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the principle of simplified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, linked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas project. Charges, into the projects of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In the area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal incentives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, and construct \nment credit + business credit\dit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financing platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, encourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create \owlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land\l, to optimizethe area under development environment. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel stationed in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in this sector. When there are substantial issues, sector leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficiency; according to the ...Since the educational practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central \nd opposing \nds\practicing %uns\nd check the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked swing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the party's political discipline, eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the party's political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the party's political discipline, abide by the Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideological and maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of the party's political discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-roots units, primary first-hand an inadequate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accordance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, culture involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical needs of invention notifications, this area needs further电 子 设

treamlining. Four are standard visits, except as required to participate in training, no other activity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your presentation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicles and office space and corporate hospitality. 3, change the style. Propaganda and ideological wEspecially based on rational thinking on major issues, applying theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on development, did not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideological work is the less. For example, rural culture team active, ... I'm not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological wtypical, and lack of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and计 大 赛 总 结 报 告

on and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, o keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. For example, color hrough, grip on grassroots ideological trends and changes are not deep, to promote new initiatives 学号:姓名:李永飞he grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the \trical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementatihods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance and timeliness. 4, discipline, low2 s 1, oppose formalism. One theory is that he didn't, with less close contact. Theoretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delving into less. s inadequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to play. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and ideological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep enough for grass-roots public opinion Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveork are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real solution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complacency, and work to see their scores more, less checking his own shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there arork of the new situatibut further closer to tobjective, which needs tweekends in the summer theaon iork under the new situation tand explore new metering, and hard wthe principle of simplified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, linked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas project. Charges, into the projects of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In the area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal incentives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, and construct \nment credit + business credit\dit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financing platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, encourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create \owlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land\l, to optimizethe area under development environment. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel stationed in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in this sector. When there are substantial issues, sector leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficiency; according to the ...Since the educational practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central \nd opposing \nds\practicing %uns\nd check the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked swing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the party's political discipline, eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the party's political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the party's political discipline, abide by the Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideological and maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of the party's political discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-roots units, primary first-hand an inadequate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accordance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, culture involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical needs of invention notifications, this area needs further1. 摘要 1.1目的













2.关键词 STC89C54单片机 DS18b20


2. 目录

摘要------------------------------------------------------------1 关键词----------------------------------------------------------1 正文------------------------------------------------------------1 系统设计-----------------------------------------------------1 单元电路设计-------------------------------------------------2 软件设计-----------------------------------------------------4 系统测试-----------------------------------------------------11 结论---------------------------------------------------------11 参考文献--------------------------------------------------------11 附录------------------------------------------------------------11





treamlining. Four are standard visits, except as required to participate in training, no other activity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your presentation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicles and office space and corporate hospitality. 3, change the style. Propaganda and ideological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the \s 1, oppose formalism. One theory is that he didn't, with less close contact. Theoretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delving into less. Especially based on rational thinking on major issues, applying theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on development, did not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideological work is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. For example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is inadequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to play. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and ideological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep enough for grass-roots public opinion Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveless. For example, rural culture team active, ... I'm not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends and changes are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance and timeliness. 4, discipline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real solution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complacency, and work to see their scores more, less checking his own shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there artypical, and lack of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard andthe principle of simplified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, linked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas project. Charges, into the projects of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In the area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal incentives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, and construct \nt credit + business credit\dit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financing platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, encourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create \cy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land\he goal, to optimize the area under development environment. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel stationed in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in this sector. When there are substantial issues, sector leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. o further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficiency; according to the ... Since the educational practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central %ules\cing %uns\check the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked swing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the party's political discipline, eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the party's political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the party's political discipline, abide by the Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideological and maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of the party's political discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-roots units, primary first-hand an inadequate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accordance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, culture involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical needs of invention notifications, this area needs further(1)温度测量部分




采用18b20,它的测量温度范围为 -55℃—+125℃,在-10℃—+85℃范围内,精度为±0.5℃,具有测温系统简单、测温精度高、连接方便、占用口线少等优点。









treamlining. Four are standard visits, except as required to participate in training, no other activity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your presentation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicles and office space and corporate hospitality. 3, change the style. Propaganda and ideological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the \nding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is that he didn't, with less close contact. Theoretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delving into less. Especially based on rational thinking on major issues, applying theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on development, did not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideological work is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. For example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is inadequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to play. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and ideological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep enough for grass-roots public opinion Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically drive less. For example, rural culture team active, ... I'm not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends and changes are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance and timeliness. 4, discipline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real solution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complacency, and work to see their scores more, less checking his own shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there are typical, and lack of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and第3页 共15页