九年级英语复习学案Unit10 下载本文


一、 重点词语拓展:

1.greet(名词)_________ 2. value(形容词)________ 3.north(形容词)_____________ 4. east( )____________

5.teenage(名词)_____________ 6.behave(名词)____________ 7.suggest(名词)___________ 8.custom(名词)____________ 二、重点短语集锦:

1.应该干某事、被期望干某事_____________\\_________2. 握手___________ 3. 顺便拜访________________4. 毕竟____________

5. 捡起,拾起来____________6. 发出噪音_____________ 7. 餐桌礼仪________________8. 习惯于_____________ 9. 对。。随意_______________10. 生某人的气____________ 11. 把。。擦掉______________12. 脱下,起飞_____________

13. 做出努力_______________14. 使某人感到宾至如归_______________ 15. 切碎___________________16.一。。就________________ 17. 令某人吃惊的是_________18. 和。。交朋友_________________

19. 伸出我的手_____________20. 计划干某事_______________\\_______ 21. 邀请某人干某事_________22. 避免交通拥挤_____________ 23. 值得干某事_____________24. 把。。插入______________

25. 指着___________________26. 特意干某事_______________________ 27. 干某事很自如_____________28. 露面,出席___________ 三.中考考点突破

1.be supposed to 与should

be supposed to do sth.相当于should do sth.应该干某事 否定式为be not supposed to do sth.

如:You are not supposed to shake hands.= You shouldn’t shake hands.你不应与之握手。

.be expectd to do sth.被期望干某事 2. keep 的用法 (1).keep +形容词

(2).keep+sth/sb +形容词 (3).keep +doing 一直做某事

(4).keep ... from doing ... 阻止做某事。。。 (5).keep a pet 饲养一个宠物

(6).How long may I keep this book ? keep指借。

3.except与 besides,but的区别

except意为“除……之外”, 不包括后面的内容。

(2)besides意为“除……之外, 还有……”, 包括besides后的内容。

(3)but与except同义, 如果句中有no one, nobody, nothing, all, everyone, everything等词, 多用but 【语境领悟】

*Another example is you?re not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit. 另一个例子是除了面包你不应该用手拿着吃任何东西, 甚至水果也不应该拿着吃。

2.There is nothing but a card in the box. 盒子里除了一张卡片之外什么也没有。 3.I like many other sports besides swimming. 除了游泳, 我还喜欢许多其他运动。 选择

1. In France, it?s________to say you?re full. A. impolite B. polite C. nice D. friendly

2. We go to school every day_______Saturday and Sunday. A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for 3. It?s all right if you come_________late. A. a bit of B. a little of C. a abit D. too much

4. My father often tells me_________I work,the better I will get. A. more badly B. harder C. the harder D. the more hardly 5. Miss Wu told us that light______much faster than sound. A. travel B. would travel C. travels D. to travel

6. People are supposed_______in Korea when they meet for the first time. A,. to kiss B. to shake hands C. to bow D. to shake hands

7. Jim was too_____to say anything to his wife about his job when he_______. A. embarrassed,got married B. embarrassing,got marry C. embarrassing,got married D. embarrassed,got married

8.I overslept this morning.____my mother____my father woke me up. A. Eithr,or B. Both,and C. Neither,nor D. Not only,but also 9.Mom.let?s_____to see Aunt Mary on our way home. A. drop by B. wait for C. look for D/ go by 10.------Sorry,I ?m late.

------Jack,you are expected______your house earlier next week.

A. left B. leaving C. leaves D. to leave

11. ______time with family and friends ______very important to us. A. Spending,is B. Spend,is C. Spending,are D. To spend,are 12. The Greens used to live in London and now they______in Beijing.

A. used to live B. are used to live C. are used to living D. are used for living 13.My host family go out___their way to make me___at home. A. of,feel B. of,to feel C. for,ffeel D. to feel

14. My mother finds interesting to learn to drive a car. A. it B. this C. that D. what 15.He can?t carry the heavy box. He is a child . A. at first B. after all C. at all D. above all

16.. She has never been to the Great Wall before. Today she sees it the first time. A. at B. for C. in D. by

17.. If you want to read English quickly, you must learn English words as you can by heart.

A. as much B. so much C. as many D. so many 18.I just kept_____when she was drawing.

A. waiting B. wait C. waited D. to wait

19. We mustn?t go into other?s room without_______at the door. A. knock B. to knock C. knocking D. knocked 20.we couldn?t finish our work so early______your help/. A. without B. with C. for D. by

21. Y ou needn?t get there early,because people are______time.

A. relaxing about B. relaxed about C. relaxing with D. relaxed with

22. All of you went to the zoo ______Wang Hai. He had to look after his grandma. A. besides B. but C. except D. beside 23. It?s impolite for you to start______if there are older people at the table. A. to eat first B. to eat late C. eating first D. eating late 24. —Could I use your CD player?

—Sure. But you are supposed to give it back to me______. A. as soon as possible B. as sooner as possible C. as quick as possible D. as quicker as possible

25.Either of the students can represent our class.The teacher is wondering who can behave______.

A. the most politely B. more polite C. more politely D. most polite