2019-2020年中考英语真题分类汇编——连词 下载本文

A. if B. where C. because D. so 【答案】D

【2012浙江杭州】23. You make lunch, ___________ -I'll take care of the baby.

A. but B. or C. for D. and 【答案】C

【2012浙江嘉兴】19. It isn't warm today, _ the sun is shining. A. or B. and C. because D. although 【答案】D

【2012浙江丽水】19. We should care more about our health _______ good health is the first step towards success.

A. so B. because C. but D. if 【答案】B

【2012浙江宁波】29. —Why didn't you try your best to get on the subway? —I tried to, but it started moving_________I could get on it. A. before B. after C. since D. if 【答案】A

【2012浙江衢州】20. Tcny is only four years old, _______he draws very well. A- but B, so C. or D. and 【答案】A

【2012浙江温州】8. Frank lives a simple life______ he has lots of money. A. although B. because C so D. if 【答案】A

【2012重庆市】25. I didn’t believe he could drive he told me. A. once B. while C. since D. until 【答案】D

【2012贵州六盘水】31. The man was so tired,_ _ he still went on working. A. so B. but C. or D. and 【答案】B

【2012黑龙江黑河市】24. We must get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning, _____we will be late for the meeting.

A. and B. or C. but 【答案】B

【2012湖北省荆州市】29. — When shall we leave for China?

— We won’t we have visited all the places of interest here.

A. until

B. while

C. as

D. since


【2012山东·东营市】31. the 632-meter Shanghai Tower is finished, it will be the second tallest building in the world. A. When

B. Since

C. Before

D. Unless


【2012山东日照】26. I really enjoyed your speech, ______ there were some parts I didn’t quite understand. A. because B. for C. until D. though 【答案】D

【2012山东日照】24. -Tell us something about Canada, OK? -I’m sorry. _________ Jack _________ I have ever been there. A. Either; or B. Not only; but also C. Both; and D. Neither; nor 【答案】D

【2012四川省乐山市】29. A typhoon hit this area with heavy rains and winds strong as what happened in 2008.

A. as B. so C. too 【答案】A