2016届上海高考英语作文预测3范文 下载本文


Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

一、为了提高人们的环保意识,你所在的环保小组计划组织一次环境保护宣传活动。假如你是组长,请用英文写一篇活动计划。你的活动计划必须包含以下内容: 1、 环保宣传的对象;

2、 请写出一两项环保宣传的具体内容;

To raise people’s awareness of environmental protection, we are planning a campaign to publicize the importance of rubbish classification and recycling used batteries in the coming weekend. Held in Fanghua Community, the largest housing estate in our district, our campaign is expected to attract as many residents as possible.

It is generally accepted that rubbish classification is of great significance in our society. Not only can it help reduce rubbish pollution and save money, but also it can enhance people’s qualities. Therefore, in our campaign, we are supposed to let the residents know the advantages of rubbish classification as well as how to segregate our daily waste. What’s more, the residents are appealed to to place their sorted rubbish in different dustbins.

Used batteries, environmental killers, have drawn increasing attention in recent years. Accordingly, enormous efforts will go into the publicity of used batteries. By means of video, play, poster plus speech, we hope that the residents, who used to be casual about disposing used batteries, will know the proper way to handle those “killers”.

As the saying goes, together individuals can make a different. With full preparation and cooperation, we are firmly convinced that our campaign will be a great success.


When it comes to study, the aim of acquiring knowledge varies from person to person. Most of us pursue success in scores or recognition by others. While some put their minds into exploring his or her own interest regardless of so-called social reality and peer


It's not bad to have different viewpoints after all. As for me, I consider study not only a means of making plenty of money or winning the admiration from people around us, but also a necessary tool which we can make use of to open doors of many opportunities. Therefore, what we have learnt today is a preparation for our future, an opportunity to fulfill our further development. With solid language skills and a desired and welcomed major, there comes the possibility of enjoying a high-quality life.

So from my perspective, it's extremely important to follow our inner thoughts and feelings from the very beginning of our learning career instead of focusing on fame and fortune alone. Only by this can we purify our spirit and turn out a better self, and deal with any difficulties and challenges at any time.

三、 中国女科学家屠呦呦获得诺贝尔医学奖,颁奖仪式已经落下帷幕。假如你是启明中

学校报记者高二学生李华,特派你去给屠呦呦老师做一次采访,你的采访内容包括: 1. 简单介绍你自己以及本次采访的目的;

2. 你打算提哪些问题以及如何规划你的未来学习。

Last weekend, as a reporter of QM Middle School News, I had an interview with the famous scientist Tu Youyou, who won the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine. The meaning of this interview is primarily helping us students know more about TuYouyou and stimulating students to study harder for their dreaming university.

As I entered Tu Youou’s office, she looked at me smilingly and asked me to sit in front

of her. Then, I asked her my first question, “Are you busy every day? What’s your everyday job?” She gave me a cup of tea and said, “I am a little busy reading some articles on medicine.” According to professor Tu, medicine can never fail to fascinate her. When I asked her what inspired her to do her job for so long a time, she said she didn’t care the Nobel Prize much but focused on her real interest. She suggested us that we should persevere in doing what we interested us.

Feeling delighted and fruitful, I went out of the office and bore in mind that interest was the greatest teacher in our studying career. Only if we do what attracts us can a brilliant future be in store for us. A rewarding day, isn’t it?