mouse models is desirable. We prefer candidates who are about to graduate with PhD or MD/PhD degree, or have graduated within the last 12 months. A track record of excellent first author publication during PhD training is highly desirable. Candidates are expected to be highly motivated, creative, and strongly enthusiastic in addressing challenging problems in the field of cancer. Èý¡¢¶Ô²©Ê¿ºóÔÚÕ¾ÆÚ¼äµÄÒªÇó£¨ÂÛÎÄ¡¢ÂÛÖø£¬È¡µÃ»ù½ð¡¢½±Àø»òרÀûµÈ£© ²©Ê¿ºóÔÚÕ¾ÆÚ¼äÓ¦»ý¼«¿ªÕ¹Ñо¿¹¤×÷²¢×«Ð´Ñо¿ÂÛÎÄ¡£¹ÄÀøÔÚÕ¾²©Ê¿ºóÉêÇëÏà¹ØרÀûºÍÉêÇë¿ÆѧÑо¿»ù½ð¡£ The successful applicant is required to advance their research in the laboratory and take an active approach to publish research papers and obtain competitive research funding. ËÄ¡¢ÄâÕÐÊÕ²©Ê¿¡õ×Գﲩʿºó ÄâÕÐ 0 Ãû ºóÀàÐͼ°ÈËÊý ¡õ¼Æ»®ÄÚ²©Ê¿ºó ÄâÕÐ 2 Ãû ×Ô³ïÕÐÊÕ¾­·ÑÀ´Ô´£º