湖北省华师一附中九年级英语自主招生试题汇编 阅读理解(无答案)人教新目标版 下载本文

走进华师一自主招生考试部分试题汇编 阅读理解

一 阅读理解。(2009)


My first spring break in the United States, from March 6 to, was supposed to be full of fun. However, it got off to a bad start in New York city.

March 9 was the un lucky day, on which I had an appointment with the Italian Consulate(领事馆) in New York for a summer program tourist visa(签证).After oversleeping and then getting stuck in bad traffic on the way there. I was nearly late. When I finally arrived at the consulate, the security guard pushed me out because my suitcase was not allowed in! I looked madly for a cafe and dropped my stuff there.

At the point I thought my visa application(申请)would have to be successful, as I didn’t see how bad luck could continue. However, when the visa officer called my name after a wait of 40 minutes, I was kicked out because I was not 18 years old ! A teenager between 14 and 18 can only get a visa there if they are with parents and teachers.

Walking out ,sad, I cheered myself up and headed for the Port Authority because I was going to Ithaca, where I would spend my spring break. Everything seemed normal: I got my ticket, killed time --- in fact the whole afternoon---in a Burger King, and was then ready to go. I slept through the whole journey because I was so tried. When I woke up, I had arrived . but the sign hanging outside the bus station broke my last hope: WELCOME TO SYRACUSE! Perfect ! I was in Syrscuse, 70 miles away from Ithaca at 10 o’ clock in the evening , and I hardly knew anyone!

My host family picked me up at Syracuse later that night. When I got home at I am, I realized that dealing with things by oneself is not easy. I am not fully grown up yet, and needed to learn more if I want to have a safe life in this word. 36.which is the best title for the passage?

A An Unlucky Day B My first Spring Break C Pains in Growing up D A Bad Start in New York

37.The writer was pushed out of the consulate because_________

A she overslept and got stuck in bad traffic B her suitcase was not allowed in the consulate

C a bad traffic jam held her up and she arrived late D she hadn’t made an appointment with the security guard

38. The writer would spend her spring break in ________

A Port Authority B Ithaca C Burger King D Syracuse 39. What did the writer learn from her experience? A She should not overslept so many times. B She should plan everything ahead of time

C She should learn more if she wants to live a better life. D She should have an appointment with people before setting out D She should have an appointment with people before setting out 40 From the passage we can infer that the writer is a(n)_______

A Italian teenager B overseas student C American teenage D Chinese tourist


“Women must try to do things as meb have tried. When they fail, their failure must be a challenge to others.”

Amelia Earhart, a woman pioneer in aviation (航空) spoke these words. Her words spoken in the 1930s expressed a woman’s attitude to life that was considered deeply radical(激进的)。 Earhart was born in 1897 . when she was young, she was very interested in stories about women who were successful in jobs which are mainly ruled by men, such as engineering and law.

But in 1920, Earhart’s life changed after she had a ten-minute flight in a plane. As soon

as the plane left the ground, Earhat knew that she loved flying. She found herself a flying teacher and started to learn to flu. She took all sorts of jobs to pay for the lessons and to buy a second-hand plane.

In 1932, Earhari flew alone across the Alantic. She also designed a flying suit for women and went an to design other clothes for women ho led active lives.

When she was nearly 40, Earhart was ready for a final challenge-to ba the first woman to fly around the world . her first attempt was unsuccessful but she tried again in June 1937, with her helped Fred Noonan.

Everything went fine and they landed in New Guinea in July. Their nest destination(目的地) was Howland Island, a tiny spot of land in the Pacific Ocean . But in mid-flight, they disappeared in bad weather.

A rescue search was started immediately but nothing was found . Whatever happened, Earhart is remembered as a brave pioneer for both aviation and for women. 41. This passage mainly talks about_______

A the radical ideas of Amelia Earhar B the life experence of Amelia Earhar

C the flying destinations of Amelia Earhar D the challages Amelia Earhar met in her life 42. According to the passage, Amelia Earhar is considered as _________

A a woman pioneer B a radical woman C woman engineer D a woman lawyer 43. From the passage we know Earhar is’s life changed after________

A she flew alone across the Atlantic in 1932 B she read the stories about successful women C she had a ten –minute flight in a plane in 1920 D she became the first women to fly around the world

44. How did Amelia Earhart learn flying?

A She took all sorts of jobs to learn flying B She did all kinds of jobs to pay for her flying lesson.

