14-15外研版九年级英语(上册)Module4+试题(附答案解析) 下载本文



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一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1.— Has Jackie returned the dictionary to you?

— No, he gave me ______ empty promise. A. a C. the

B. an D. / B. us D. them

( )2. Maria, Luke’s aunt, will go to Ningxia. Luke has gone to the airport to see ______ off.

A. him C. her

B. for D. to

( )3. When I walked into Mr Black’s office, he was sending a text message ______ his mobile phone.

A. in

C. with

( )4. — May I know your ______, please?

— Sure. It’s 105 Smith Street. A. name C. size A. big

B. weight D. address B. simple

( )5. Linda was very tired, so she had a very ______ meal of bread and milk for dinner.

C. heavy D. tasty

— She is lying on the ______ watching her favourite TV programme. A. field C. sofa

B. grass D. beach

( )6. — It’s already 10 pm. What’s Jenny doing in the living room?

( )7. — Mrs Biggs ______ the meeting this morning. Do you know why?

— Yes. She went to Shanghai on business the day before yesterday and she won’t be A. held C. missed

B. attended D. joined

back until tomorrow.

( )8. — Did you see the accident?

— No. ______ , I learned about it from Lily. A. Actually C. Finally

B. Suddenly D. Immediately

( )9. When my baby sister fell asleep, Mum came out and ______ the door behind her carefully.



A. rang C. knocked A. it C. that

B. shut D. answered B. this D. there B. laughed D. to laugh

( )10. In my opinion, ______ is impossible for us to get there before 7 pm.

( )11. Mike came here not to help us, but ______ at us.

A. laughs C. laughing

( )12. Jim is busy preparing his report because Mr Li asked him to ______ tomorrow morning.

A. hand it in C. give it up A. Before C. Since

B. put it away D. pick it up B. Because D. Although

( )13. _____ Mr Brown has got a bad cold, he doesn’t want to take the afternoon off.

( )14. — My sister Jane has been to the Grand Canyon.

— ______. And I remained by the canyon for an hour. A. So she has C. So have I

B. So has she D. So I have

( )15. The guide said, “Ladies and gentlemen, now we are in the famous Australia Zoo. ______!”

A. Have fun C. I’m sorry

B. Good luck D. Well done

二. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。After I got up, I ran to my computer. It was the most important thing for me, but I found my computer was 16 .

“Where is my computer?” I looked for it everywhere.

Dad came and said 17 , “Your computer? I sold it because you have spent too much time playing games!”

I was sad. I did nothing but sit in front of my desk. Thinking of my 18 , I was more worried. I was used to doing homework on the computer and 19 it I wrote so slowly just like a primary school student.

“You should go out and look at the world. 20 to live a life without the computer, OK?!” Dad said.

I walked into the 21 and saw some people flying kites. I felt relaxed. “ 22 haven’t I come here? I used to play basketball happily in the park every afternoon with my classmates, but how could I choose to sit in front of a machine, doing nothing useful?” I asked 23 . ????????????????????????学习好帮手???????????????


Suddenly, I felt the ground was shaking.

“ 24 , Wilson! You’re late for school. It’s eight o’clock now!”

I opened my eyes and 25 it was a dream. I hurried to the desk and found my computer was still on the desk. ( )16. ( )17. ( )18. ( )19. ( )20. ( )21. ( )22. ( )23. ( )24. ( )25.

A. fast

B. dirty B. excitedly B. homework B. on

B. Help B. garden B. How long B. him

B. Look out B. agreed


In China, more and more villagers have left home to make a living in big cities. As a result, their children have become leftover children and they need more care. The survey below is from some villages in Central China. Three hundred children were chosen to answer the questions. What Love Money 18% Oneself 27% Yes Freedom 28% Control 10% Something else 4% No one 18% No C. broken C. angrily C. mother C. Try

D. missing D. nervously D. student D. because of D. Stop D. square D. How often D. myself D. Go away D. realised

A. proudly A. computer A. without A. Wait

A. park A. Why A. her

A. Wake up

C. except for C. playground C. How C. them C. hoped

C. Hang on

A. remembered

三.阅读理解 (每小题2分,共40分) 阅读下列材料,完成每篇材料后的问题。

they want 40% Who to talk with Communicate (交流) with their parents freely or not Family members 55% A little difficult 46% 44% 10% The way Living with parents Living without parents they like to live What 58% Bad 14% Good No idea 28% No idea ????????????????????????学习好帮手???????????????