2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 6单元测试卷(含答案) 下载本文

( )32.The stepmother made the girl ______ chores and didn't allow her to rest. A.did B.do C.does D.doing

( )33.I couldn't stop______ photos when I saw the amazing views. A.to take B.took C.take D.taking ( )34.—Do you want to go to the beach?

—Yes,but I can't go there ______ my mother comes back. A.since B.although C.unless D.if

( )35.The emperor was ______ stupid ______ everyone laughed at him. A.so;that B.such;that C.too;to D.so;to Ⅵ.完形填空。(10分)

Once upon a time,there was a king in southern India.He wanted to know the people in his kingdom,so he said to his courtiers(侍臣),“Go to __36__ how the people of my kingdom are and bring me the person who __37__ the secret(秘密) of work.”

The next day,the courtiers went around the kingdom.They saw a man who was __38__ trees and asked,“Do you like your work,Sir?” The man replied,“No,I do it __39__ my parents ask me to do it.” Soon they saw a washerman and asked,“Do you like your work,Sir?” The man answered angrily,“No.It's __40__ to do it.When I was young,I didn't show much interest in studying and I __41__ listened to my parents.So I have to wash clothes now.”

Then the courtiers __42__ to go back and tell the king the __43__.But suddenly,

they saw a teacher studying a science book.So they asked him the same question.

The teacher replied,“I love my work and it gives me __44__ and happiness while teaching so many children.”

Hearing this,the courtiers were very happy.They took him to the king.The king talked with him __45__ a long time and later built a big school for him.

( )36.A.accept B.change C.report D.find ( )37.A.wonders B.knows C.loses D.risks ( )38.A.cutting down B.cutting up C.cutting off D.cutting out

( )39.A.until B.although C.because D.unless ( )40.A.brave B.stupid C.dangerous D.serious ( )41.A.never B.just C.once D.even

( )42.A.competed B.refused C.decided D.forgot ( )43.A.skill B.object C.grade D.result

( )44.A.question B.satisfaction C.truth D.pressure ( )45.A.of B.from C.about D.for Ⅶ.阅读理解。(30分) A

One day,an old woman found a peach(桃子) in the river and took it home.She and her husband found a child in the peach when they were trying to eat it.They called him Momotarō. When Momotarō grew up,he started to fight against bad men.With the help of a dog,a monkey and a bird,Momotarō beat them and went back home safely. A kind old man created(创造) Pinocchio from wood and treated(对待) him as his son. Instead of doing right things like going to school,Pinocchio liked hanging out.One day,a whale(鲸) ate the old man.Pinocchio went into the sea and risked his life to save his father.The brave act made him become a Pinocchio real man. ( )46.Who found the peach in the river? A.An old woman. B.An old man. C.An old couple. D.Momotarō. ( )47.What did Pinocchio enjoy doing? A.Cutting wood. B.Going to school.

Momotarō C.Helping others. D.Hanging out.

( )48.Pinocchio's ______act made him become a real man at last. A.friendly B.brave C.funny D.bad

( )49.What did Momotarō and Pinocchio have in common? A.They both came from a peach. B.They didn't love their fathers. C.They were not born humans.

D.They both loved to fight against bad men. ( )50.What do we know from the passage? A.Momotarō loved eating peach. B.Momotarō got hurt in the fight. C.Pinocchio had three animal friends. D.Pinocchio saved his father from the whale.