2017-2018学年南京市第二次质量检测 二模英语 下载本文

2017-2018学年南京市第二次质量检测 二模






第一卷 选择题(共40分)


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答卷纸上将该项涂黑。 1. This is what Andy wrote just now. Maybe he is going to ___________. A. fix something C. buy some gifts

B. prepare a meal D. do some sports

2. Three-leaf Garden, which is about 20 kilometers

south of Yongyang, is full of visitors ___________ early April. A. on

this morning.

—Really? It seems they are interested in Chinese culture. A. they

B. them

C. themselves

D. their

4. —Are you going to take part in the writing competition? —Why not? I have ___________ to lose, right? A. nothing B. something A. wealthiest B. wealthier

C. anything C. wealthy

D. everything D. most wealth

5. According to Forbes, Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos ia now the ___________ person in the world. 6. —Some say drinking coffee can cause cancer.

—Well, coffee drinking hasn’t been shown to ___________ your risk of cancer. A. invite B. introduce A. what B. how 8. Ladies and gentlem A.takes off

B.is taking off

C.has taken off

D.took off

9. —I'm tired out these days.

—Well, you'd better keep a ________ between work and play. A. promise B. diary C. balance D. secret

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B. for C. at D. in

3. —We have some exchange students at school. I heard ___________ singing a Chinese folk song

C. imagine C. why

D. increase D. where

7. A ship is safe if it stays in a harbour. But this is not ___________ it is built.

10. —He may be in the classroom ,I think.

—No,he ___________ be in the classroom ,I saw him go home just now. A. needn’t

B. mustn’t C. can’t

D. shouldn’t

11.—You watched the fashion show last week, didn’t you? — Yes, ______ I missed the beginning. A. or B. so C. and

D. but D. uniform

12. In an English dictionary, which word comes before “toothache”? A. while B. teeth C. trust was never afraid of any power. A. passed down B. passed on Fools. A. call

B. are calling C. called D. are called

15. —Why did you take part in the charity walk? You are not good at running at all. — __________. I run to show that I can help others. A. I can’t agree more C. Not exactly

B. That’s not the point D. It sounds like a pity

C. passed off D. passed away

14. On April Fools’ Day, we play jokes on friends. The jokes and their victims __________ April 13.Li Ao, one of my favourite Chinese writer, ___________ earlier this year. He was a man who



As the world has become a global village(地球村), there are many ways to learn about a country. Reading a book and watching a movie are both good 16 . But here is another way – through statistics (数据).

US comic website DogHouse Diaries 17 statistics from sources(来源) including World Bank and Guinness (吉尼斯)World Records. Then, they made a world map based on these statistics to show 18 each country is like. The US was 19 an interesting title – the country that eats the most hot dogs. Hot dogs are the most popular food in America. It is reported that US people eat as 20 as 20 billion hot dogs a year. That’s about 70 hot dogs per person each year.

Japan is a leading country in robots. Many 21 of robots such as sport robots, servant (服务员) robots and even human like ones, are invented by Japanese companies. This is a country where robots are most 22 used. Other countries with interesting titles include Canada, who sells the most maple syrup (枫糖浆), New Zealand that 23 the most sheep, and South Koreans are mostly workaholics (工作狂).

24 , these statistics cannot tell you everything about a country. Reading maps or studying statistics is far from a(n) 25 idea. If you want to know what a country is really like, go there in person. It is a good idea to surround yourself in its culture and history.

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16. A. instructions B. choices 17. A. creates 18. A. what 20. A. high

19. A. given 21. A. types 22. A. shortly 23. A. raises 24. A. Otherwise 25. A. useful

B. how B. seen B. many B. uses B. quickly B. grows B. Therefore B. perfect

C. problems D.challenges C. when D. why C. made D. taken C. few D. large C. shapes D. sizes C. simply D.widely C. plants D. holds C.Although D.However C. interesting D. friendly

B. produces C. collects D. introduces

三、阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)



Word Bank: Update 更新 Unfortunately: 不幸的是entry: 进入 26. Where will the students finally go in the afternoon? A. The city center.

B. The park.

C. St Fagans National History Museum. D. The Science and Technology Museum.

27. How much should each student pay for the school trip?

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