C She bought a second-hand plane and taught herself flying

D She found a flying teacher and bought a plane for the teacher. 45. Amelia Earhart was last seen in __________.

A June 1937 B July 1940 C June 1932 D July 1937 二阅读理解(共15小题,每题2分,共30分)(2008年)


Artists and authors use many different ways to talk about society; many write novels while others paint pictures. An artists in Taipei has found a different way to talk about life, people, and the problems we all face. His name is Jimmy Liao, and he creates illustrated(带有插图的)books. Jimmy is both an illustrator and an author. He draws all of the colorful pictures in his book and writes all of the storylines. His small paperback books usually have only one or two lines of text per page, the rest being filled by his cute, simple drawings. Simplicity is one of Jimmy’s strong points; he doesn’t lose the reader in complex plots(情节)or dialogues.

Jimmy’s books speak to readers about the ups and down of living in the modern world. One of his most popular stories, Turning Left, Turning Right , tells of a short romance between a couple that live to each other. The lonely pair meet one day in the park and immediately fall in love. When they leave each other at the end of a fun-filled days, they exchange telephone numbers, but the rain causes the numbers to become illegible. They are unable to contact each other, and soon return to their lonely lives.

Sad, right? Don’t start crying yet; there’s a catch to the story. You see, this man and woman actually live in the same building! The problem is, when they leave their apartments, one always turns to the left, while the other always turns to the right. The result is that they never realize they are neighbors. The lesson of the story? Life is in the important. And this is another of Jimmy’s talents: he shows his readers how the “little things ” in life are often more important than we realize.

21. The best title for the passage should be ______________.

A Jimmy’s Special Books B A Different Way to Talk about Society

C Jimmy: an Unusual Person D Jimmy: Picture Books for Adults 22. What is the main characteristic of Jimmy’s books according to the author? A Being colorful B Being complex C Being Simple D Being sad

23. We can guess the underlined word “illegible” means__________.

A lost B impossible to read C meaningless D puzzling

24. According to the author, the saddest part of Turning Right, Turning Left is that________. A the pair are neighbors actually B the pair fall in love with each other quickly C they exchange telephone numbers D the pair are caught in rain 25. What does the book Turning Left, Turning Right want to tell us? A. Little faults in life can lead to very big mistakes. B Romance cannot happen to the couple as neighbors

C Little things in life can become very important in fact D Going in different directions lead to failure in romance


The hand has been a symbol through the ages and in may cultures. There are hundreds of expressions and combinations(合成词) of words using “hand ” in the English language.

We will get a hand in this way . to get a hand in is to begin a job, to begin to know something about it. When we learn the job completely, it will be easy for us. We will be able to do it hands down.

If we do the job well, we may end up with the upper hand. And that means to be in control, or to have gained complete understanding of a situation. On the other hand, if the situation gets out of hand, then it is out of control!

We must consider another way of expressing praise, to hand it to someone. For example: I must hand it to you for understanding what we have discussed this far.

You can also lend a hand to someone, but without really giving up your hand. If someone is kind enough to lend us a hand, then we surely do not want to bite the hand that feeds us. We do not want to repay his kindness by treating him badly.

To have a free hand in a situation is good. It means you are free to act without getting permission from someone else.

Maybe you can find a friend who wants to take a hand in our project .It would have to be someone who is interested in it.

Your friend may want to work hand in glove with us. That is good, because that means he wants to work as closely with us as a glove covers the hand. Of course there is a danger that he may look at our project and decide to take it in hand . That means he wants to take it over. If that happens, we may throw up our hands because the situation seems hopeless. In fact, we may decide that it is time for us to end this project, to wash our hands of hand expressions. 26. The author wants to _________.

A tell us some interesting words and expressions .

B tell us that “hand” expressions have a long history of culture C show us “hand” can be used in many different ways D introduce to us some expressions related to “hand” 27.If you get a hand in a job, you__________.

A start doing the job B learn the job completely C can do it hands down D have known something about it

28. If John has done something very well, you can praise him by saying “________”. A you have regained the upper hand B you really have a free hand

C I must hand it to you for your good work D you are kind to lend me a hand 29. If there is a project your friend wants to take a hand in , he must be__________

A proud of it B interested in it C satisfied with it D careful with it 30. Ally has helped you, so you should not_________.

A work hand in glove with her B bite her hand that feeds you