小学英语时态综合练习_附答案 下载本文

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一、 选择题

1. _________Alice often play the piano. No, she __________. A. Do; do B. Does; does C. Does; doesn’t 2. Every one _________ to their teacher in the classroom. A. are listening B. is listening C. listen 3. Danny _______ breakfast five times last week. A. ate B. eat C. eated

4. I’m going to ________ some chopsticks ________ Sunday afternoon.

A. bought; on B. buy; on C. buy; in 5. Are you going to take a piano class? ________ A. No, we not B. No, I am C. Yes, I am 6. Is he _________ TV?Yes, he is. A. watch B. watching C. not 7. The kite _______ a bird.

A. look like B. is looking C. looks like 8. What did you do on your holiday? I ________

A. bought a present B. go skiing C. learn English 9. Sandy often ________ his homework on Sundays . A. do B. does C. did 10. He _______ a race with Ming Ming.


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A. to have B.had C. going to have 11. What do you usually do on your holiday?

A. Sing and dance B. Saw elephants C.Took picture 12. It’s 10 o’clock. Ben ________ TV in the bedroom. A. is watching B. watch C. watches 13. Did you eat good food in China? __________. A. Yes, I do B. No, I didn’t C. No, I did 14. I ________ free this afternoon. A. be B. will be C. going to be 15. I can’t find my pen. Let me _______.

A. go and ask her B. go and ask hers C. go and ask she

16. Fangfang is a good student. She _______maths. A. does good at B. well do it C. is good at 17. Are you washing clothes?

A. Yes, you are B. Yes, I am C. No, I am 18. What did he ________ yesterday? He ________ his homework. A. did; did B. do; did C. do; do

19. _________ they taking pictures.? Yes, they are. A. Am B. Be C. Are

20. They will ________ roast ducks in Beijing. A. ate B. eats C. eat


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21. I ________ visit my friends this weekend. A. go to B. am going to C. going to

22. Last summer. I ________ in the lake and played on the beach. A. swim B. swam C. will swim 23. We played basketball ________.

A. sometimes B. on Saturdays C. last Saturday 24. ________ your penfriend _______ in Beijing? A. Do; live B. Do; lives C. Does; live

25. They are singing and ________ together at the party now. A. dance B. danced C. dancing

26. Tom and Mike _______ very excited, they will take a trip. A. is B. are C. am

27. I’m going to_______ homework tomorrow. A. does B. do C. did 28. I am ________ eat breakfast at 7:15. A. going to B. will C. shall 29. I like ________ very much. What about you? A. dance B. danced C. dancing 30. I _______ a lot from our textbook. A. learned B. learnes C. learning

31. We _______ to the zoo and ______ a lot of animals yesterday. A. go; see B. went; saw C. goes; sees
