牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit 6知识点精讲(下) 下载本文

Unit 6 同步知识梳理(下)


搭建,张贴,挂起,举起_______________ 穿过,通过_______________________ 由...制成______________________ 从那时起_________________________ 经过___________________________ 一点,少许________________________ 经过___________________________ 因...而变得出名_____________________ 看到某人正在做某事________________________________ 尽力做某事___________________________ 想要做某事___________________________ 练习做某事___________________________ 决定做某事___________________________ 让某人做某事_________________________ 记得去做某事_________________________ 做某事是...___________________________ 做某事失败了_________________________



1. He practised playing volleyball with his friends. Practice doing sth.意为“练习做某事”。 我们应该每天都练习说英语。

We should practice speaking English every day. 我妈妈叫我每天练习眼钢琴

My mother asks me to practice playing the piano every day.

2.She did some shopping with her mum yesterday afternoon. Do dome shopping意为“买东西、购物”。 我妈妈经常在周末购物。

My mother often does shopping at the weekend, 让我们一起去买东西吧。

Let’s do some shopping together. 【拓展】“do+some+v.-ing”结构常表示一些笼统而不明指的事。 Do some reading 阅读 do some cleaning 打扫卫生 do some cooking 烹饪 do some washing 洗衣服

3.We put up our tent near a lake.

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(1).put up此处意为“建造,搭起”。另外,put up还可意为“挂起;张贴;举起;抬起”。 他们正在建造几幢新楼。

They’re putting up several new buildings. 请帮我挂起这幅画。

Please help me put up the picture. 【拓展】与put相关的短语

Put on穿上 put off推迟 put away扑灭 put down放下 (2).tent可数名词,意为“帐篷”。 你家中有两顶帐篷吗?

Do you have two tents at home?

4.told people in the West all about kites.

People in the West西方人(民)。West名词,意为“西方”,其形容词形式为Western。 Western food西餐 Western countries西方国家

【拓展】east(东方)——eastern(东方的) south(南方)——southern(南方的) north(北方)——northern

5.made a bird out of wood

(1).make...out of意为“用...制成...”,相当于use...to make...。

我能用布做成一朵花。 I can make a flower out of cloth.=I can use cloth to make a flower. ____________________________________________ (2)Wood 不可数名词,意为“木头,木材”。 干燥的木头容易起火。

It is easy for dry wood to catch fire. 【拓展】woods意为“森林,树林”。 咱们去树林里散步吧。

Let’s take a walk in the woods.

6.In the13th century...

Century可数名词,意为“世纪,百年”。固定结构“the+序数词+century”表示“第几世纪”。 在20世纪,中国发生了巨大的变化。

Great changes have taken place in China in the twentieth century.

7.Weifang,a city in Shandong Province,has become famous for making kites from then on. (1).become famous for 意为“因...而变得有名”,强调动作。 这座城市因它的美丽而变得有名。 The city becomes famous for its beauty. (2).From then on 意为“从那时起”,指以过去某个时刻为起点延续下来。 从那时起,我便开始对英语感兴趣了。 From then on,I became interested in English.

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从那以后他再也没有见过他叔叔了。 From then on,he never saw his uncle again. 【拓展】from now on意为“从现在起”,指以现在为起点延续下去,通常用于将来时中。 从现在起我将努力学习。

I am going to work hard from now on.

8.It’s dangerous to swim in the lake.

“It+be+形容词+to do sth”.是英语中已非常用的句式,意为“做某事是...的”。It为形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。如果表示“某人做某事怎么样”,则用“It+be+形容词+for sb.+to do sth”. 弹钢琴对她来说很容易。

It’s easy for her to play the piano.

保护我们的地球对我们来说是重要的。 It’s important for us to protect our earth. 【注意】

如果形容词说明人的品质、品德,则用介词of,而不用for. 帮助那位老人你真善良。

It;s nice of you to help the old man.

9.If two words start with the same letter,we look at the second letter of the world we want to look up. (1).start with意为“从...开始;以...为开端”。 晚会以一首甜美的歌曲开始。 The party started with a sweet song. 千里之行始于足下。

A thousand Li journey starts with the first step.

(2).we want ti look up意为“我们要查询的(单词)”,在句中为定语从句,用来修饰先行词word。其中在先行词word后省略了关系词that。 这是我昨天买的一本书。

This is a book(that)I bought yesterday.

10.Alice did not know what to do.

What to do 是“疑问词+不定式”结构。这一结构相当于一个名词性从句,可在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等。 该怎样做仍然是一个问题。

How to do it is still a question.(作主语) 我不知道去哪里。

I don’t know where to go.(作宾语) 问题是谁去做这件事。 The question is who to do it.

11.Alice opened the bottle and drank a little. A little意为“一点少许”,通常用来修饰形容词或动词。

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