Unit 4 Writing---- My favourite season写作课教案 下载本文

Unit 4 Seasons

Writing---- My favourite season




1. 语言知识:复习reading部分所学内容:

高频词汇turn green, take a trip, go on a picnic 等;

重要句型It is + adj+ to do sth, leaves turn yellow and start falling from the trees等。 2. 语言技能:综合本单元所学的内容,模仿例文,从某个季节的时间、天气情况、景物变化、相关节日以及不同的活动等方面来描述最喜欢的季节。完成一篇题为My favourite season的短文。

3. 情感态度:激发学生对中国传统节日的兴趣



五、教学环节设计: Step1. Warming up

1) Ask Ss some questions relate their favourite things.

2) Show my answers to those questions, lead the Ss get know about use adj to explain the reasons.

3) Ask Ss, what’s their favourite season? And why? With the questions we start today’s lesson. Step2.Pre-Learning

1) Review the adj, key phrases in reading part & the typical sentence structure :It is+ adj. +to do sth

Step3. While-Learning

1) Mandy has written about her favourite season, winter, Read the passage on P53 Answer the following questions according to Mandy’s article.: Paragraph 1 What is Mandy’s favourite season? Paragraph 2 What is the weather like in Mandy’s favourite season? What things can she do in this season? Paragraph 3 Is there any festival or holiday in this season? What is it? What does she eat at this festival or holiday?

What does she like about the festival or holiday?

2) Read the passage on P53 and get know about the main idea of each paragraph


1) Get clear about the months of each season.

2) Talk about the activities in each season. ( Group work) 3) What festivals do we have in each season?

4) What do we usually do or eat at each festival? (Each season chosen a festival as an example)

Step5. Work in pairs

1) Ask Ss to talk about which season do they like best. Follow the example dialogue S1: Which season do you like best? S2: I like summer best.. S1: Why?

S2: Because it’s exciting to play on the beach in the sunny weather. S1: Which festival do you like best? And why?

S2: The National Day in Autumn is my favorite holiday. Because I …( activities)

2) Ask some volunteers to show their pair work!

Step6. Writing

1) Together finish/summery the main content of the writing passage ( My favourite season)

2) Ask Ss to write a short passage about their favourite season. Follow the example in article A.

My favourite season

My favourite season is ________________.

It is _____________ and sometimes ____________ (weather). It is ______ to ________________ (activity).________________ is in ____________ (festival). I ______________________________. It is _______________________________ (activity).

3) Ask Ss exchange to check their article and chosen out the best one to share us

Step7. Homework

1.完成作文My favourite season,写到作文本。



整个课堂的互动、课堂进度把握的很好,Input高效,节奏流畅、明快。小细节方面,时刻注意提示学生完整的回答老师的问题,养成好的习惯。 课堂的流畅度高,设计好+学生配合的好。不足的地方:整个课堂的容量比较大,对于一些内容,比如说,每个季节里有哪些节日,老师无法预设全答案,那对于这种无法预设的,老师要给到学生充分的点评。在讲到清明节的活动时候,出现了生词,虽然带读了,但是要在PPT上标注出来中文意思,方便学生理解。最后的output环节,让学生口头展示作文的时候,应提前提示学生,一会我将会点人来进行retell,提醒学生专注听。作文最好是进行投影,当场评分,向大家展示评分细则跟标准,有个好的示范。