2019年最新整理电大《动物繁殖基础》期末复习考试真题及参考答案 下载本文



动物繁殖基础 试题



2.发情周期--母畜自第一次发情后,如果没有配种或配种后没有受胎,则每间隔一定时期便开始下一次发情,如此周而复始地进行,直到性机能停止活动的年龄为止。这种周期性的活动,称为发情周期。 3.情期受胎率--情期受胎率表示妊娠母畜头数占配种情期数的百分率。

4.人工授精--是以人为的方法,使用器械采集雄性动物的精液,再用器械把经特定处理后的精液输入到雌性动物生殖道的特定部位,以代替雌、雄动物的自然交配而繁殖后代的一种繁殖操作技术。 二、填空(每空2分,共20分)

1.牛、羊的子宫角基部之间有一纵隔,将二角分开,其子宫类型称为 对分子宫 ;马无此隔,猪也不明显,其子宫类型称为 双角子宫 。

2. 促性腺激素释放激素的英文缩写为GnRH,由动物机体的 下丘脑 分泌,主要生理作用是促进腺垂体释放 促黄体素(或LH) 和 促卵泡素(或FSH) 。

3. 三级卵泡 和 成熟卵泡 含有卵泡腔,称为有腔卵泡。

4.精液是由固形成分的 精子 和液态成分的 精清 两部分组成。 三、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)

1.精子获能、受精和卵裂的场所为( B.输卵管 )。 A.卵巢 B.输卵管 C.子宫 D.阴道

2.根据生殖激素的化学性质,前列腺素属于( D.脂肪酸类激素)。 A.多肽激素 B.蛋白质激素 C.类固醇激素 D.脂肪酸类激素

3.雌性动物在初情期后,初级卵母细胞发生( A.第一次成熟分裂 ),生长发育成为次级卵母细胞。 A.第一次成熟分裂 B.第二次成熟分裂 C. 第三次成熟分裂 D.有丝分裂 4.下列动物中,( C.兔 )属于诱发性排卵。 A.牛 B.猪 C.兔 D. 羊

5.在母畜发情周期的调节中,发情是受( C.雌激素和孕激素 )所调节的。 A.前列腺素和促黄体素 B.人绒毛膜促性腺激素和促卵泡素 C.雌激素和孕激素 D.孕激素和催产素

6.一般在酸性环境对精子的代谢和运动有 作用,在碱性环境对其有 作 用。(D.抑制 促进)

A.促进 促进 B.促进 抑制 C.抑制 抑制 D.抑制 促进 7.羊的胎盘类型属于(B.子叶型胎盘)。

A.弥散型胎盘 B.子叶型胎盘 C.带状胎盘 D.圆盘状胎盘 8.胚胎在桑椹胚阶段,其营养物质主要来自( A.卵黄)。 A.卵黄 B.子宫乳

C.子宫上皮的细胞屑 D.通过胎盘血液循环摄取的母体营养物质

9.把分化程度较高的体细胞移入去核卵母细胞中,构建新合子的生物技术,称为(B.体细胞核移植 )。 A.胚胎细胞核移植 B.体细胞核移植 C.哺乳动物转基因技术 D.胚胎移植

10.在母畜发情周期的间情期,注射促性腺激素,如促卵泡素或孕马血清促性腺素、促使卵巢多数卵泡发育并排卵。这种方法称为( C.超数排卵 )。

A.诱发排卵 B.同期排卵 C.超数排卵 D.诱发发情 四、简答题(共40分)

1. 生殖激素的作用特点有哪些?(10分)



(2)生殖激素在血液中存留期短而引发作用的时间长;(2分) (3)微量的生殖激素可产生巨大的生物学效应;(2分) (4)生殖激素之间有协同或颉颃作用;(2分)

(5)生殖激素的生物学效应与动物所处的生理时期、激素的用量和使用方法有关。(2分) 2. 何为发情?正常发情时有哪些主要的行为变化?(10分)



3.雌激素对中枢神经系统的刺激作用需要少量孕激素的参与才能引起行为变化。雌性动物第一次发情时,由于卵巢没有黄体,血液中孕激素水平较低,(1分)常常发生安静发情,即只排卵而不表现发情征状。(1分) 3. 简述温度是如何影响精子的运动和代谢活动的?(10分)

答:体外保存的精子,一般在37~38℃温度下,(1分)在一定时间内可保持正常的代谢和运动状态。(1分)高于此温度,精子的活动能力和代谢作用加强,(1分)但也加速了精子的衰老和死亡过程,55℃左右瞬时死亡。(1分) 精子在体外保存,一般比较适应于低温环境,当精液经过适宜的稀释、缓慢的降温处理,在O~5℃温度下,(1分)精子的代谢活动和运动能力受到抑制,使之产生假死或休眠状态,(1分)当温度恢复时精子仍保持活动能力。精子的这种由假死状态恢复正常活动的能力称为精子复苏。(1分)

