-年度 七年级英语上 沪教牛津版(unit-unit) 教材听力原文及听力录音 下载本文

Unit 1 Making friends


Jason is asking Mandy about her e-friend. Listen to their conversation and complete the notes below. Write one word or figure in each blank. Jason: Who’s your e-friend, Mandy?

Mandy: Her name’s Yuki. She’s from Japan. Jason: How old is she? Mandy: She’s 12.

Jason: What does she look like?

Mandy: She’s short and thin. She has long hair. Jason: What’s her hobby?

Mandy: She likes drawing pictures.

Jason: How many brothers and sisters does she have? Mandy: She has one elder sister. Jason: Where does she live?

Mandy: She lives in a small flat in Tokyo. Jason: What’s her dream?

Mandy: She wants to be an Art teacher.


A1 Listen carefully and circle the word you hear from each pair.

Unit 2 Daily life


Jack is talking about his weekend. Listen to him carefully and fill in the blanks. Use the time expressions in the box to help you. Picture a

On Saturday morning, I usually get up at seven o’clock. My brother Peter and I always go to the library. It’s close to our home. We read books there. Picture b

After lunch, I often go shopping with my family. We visit the street market. We always buy lots of fruit and vegetables, and we sometimes buy fish and meat. Picture c

Later in the afternoon, we go to a music room. Mum and Dad sing. Peter and I play the guitar. We have a lot of fun. I’m not good at singing, so I seldom sing. Picture d

I always do my homework between eight and nine in the evening. I work in my room. I usually go to bed at ten o’clock. I never go to bed late.

Unit 3 The Earth


Listen to a quiz about the sea. Then circle the correct pictures. Miss Liu: OK, class. Let’s do a quiz together. Danny: What’s the quiz about, Miss Liu? Miss Liu: It’s about the sea.

Danny: I love the sea! Let’s start.

Miss Liu: OK. Number one. How much of the Earth is covered by water? Danny: I know. The answer is three quarters!

Miss Liu: That’s correct. Number two. Which animal lives in the sea? Give me one example. Jane: The whale!

Miss Liu: That’s right. You’re a clever girl, Jane. Now number three. How deep is the deepest part

of the sea?

Peter: Five kilometres?

Miss Liu: No. Try again, Peter. Peter: More than 10 kilometres? Miss Liu: Correct!


A1 Listen carefully and circle the word you hear from each pair.

Unit 4 Seasons


A Listen to Kelly talking about the weather in Canberra, Australia and put the photos below in the correct order. Write the numbers 1—4 in the boxes.

Our autumn is from March to May. It’s usually sunny and dry. There are orange and brown leaves on the trees. They are beautiful. I like autumn best.

Summer in Canberra is usually dry and hot. It’s from December to February. We usually go to the beach and spend a week there. I don’t like summer, but I like the summer holidays!

In Canberra, spring is from September to November. I love the spring weather here. It’s warm and sometimes rainy. There are lots of small, white flowers on the trees.

Winter in Canberra is from June to August, and it’s very cold. Some people like going to the Snowy Mountains. I don’t like going out in the cold weather. I usually stay at home. B Listen again and complete the table below.

Our autumn is from March to May. It’s usually sunny and dry. There are orange and brown leaves on the trees. They are beautiful. I like autumn best.

Summer in Canberra is usually dry and hot. It’s from December to February. We usually go to the

beach and spend a week there. I don’t like summer, but I like the summer holidays!

In Canberra, spring is from September to November. I love the spring weather here. It’s warm and sometimes rainy. There are lots of small, white flowers on the trees.

Winter in Canberra is from June to August, and it’s very cold. Some people like going to the Snowy Mountains. I don’t like going out in the cold weather. I usually stay at home.


A1 Listen carefully and circle the word you hear from each pair.