(共40套145页)通用版2019高考英语课本知识梳理(必修1至选修8)汇总 下载本文





Ⅰ. 语境填词

1. Our parents are ___________ about our health. As far as I’m ___________, we should talk with them and tell them our ___________. (concern)

2. The ___________ village was destroyed. It now looks ___________ different from the previous one. (entire)

3. After he came to ___________, everyone said he was a ___________ leader, but now he feels so ___________ that he even can’t save his daughter. (power)

4. The doctor said her father would ___________ soon and we wish her

father would make a full ___________ from the operation. (recover) 5. The old man went through a lot of ___________ in the old days. What’s worse, he ___________ from heart attack when he was in his eighties. (suffer)

6. A fly kept ___________ the boy. He was so ___________ that he ___________ the cup on the desk. (upset)

7. A few people ___________ while most people ___________, so no ___________ was made. (agree)

8. The room was very ___________ when I walked in. All the furniture was covered in ___________. (dust) 答案:1. concerned ; concerned; concerns 2. entire ; entirely

3. power; powerful ; powerless 4. recover ; recovery 5. sufferings ; suffered 6. upsetting ; upset ; upset 7. agreed ; disagreed; agreement 8. dusty ; dust Ⅱ. 单句改错

1. I failed again, but my parents encouraged me and told me that failure was the mother of success. ( )

2. It was not until she got home when Jennifer realized she had lost her