1. postsecondary: adj. of any education or
training after your secondary education (typically high school); this could mean college, technical school and university高中之后的;大学的;大专的
postsecondary student 大专学生
postsecondary students 对于这项针对专上学生 Postsecondary Teacher 高校教师
1. Every school with a FORBES grade meets a high standard: We review only 9% ofthe 6,600 accredited postsecondary institutions in the U.S.
2. The bad news is that the American postsecondary system is more and morestratified by race, ethnicity and family income, especially as acceptance ratesdecline.
3. People with more skills have a broader range of jobs they
can do, and having apostsecondary degree sometimes serves as litmus test for employers who can bepicky about hiring.
2. query: n. an instance of questioning问题,疑问,询问
Spatial query 空间查询
Flashback Query 闪回查询 ; 倒叙查询 ; 回闪查询 ; 查询特征 Criteria Query 条件查询 ; 标准化对象查询 ; 例子标准化对象查询 1. What is the result type of this query? 此项查询的结果类型究竟是什么呢?
2. Select a record from the results of this query. 从这个查询的结果中选择一个记录。
3. However, if you cannot have the same partitions in test as in production, then use this information from the node where
you execute the query in production andthen use this information on test.
3. credentials: n. documents attesting to the truth of certain stated facts资格证书
false credentials 虚假的学历 ; 假学历
Invalid credentials 凭据无效 ; 正在翻译 ; 域相关参数设置有误 Preferred Credentials 首选身份证明 1. Please show your credentials. 请出示证件。
2. I believe that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
3. Any interactive connections to the database require you to enter your credentials. For more information, see the Database Privileges section.
任何连接到数据库的交互式连接需要您输入您的证书,更多信息见 数据库特权 小节。
4. downsize: v. to reduce in size(指公司、机构为降低成本)裁员,紧缩编制
corporate downsize 公司滑坡 downsize v 缩小的
downsize of institutions 精简机构
1. Seems the only way out is to cut some programs and downsize our organization. 看来唯一的出路是减少一些慈善项目和精简我们的机构。 2. It might be your house, your car, your clothes – whatever it is, downsize whereyou can.
它可以是你的房子,你的车,你的衣服-无论是什么,缩减你能缩减的地方。 3. But really, we're only reacting to you trying to downsize us. 但是事实上,我们只是对你们对我们的小觑做出反应
5. nasty: adj. thoroughly unpleasant; disgustingly dirty令人讨厌的;令人厌恶
Too Nasty 坏男孩 ; 太恶心
nasty smell 臭味 ; 难闻的氯味 ; 恶心的气味 Nasty Cat 韩国漫画大师高英勋
1. However, we have to ask the nasty questions ourselves or other people will do it. 尽管如此,我还是要问这个我们自己或其他人会问的讨厌问题。
2. I do it manually because that’s how you find the nasty logical security problems. 我手工做这些,因为这你才能找到讨厌的合乎逻辑的安全问题。
3. My only companions were seagulls who were wondering if I was crazy to go out onthe beach in such nasty cold weather.
6. (complacence= complacency) complacent: adj. contented to a fault; self-satisfied自满的,自鸣得意的
Complacent Full 自得满 Be Complacent 扬扬自得 Our Complacent 我们踌躇满志
1. Don't be complacent over occasional success.; Don't feel self-satisfied over a minor success.
2. I think this is positive, of great benefit, though some might see it as a threat and itdoes serve as a wake-up call for us not to become complacent.
7. community college: a nonresidential junior college offering a curriculum fitted to the needs of the community社区学院(一般为大专)