英语人教版七年级上册unit6 do you like banana secti 下载本文


班级:七年级 主备人:李久琴 课题 学英课1 unit6 Do you like 科 语 时 bananas? Section A 学习目标: 1.Mast the names of fruit, food. drink, vegetables. 2.Countable nouns/Uncountable nouns/Countable and uncountable nouns 3.Talk about likes and dislikes. 4.How to get/have food. 5.useful expressions:\\ ①.I like….,but I don’t like ….. ②.Do you like…?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 学习过程: 一、 Check and lead to new lesson: T:There are many different kinds of fruits,foods,drinks,and vegetables in the word.and different people like different food. Everyone has its own taste.What kind of food do you like? What kind of food do you dislike? Today let’ s talk about the food we like and we dislike. (sing a song “If you are happy…). List the names of fruit,food,drink,and vegetables.(who is the best?) 1.汉堡包------ 2.苹果 ----- 3.桔子------4.冰激凌-------5.沙拉------- 6.香蕉-----------7-.草莓-------8.梨--------9.牛奶----------10.面包-------- 11.鸡肉----------12.西红柿-----13.米饭-----14.鸡蛋-----15.胡萝卜------- 二.Read the outline and solve problems by yourselves 1.将下列单数名词变成复数名词并读出来。 ①strawberry-----②apple-----③pear----④banana----⑤orange----- ⑥egg-----⑦.hamburger----⑧carrot----⑨tomato----⑩potato----- 2.将(一)中的15个单词按fruit,food,drink,and vegetables.进行归类,如有复数形式请直接将复数归到里边去。 fruit food drink ①--- ②--- ③----- -④------- ⑤------ ①--- ②--- ③----- -④------- ⑤------ ①-- vegetables ①--- ②--- ③----- -④------ 3.找出可数名词,不可数名词,可数名词兼不可数名词 Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Countable and uncountable nouns ①--- ②--- ③----- ①--- ②--- ③---- ④------- ⑤------⑥---⑦----⑧---⑨----⑩----- ①--- ②--- ③----- ④------- ⑤------ T: Lead to new language points: We have learned the names of the food ,drink and vegetables. Now you must like them. Then how to talk about the food we like and we dislike. Talk for myself; ①fruit: strawberries, apples, pears, bananas, oranges ②food: eggs, bread, rice hamburgers ③drink ;milk ④vegetables; carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, salad. 1.I like 2.I don’t like ①fruit: strawberries, apples, pears, bananas, oranges②food:eggs, bread, rice hamburgers ③drink ;milk ④vegetables; carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, salad. 3.Do you like…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 三、Discuss in pairs and complete in pairs 1.除了第一人称“.I”用“like”原型外。还有那几个人称可以直接用“like”原型那?①--- ②--- ③----- ④------- like apples... 2.如不喜欢某种东西用“----”来帮忙。又如何来表达那? I---- ---- apples. 3.如果询问别人是否喜欢某物时用“----”来帮忙? ----- you like apples? 肯定答语:Yes, ----- ------./No,----- ------. 四、Show language and extend language points. 1.展示导学提纲中自学部分(1,2,3.) 2.1a.Match the words with the things in the picture. 3.practice the sentences: I like I don’t like 并用其它人称进行练习。 4.完成3a(1,4,5) 5.practice the dialog:Do you like…?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 并用其它人称进行练习。 6.1b.Listen and number the conversations [1-3]. 7.2a.Listen and circle the food you hear.8.2b.Listen again. Fill in the blanks 9.Relax :How to get/have food.? finish 3b .Number these sentences(1-4) 10.知识拓展:1. like+……2. like+……3.like+…… 11.fruit,food,chicken,salad,ice-cream,什么时候可数,什么时候不可数那? 五、What have you learned in this class? 1.Mast the names of fruit, food. drink, vegetables. 2.Countable nouns/Uncountable nouns/Countable and uncountable nouns 3.Talk about likes and diskes. 4.How to get/have food. 5.useful expressions:\\ ①.I like….,but I don’t like ….. ②.Do you like…?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 六、Test: 一、 选词填空。 1. Do you like ___ (strawberry/strawberries)? 2. I don’t like___ (tomatos/tomatoes). 3. I like__ (bread/breads) 4. Let’s ___ (have / has) apples and bananas. 5. — Let’s get salad. — That_____ (Sounds/ sound) good 二、 根据图片提示完成句子。 1. — ___ you like ___________? — Yes, I do. I like ________, too. 2. — Let’s _____ salad. — Oh, no. I ______ ______ salad. 3. — Let’s _____ _________ and ___________. — That _______ good. I ____ them