如果精液从37~38℃急剧下降至10℃以下时(超过20℃),(1分)精子因受温度冲击后,即使当温度再回升到37~38℃,仍呈现不可逆地丧失活动能力,(1分)这种现象称其为精子的冷休克或低温打击。(1分)因此,为防止这种现象的出现,在精液处理过程中,要采取缓慢降温的方法,避免温度大范围内的剧烈变化。 4. 以奶牛为例,简述如何做好家畜的适时输精工作?(10分)




请您删除一下内容,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!2015年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄请您删除一下内容,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!2015年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄The battle for young viewers CCTV is embracing Internet culture and working with independent producers on TV shows to woo audiences under 35. Han Bing bin reports. After charming audiences with his warm smile for 14 years, China Central Television host Li Jiaming recently found himself targeted by a group of young netizens unhappy with his style. The complaints came after Li hosted the premiere of Rising Star on Oct 31. It is a singing competition show that originated in Israel. Many young netizens found his hosting style slow and boring and mocked it as \evening gala style\criticism was surprising. During the second episode, he jokingly called himself \younger, talking faster and louder. \like selling a product. When the customers file a complaint, you must change,\willing to change for them, they will quickly like you back.\more young viewers, CCTV is relying on programs such as Rising Star to embrace Internet culture. In Rising Star, a studio audience and fans watching on television vote for their favorite singers in real time, using the instant-messaging app WeChat. Rising Star was designed to be a live broadcast, but the Chinese version isn't because of policy reasons. Still, WeChat votes by viewers at home are still a major factor in determining which contestants advance to the next round. In the show's latest episode, more than 6.5 million votes were cast via WeChat. \the competition among entertainment shows is very fierce. Audiences have more diverse needs. CCTV needs to embrace an open attitude, interact with young audiences and blend with the Internet,\CCTV's entertainment channel. The producer of Rising Star, Enlight Media, says the program will have \phenomenal effect\given CCTV's audience base nationwide. \it comes with a challenge,\says Zhang Hang, chief producer of the program and CEO of Enlight Media's TV business. Unlike top-ranking provincial satellite channels such as Hunan TV, which have a large base of young fans thanks to a series of phenomenally popular entertainment and reality shows, CCTV productions are usually more conservative and serious, and thus have a much older audience base. \as many viewers,\says Zhang. \since we didn't make it there, we now have to make the best out of the given conditions. And it means we have to make certain compromises.\When the current season of Rising Star ends, Zhang says his company will conduct an overall evaluation of the program and make adjustments for future seasons. Although audience ratings haven't lived up to Zhang's expectations, he says the program has already helped CCTV attract more young people. According to Enlight Media, the number of people ages 15 to 35 who watched the first episode of Rising Star was 76 percent higher than the usual audience for CCTV entertainment productions. In order to attract young audiences, CCTV has been working with independent production companies. As one of CCTV's closest partners, Enlight Media has produced several entertainment and reality shows for the company's channels, including the Chinese version of The Biggest Loser on CCTV's business channel and an original teenager talent show Shaonian Zhongguo-qiang (Strong Young Chinese) on CCTV1. This year CCTV also licensed EE-Media, the producer of the popular Super Girl talent shows, to produce the talk show Hi! 2014, hosted by Taiwan pop star Harlem Yu and one of China's most popular TV stars Xie Na. The show is geared toward younger audiences. Canxing Productions, which rose to fame with the success of its Voice of China series on Zhejiang TV, also produced two talent shows for CCTV. One is an original production called Songs of China, which ended up as one of CCTV's most watched programs of 2014. The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television announced earlier this year that, starting in 2015, only one music talent show can be aired nationwide during prime time each season, and there can be only one program based on foreign formats each year. However, domestic media report that such policies don't apply to CCTV, meaning it will become a highly desired platform by production companies. Wang Changtian, CEO of Enlight Media, confirmed to the Shanghai Securities News that its programs scheduled to air on CCTV next year, which include at least two reality shows, won't be affected. A kung fu-themed reality show, produced by Canxing, is also reportedly scheduled to run on CCTV next year. CCTV is \acceptance of new ideas is even beyond my imagination,\says Zhang Hang. \cooperation with CCTV will surely continue.\When winter comes, nothing is more relaxing than a hot spring bath. For thousands of years, natural mineral-rich hot spring baths have also been used to relieve health ailments. The water found in natural hot springs contains a variety of different minerals, and the most common one is sulfur. It has a \excellent for skin. The sulfur-containing water might be just what the doctor ordered when it comes to relieving pain, stress, itchy skin, arthritis and more. Hot springs resorts are thriving as biting cold winter arrives. Here we take a look at some of the best natural hot springs China has to offer.