江西省2018届下学期高三年级六校联考(英语) 下载本文

Try these tips for working with a slacker(懒虫).

●Be excited and provide a good example. Your slacker may be a good person who has developed bad work habits. You may be able to teach your partner some valuable skills for a successful future.

●Think rewards! 38 For instance, you could promise to make cupcakes for the next work meeting and encourage your partner to bring a good snack.

●Make some time to sit with your partner and establish a set of work rules and deadlines. Don’t quarrel, though. Make it clear that you would like to establish rules to keep you both on track. 39 Keep a record of your rules, your initial meetings, and your work. When it becomes obvious in the records that you’re doing all the work, talk with the slacker. 40 A. Don’t let the anger and pain defeat you.

B. Come up with a great reward for meeting some goal. C. Instead, take some steps to encourage your partner to work. D. Unavoidably one or more members will try to do nothing. E. Start out by giving your partner a clear task with a deadline. F. Show him/her the evidence and suggest he or she pick up the pace. G. Think about the future and the fact that you are going to be rewarded. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)

第一节: 完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A group of children would gather frequently at each other’s homes. They 41 what was happening in their lives. Their friendship was beautiful to see, and surprising thoughts flowed from these 42 minds.

The mother of one of the children would occasionally join their 43 and tell them stories. When she spoke of her “jewel box”, her most 44 possession, she sent their 45 soaring.

She emphasized that the jewel box was so 46 that its contents could never be stolen! Of course, the children’s minds were 47 with dazzling pictures of diamonds, jewels, pearls, and other priceless items. They daydreamed of her being an heiress(继承人) of a 48 family, even though her simple life did not 49 vast material wealth.


One day the children asked her what was in the jewel box. Looking at the children’s 50 , upturned faces, she 51 at each child, and then 52 them to gather around her and sit on the grass. “Let me tell you a wonderful 53 ,” she whispered, “The jewel box is not a 54 box!”

The children’s eyes were big with 55 . The mother continued, “In reality, it is a 56 box of your heart. And everyone has one! Its 57 are the feelings of love, joy, peace, gratitude, and faith. It is an inner experience, and the treasure of knowing which 58 with you forever.”

The children asked many questions that day. Most of them never 59 the story of the jewel box, and appreciated it more as they 60 adulthood. 41. A. valued 42. A. easy

B. shared B. selfish

C. predicted C. young

D. desired D. proud D. revolutions D. successful D. imagination D. perfect D. concerned D. rich D. indicate D. funny D. glared D. forced D. miracle D. special D. embarrassment D. room D. contents D. accompanies D. guessed D. congratulated

43. A. gatherings 44. A. valueless 45. A. creativity 46. A. secure 47. A. loaded 48. A. poor

B. associations B. practical B. desire B. firm B. filled B. happy B. find B. familiar B. smiled B. agreed B. joke B. precious

C. campaigns C. invaluable C. performance C. heavy

C. connected C. big

49. A. enjoy 50. A. simple 51. A. shouted 52. A. asked 53. A. aim

C. cover C. eager C. pointed C. attracted C. secret C. right C. doubt C. treasure

54. A. material 55. A. sadness 56. A. field

B. expectation B. money

57. A. effects B. outcomes B. stays

C. problems

58. A. cooperates 59. A. forgot 60. A. went over on

C. communicates C. told

B. understood B. looked back

C. grew into

第二节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Have you ever been to London? Which famous sites did you visit? Or, if it is the first time that you 61. (be) there, which one will you check out?

Some world famous 62. (culture) sites may already be on your list: Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and the London Tower. However, a tour of London would be incomplete 63. checking out the London art scene. As a guidebook London’s Secrets: Museums & Galleries put it, London’s art is a lot like 64. city itself — “diverse, vast, and in a constant state of changes. From old masters to street art and everything in between, London has it all.”

In fact, according to The Telegraph, museums and galleries were the most 65. (visit) attractions in Britain last year. The British Museum, 66. celebrated its 225th anniversary this year, had the most visitors, at 6,701,036.

According to The Art Newspaper, the British Museum’s increased 67. (popular) is down to its exhibitions, particularly its Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum show ( March-September 2017 ).

There are more than 7 million artifacts(文物) in the British Museum. Not all of them are on display, but much of the collection 68. (constant) rotates(轮换), so you’ll see something new with each visit. So, 69. you’re an art lover or just looking for a fun time, you’re sure 70. (find) inspiration in London. 第四部分写作(共两节;满分35分)



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Jack lives in a smaller town in England. He usually stayed in his own country during the holidays. Last year, he decided to go to Russia and stayed there for a few day. One day, he went out for walk. In England, people drive on the left side of the road. And in Russia, they drive on the


right, which Jack forgot. When crossed a busy street, she was almost knocked down by a car. Jack stood here for a moment, full of fear. Shortly after he recovered from himself, he said: “Where am I?” An old man which sold maps nearby ran to Jack at once and said: “Maps of the city, sir?” 第二节书面表达(满分25分)


1.中国高中生参加体育运动的现状,如每周一节体育课等; 2.分析该现状产生的原因; 3.你自己的感想。 注意:


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Tom,

Glad to receive your letter. And I'm writing to tell you something about Chinese high school

students’ physical exercise.

Yours, Li Hua