上海牛津版高一英语单元词汇、短语、翻译练习 下载本文

上海牛津版 高一英语单元词汇、短语、翻译练习



Unit 1 Body Language


Words for reading

1. well-dressed 9. expression 2. glance 10. appearance 3. sigh 11. impression 4. senior 12. downwards 5. employee 13. assistance

6. prefer

14. without hesitation 7. communicate 15. remark 8. gesture 16. remind II. Words for more reading

1. eye contact 10. avoid 2. signal 11. respect 3. hostility 12. authority 4. boredom 13. in authority 5. confusion 14. concentration 6. maintain 15. subtle 7. consider 16. stare 8. lack of 17. rude



III. Lpts.

1. look up 抬头向上看

不只是 2. look up to sb尊敬某人 look

14.gesture 手势 down on 轻视

15.expression 表情

3. a well-dressed lady 一位穿着讲

16.expression on your face 你的脸



4. glance at 瞥一眼

17.appearance 外貌,外表

5. greet sb with a smile 用微笑打

18.appear 出现,似乎 disappear



6. a senior employee资深的员工 19.It appears that….. 似乎,好像 7. be senior to比…年长的,资深的 20.communicate with sb 交流

8. prefer sth to sth 喜欢…不喜欢.. 21.communicate sth to sb 把(信息,

9. prefer doing a to doing b喜欢做



22.keep up/lose communication

10.prefer to do a rather than do b宁

with sb 与某人保持/失去联系 愿做a而不愿做b

23.leave/make/ give sb a good

11.the way +that 做….的方式,

impression; leave/make /give a 方法;+in which ;+ /

good impression on sb 给某人12.more than 超过,不只是,经常 留下很好的印象

13.more than speaking and listening

24.make sb feel+adj.是某人觉得….

第 1 页 共 11 页


上海牛津版 高一英语单元词汇、短语、翻译练习

25.decide to do sth 决定做某事 26.decide on sth= choose 选择 27.for assistance 为了得到帮助 28.improve 提高

29.smile at sb 像某人微笑

30.enter the classroom 走进教室 31.enter for 报名参加

32.it seems to work这好像起作用

33.without hesitation 毫不犹豫 34.hesitate to do sth 犹豫做某事,

不愿意做某事 35.remark 评论

36.downwards 向下的 37.sigh for sth 为…..叹气

38.remind sb to do sth /remind sb of

sth /remind sb +从句 提醒某人(做)某事

39.throughout the history of

mankind 在人类历史上

40.in many situation在许多情况下 41.the key to sth ….的关键 42.signal (n)信号 ,(v)示意,


43.hostility 敌意 44.confusion 困惑

45.in western culture在西方文化里 46.maintain eye contact 保持眼神


Unit 2 I.

Words for reading

1. hairstyle 2. suit

3. guarantee

4. on top of the world 5. expert 6. curl 7. angle 8. balanced 9. in addition 10. shampoo 11. effective 12. conditioner

II. Words for more reading

1. bald

47.contact v. & n. 交往,联系 48.keep contact with sb 与某人取


49.lose contact with sb 与某人失去


50.avoid doing 避免做某事 51.in authority 掌权

52.as a matter of fact =in fact 事实

53.for instance =for example 比如 54.concentration 专心

55.concentrate(v.) on sth 集中时


56.subtle 微妙的,细微的

57.consider sth as sth 把…看作… 58.be considered (as) sth 认为,看

59.consider doing sth 考虑做某事 60.stare at 盯着

61.be rude to sb = be impolite to sb


62.boredom 无聊

63.lack(n.) of sth缺少 64.lack(v.) sth

65.respect v.& n. 尊敬

66.lead to =result in=give rise to导

67.lead to this road 通向这条路

Care for hair

13. normal 14. apply 15. wet 16. squeeze 17. squeeze out 18. comb 19. damage 20. loosen 21. dirt

22. hairdryer 23. overuse

2. ensure


上海牛津版 高一英语单元词汇、短语、翻译练习

3. pay attention to 4. protein 5. adequate 6. dairy product 7. stress III. Lpts.

1. call on sb =drop in on sb 拜访某人

2. call at some place =drop in at some place拜访某地

3. care for your hair照料你的头发 4. hairstyle 发型 5. suit sb 适合某人

6. guarantee to do sth 保证做某事 7. guarantee sth to sb 向某人保证 8. be /feel on top of the world 觉得兴高采烈

9. get advice from expert 从专家那得到建议 10. curl 卷发 11. angle 棱角

12. keep healthy 保持健康

13. eat a balanced diet吃均衡的饮食

14. plenty of 许多,大量 15. in addition 另外

16. look after = take care of 照顾 17. shampoo 洗发剂

18. it is adj. for sb to do sth 19. it is adj. of sb to do sth 20. effective 有效的 21. conditioner 护发素 22. apply 使用

23. apply to 使用,申请,涂

24. apply to the company for the position 向公司申请某个职位 25. squeeze out 挤出

26. damage(v) sth 损害某物do damage(n) to sth 27. loosen 使松 28. dirt 灰尘

29. comb n.& v. 梳子 梳头发 30. hairdryer 吹风机 31. wash out 洗掉

8. rob…of 9. remedy 10. rinse 11. regularly 12. rub

32. at least 至少

33. remember to do sth 记得要去


34. remember doing sth 记得做过

某事(做了) 35. overuse 过度使用

36. suggest doing sth 建议做某事 37. make / put forward a suggestion


38. normal 正常的 39. wet (v)把….弄湿

40. Some people…..while others…

一些人…然而另一些人… 41. bald 秃顶

42. as a result of 由于 43. a result of …..的结果 44. ensure 确保,保证

45. pay attention to sth/to doing sth


46. protein 蛋白质 47. adequate 足够的

48. eight to ten glasses of water 喝

8-10 杯水

49. keep sth from doing sthe 避免 50. rob sb of sth 抢了某人的东西 51. steal sth from sb 偷了某人的东


52. shiny 闪亮的

53. remedy for …..的疗法

54. rinse your hair 冲洗掉你的头

55. help sb/sth do 帮助做某事 56. regularly 经常的

57. be sure to 务必,确保 58. the key to sth …..的关键 59. dairy product 乳制品 60. stress 精神压力

61. rub your hair 搓你的头发