二硫化钼-石墨烯纳米复合材料的控制合成及其储锂性能研究 下载本文




结果发现,一元二硫化钼为片层状,二元材料是以石墨烯为基底生长的颗粒状二硫化钼,仍为片层结构。一元二硫化钼的循环性能为400-600 mAh g-1,而二元的复合材料均达到1000 mAh g-1同时具有好的循环性能和倍率性能。 关键词: 石墨烯 二硫化钼 锂电池负极材料 水热法 毕业设计说明书外文摘要

Title Controlled synthesis and Lithium Storage Performance of molybdenum disulfide - graphene nanocomposites Abstract

In this paper, molybdenum disulfide and with

differing morphologies are successfully prepared by using sodium molybdate dihydrate as a molybdenum source, thiourea as a sulfur source, water, water - ethanol and water - ethylene glycol as reaction system, respectively . In addition, molybdenum disulfide / reducing graphene oxide are obtained via the same experiment with a single molybdenum disulfide. The XRD, TEM, Raman, charge and discharge test, cyclic voltammetry and AC impedance measurements are employed to confirm composition, morphology, microstructure, lithium-ion batteries performs of as-obtained molybdenum disulfide and molybdenum disulfide / reducing graphene oxide. 源自!六¥维%论^文(网.加7位QQ3249'114

The experimental results indicated that graphene sheets are exfoliated and decorated with molybdenum disulfide nano?akes.. The as-obtained molybdenum disulfide with different system as anode material for LIBs give 400-600 mA?h-1 specific reversible capacity. However, it should be pointed out that the combination of molybdenum disulfide and graphene results in a dramatic enhancement: molybdenum disulfide / reducing

graphene oxide shows high specific reversible capacity up to 1000 mAh g-1 with good cycling stability and rate capability

Keywords Graphene molybdenum disulfide lithium battery cathode material hydrothermal 目 次 1 绪论 1

1.1 背景问题介绍 1 1.2锂电应用及优势 2

1.3 石墨烯——新材料的出现 3

1.4 二硫化钼----电化学领域的新应用 5 1.5 本章小结 7

2实验制备与实验基本内容 8 2.1 引言 8 2.2实验仪器 8

2.3石墨烯和氧化石墨烯 9 2. 3.1 氧化石墨烯制备 9 2.4二硫化钼的制备 9 2.4.1单一二硫化钼的制备 9

2.4.2二硫化钼石墨烯复合材料的制备 10 2.5 本章总结 12 3 测试表征 13