2017届高考英语语法词汇综合练系列08(第02期)(江苏卷适用)(原卷版) 下载本文



1.He lived outside conventional ideas, he implied, because “I live alone mostly, in the middle of _______.” A. somewhere B. nowhere an attitude of doing things. A. imitation economy. A. commitment A. connection

B. appointment C. instrument B. reflection

C. collection

D. requirement D. reception

4.At first I disagreed with what he said, but on _______ I realized he was partly right. 5.—Can you tell us your _______ for a healthy life? —A balanced diet combined with exercise, definitely. A. recipe

B. record

C. range

D. receipt

6.Purchases online are to be believed provided that you and seller have communicated and reached a compromise _______ the wishes of both parties.

A. in defense of B. in view of C. in line with D. in company with

7.It’s impossible to give any details of the plan for rebuilding the town centre. At this stage it is only _______. A. in the way A. within

B. on the way B. above B. sensitive

C. on the air C. about

D. in the air D. beyond D. passive

8.Great pity! His illness is ________ the treatment available so far.

9.Listening is thus an active, not a _______, behaviour consisting of hearing, understanding and remembering. A. considerate health care.

A. permanent object. A. fragile

B. domestic B. updated

C. transparent C. anticipated

D. foreign D. overlooked

12.Hearing the doorbell, I ran to answer it but found my brother had _______ me and let the guests in. A. interrupted

13.To realize his dream as a pianist, he _______ practicing playing it in all his free time. A. hired himself out B. threw himself into A. cracked down on

B. fallen back on

C. resigned himself to D. wrestled himself with C. kept up with

D. got away with

14.Facebook has recently _______ a string of Facebook groups committed to illegally sharing copyrighted music.

B. precise C. privileged D. primary

11.Shortly after the operation, the patient’s immune system would reject the transplanted organ as a _______

C. reliable

10.In those days, our _______ concern was to provide people who were stopped by the snowstorm with food and

B. imagination

C. innovation

D. inspiration

3.Now that the banks are back on their feet, we expect extraordinary _______ from them to help rebuild the

C. anywhere

D. everywhere

2.Many people tend to assume that _______ just means creating something new, but actually it’s more than that-it’s

15.—I regret to tell you that the council did not _______ our plan. —Oh, what a shame! A. smile on

B. concentrate on

C. see through

D. live through

16.Beijing's succeeding in bidding for _______ 2022 Winter Olympics has driven public enthusiasm for winter sports to _______ new heights. A. a; the

B. /; /

C. the; /

D. /; the

17.—Hi, Jenny, how are you getting on with your packing? —I _______ what to take with me. A. will have decided

B. would decide

C. am deciding

D. had decided

18.—We thought he would have got the job.

—What a pity! He _______ too nervous when interviewed. A. was

B. had been

C. has been

D. would have been

19.—My computer _______ start, no matter how hard I try. —It might have crashed. A. won’t A. voted

B. shouldn’t B. had voted

C. mustn’t C. should vote

D. wouldn’t D. should have voted

20.If 53,667 people _______ differently, Hillary Clinton would have keys to the White House.

21.Big fast food chains in New York have started to obey a rule first of its kind, _______ them to post calorie counts on the menu. A. to require A. to do reduce pain. A. why A. how A. unless

B. whether B. that

C. that

D. how D. when D. providing that

24.I’ve come to learn that the best time to debate with family members is _______ they have food in their mouths.

C. whether C. though

25.I see no reason why they shouldn't go on playing for another four or five years _______ they are fit enough.

B. so that

26. Browning sometimes gives us the impression, especially _______ religious difficulties are concerned, _______ he has all the answers to all the questions. A. as; since

B. as; that

C. where; since

D. where; that

27.People have the belief _______ factories should produce fewer things from raw materials, _______ the supply is growing smaller and smaller. A. which; that A. who

B. that; of which

B. where

C. that; whose D. which; whose C. whom

D. which

28.He’s a very good actor, _______ a lot of comedians are not, and he’s a good director and a good writer as well.

B. requiring B. doing

C. required C. done

D. having required D. to be done

22.With all the homework he was given _______, he gladly went to bed for a good sleep.

23.Recently, a new research has suggested the possibility in a popular magazine _______ pleasant smells might

29.His last novel sold amazingly more than ten thousand copies and we hope this one will be just _______. A. much popular

B. the most popular

C. the more popular

D. as popular

30.—Won’t Terry be upset?

—_______? He never thinks about anyone but himself. A. Guess what

B. Now what

C. Who cares

D. Who knows


Since I was 12 years old, I’ve suffered from a condition called Compulsive Hair Pulling(强迫性拔毛癖). The physical destruction was severe, but the emotional __1__ was worse. When I was young, no one, __2__ my doctor, knew how to help me. I was alone.

Growing up, I didn’t __3__ anywhere and I suffered great shame knowing I’d brought this __4__ upon myself. My hands seemed to have a __5__ of their own. “What’s wrong with me?” I’d often wonder. Sometimes, people asked about my __6__ of eyelashes(睫毛)and eyebrows. I was lonely, but I kept people at a distance. However, each night, __7__ I fell asleep, I’d pray to God to send someone who __8__.

Then when I was 25, I read a letter from a mom whose child suffered from the same illness. I could __9__ believe my eyes. After all these years, I discovered, I was not __10__.

At that moment, my journey for __11__ began. I took small __12__ at first—telling only a few friends. Some of them tried to understand. Then, they began to __13__ their secrets with me. I learned to see __14__ the way God saw me, someone __15__ love. One day, my __16__ happened. A friend called with wonderful news. She just met a woman with Compulsive Hair Pulling—someone just like me. She gave me her phone number. I was __17__. I quickly dialed, and from the minute Christina answered, we began to chat like old friends, both thrilled to find someone who understood our pain. We __18__ to meet soon, only to find we lived just two blocks away. We immediately __19__ our phones, and in the dark of night, ran outside to the nearby park in our pajamas, __20__ we hugged, cried and talked for hours. I felt I’d just met my long lost twin, someone who understood my pain and struggles.

Yes, it was true. I was not alone. 1. A. conflict

B. threat

C. damage C. beyond C. come up C. anger C. mind

D. puzzle D. but D. fall over D. tiredness D. conclusion

2. A. including 3. A. belong to 4. A. shyness 5. A. decision

B. except B. fit in B. pain B. solution