高等学校英语应用能力考试(A级)2016年6月真题及答案 下载本文

Part V Writing (25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Memo according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation /Composition Sheet.


1. 今年的新员工培训将于7月举行,为期两周;培训时间和地点,请新员工注意公司网站


2. 公司将于8月1日启用新的停车场,原来的停车场将停止使用,免费更换新卡。请需要


3. 8月10日公司讲召开联欢会,庆祝公司成立15周年。请全体员工出席。

Words for Reference:

停车场 parking lot 联欢会 get-together 周年 anniversary Memo To: All staff members From: Wang Hai, Office Secretary Date: June 19, 2016 Subject: Reminders 2016年6月A级真题录音文稿、答案与详解


Section A

1. M: I?m a bit worried about giving a speech at the meeting tomorrow. W: Surely you?ll do well as long as you get well prepared. Q: What is the man going to do tomorrow?

2. M: My apartment is indeed far away from my office. W: Why not to move an apartment near your company? Q: What is the woman?s suggestion?

3. M: Technical support department. What can I do for you?

W: Hello, Anna speaking. I?m calling to ask if you can fix my computer. Q: What does the woman ask the man to do? 4. M: Do you know anything about the company?

W: Oh, yes. It?s one of the top ten in the IT industry in the country. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

5. M: I?m calling to apply for a job in your company. W: Yes. But which position are you going to apply for? Q: Why does the man call the company?

Section B

Conversation One

W: Hi, Jack, good news. M: What is it?

W: I?ve got a job offer from ABC Company. M: Is that true? What will you do there?

W: Assistant engineer at the department of product development. M: Great. You?ve got your dream job. Congratulations. W: Thank you,

M: When will you start working there? W: Next Monday.

M: Then let?s celebrate it tonight. How about having dinner together? W: Good idea! Questions:

6. What news does the woman tell the man?

7. What suggestion does the man make for celebration?

Conversation Two

M: Mary, did you visit the Great Wall yesterday? W: Yes. It?s so great and impressive.

M: I?m going there this weekend too. But how can I get there?

W: You could go there by bus or train, or you could join a group tour. M: What?s your suggestion? W: If I were you, I?ll take a bus. M: Why?

W: Well, it?s easier and much cheaper.

M: Ok. Thank you. But when can I take the bus? W: You can take Bus No. 89 near Beijing Restaurant.

M: That?s very close to the hotel I?m now staying at. Thank you for the information. W: You are welcome. Have a good time. Questions:

8. What does the man ask the woman about the Great Wall? 9. Why does the woman suggest going to the Great Wall by bus? 10. Which bus does the woman suggest the man to take?

Section C

How great it is to see so many of you come and join us in celebrating the 15th anniversary of our travel magazine. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for being here. A little more than fifteen years ago, we were sitting at our regular jobs, discussing how we saw our future, when we came up with the idea of joining our two hobbies, traveling and writing. We never imagined that our tiny dream would come true so soon. There were many special people who joined us and made it possible to create the name that we have today. To all those people and those who joined us in our journey, I should say thank you again. Without your efforts we would never have been here.

Section D

Welcome to our free video library. The purpose of our library is to help you improve your listening and speaking abilities. If you use our library for the first time, you may have difficulty understanding native speakers. Don?t worry, it will take some time to follow what each person is saying in the video. When listening to the video, try to write down the key words that you hear and the words that you understand. Try to notice the different expressions that are used in each conversation. Are you ready to take your first step towards fluency in English? It will start watching your first video. All that you need to do is to click on the link of your choice.


Part I Section A 1.【答案】C

【详解】对话中男士说有点儿担心明天的演讲,女士说只要准备好就可以做好。因此答案为C。 2.【答案】D 【详解】男士抱怨宿舍离办公室太远,女士建议搬去离公司近一点的宿舍。因此答案为D。 3.【答案】B

【详解】电话对话。女士问能否修复电脑,选项B中repair是对话中fix的同义替换。因此答案为B。 4.【答案】D

【详解】对话中,男士询问该公司的情况,女士回答该公司在全国IT界排名前十。因此答案为D。 5.【答案】A


Section B

Conversation One 6.【答案】A

【详解】在对话开始,女士说有个好消息,男士询问是什么,女士回答拿到了在ABC公司的工作机会。因此答案为A。 7.【答案】D


Conversation Two 8.【答案】B

【详解】通过选项预测该对话与长城有关。女士昨天去过长城,男士向她询问如何去长城的相关信息。因此答案为B。 9.【答案】C

【详解】女士说去长城可以坐公交车或者火车,或者直接参加旅行团。但她的建议是坐公交车,因为更简单更便宜。因此答案为C。 10.【答案】C


Section C 11. our hearts 12. discussing 13. come true 14. possible

15. without your efforts

Section D 16.【答案】listening and speaking

【详解】视频图书馆的目的何在?“The purpose of our library is to help you improve your listening and speaking abilities”由这句可知,目的是帮助提高读者的听说能力。 17.【答案】native speakers

【详解】第一次用视频图书馆可能碰到的问题是什么?“If you use our library for the first time, you may have difficulty understanding native speakers.”可能会不太明白英语为母语的人说的话。 18.【答案】key words

【详解】建议人们在听的同时如何做?“When listening to the video, try to write down the key words that you hear and the words that you understand.”建议边听边写下关键词。 19.【答案】different expressions

【详解】在听不同对话时应该做些什么?“Try to notice the different expressions that are used in each conversation.”注意在对话中用了哪些不同的表达。 20.【答案】your choice

【详解】如何开始看视频?“All that you need to do is to click on the link of your choice.”只