【精品】2017-2018学年广东省深圳市南山区七年级上学期期末英语试卷及答案 下载本文


选择填空.(20 分)第一部分选择题(75 分)从下列各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其编号填 在答题卷上.(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)(选出与音标内容相符的正确句子.) 1.(1分)/ a? 'int?vju:d e? 'fe?m?s stɑ:(r) la:st 'fra?d? /( ) A.I interested the famous star last Friday. B.I interviewed the famous star last Friday. C.I introduced the famous star last Friday.

2.(1分)/ '?u:diple?ze?g?'tɑ:(r)??st?z?'h?b? /( ) A.Judy plays the guitar just as a hobby. B.Judy plays the guitar just as a habit. C.Judy plays the guitar just as a hope. D.Judy plays the guitar just as a hobby. E.Judy plays the guitar just as a hobby.

3.(1分)/ k?n ju: ??u mi: ?'n?e?(r) 'p?ustkɑ:d /( ) A.Can you show me the other postcard? B.Can you show me other postcards? C.Can you show me another postcard?

4.(1分)/ e?' stju:dnts s?? 'h?p?li ?:l e? we? tu: e? mju:'z??m /( )

A.The students sang happily on their way to the museum. B.The students sang happily all the way to the museum. C.The students sang happily on the way to the museum.

5.(1分)/ wi:' ??ldr?n ?:l la?k e?' sn?ui 'wee?(r) /( ) A.We children all like the snowy weather. B.We children all like the sunny weather. C.We children all like the snowing weather.



6.(1分)﹣Now some cars can run by using the solar power. ﹣Really? That's amazing!( ) A.pattern B.time C.energy

7.(1分)﹣When will your father come back? ﹣He'll be back soon, just in five minutes.( ) A.a short time ago B.in a short time C.a long time later

8.(1分)﹣How is your grandfather feeling now? ﹣He's getting better, but he is still a little weak.( ) A.not strong

B.not happy

C.not amazing

9.(1分)﹣Honey, stay here and I'll return with an ice cream for you. ﹣Great, Mum.( )

A.look up B.come back C.sit down

10.(1分)﹣Have you got everything ready for the picnic? ﹣Yes, I have prepared three bags.( ) A.some things B.any things C.all the things

11.(1分)﹣What do you want me to buy for you?

﹣Well, there is hardly any milk at home. Please buy some.( ) A.almost no

B.lots of C.not enough

12.(1分)﹣Will you go to Tracy's birthday party this evening? ﹣Yes, of course. I'm sure we all will have a good time.( ) A.teach ourselves B.enjoy ourselves C.help ourselves


13.(1分)Your favourite activity in your free time is your______.( )


A.habit B.hobby C.lesson

14.(1分)To_____is to take air in and send it out.( ) A.blow

B.follow C.breathe

15.(1分)﹣Would you like to try some_______food in China? ﹣Yes, I'll try the roast duck, dumplings, and zongzi.( ) A.traditional B.handsome C.healthy 16.(1分)﹣Where is your grandmother now?

﹣I think she is in the______because she said she would buy some vegetables five minutes ago.( )

A.garden B.market C.field

17.(1分)﹣You are late for school again!

﹣Sorry, Mr White. There was something wrong with my clock. It didn't___.( ) A.complete



18.(1分)﹣A new ice﹣cream shop opened close to our school. Let's go to have a try.

﹣No. I____eat that because it's not good for my health.( ) A.sometimes B.often


19.(1分)﹣Why are you going to_____the books and magazines? ﹣Because they are not useful to me.( ) A.turn down B.throw away C.look for

20.(1分)﹣Don't you know that eating too many candies is___your teeth? ﹣Yes, I know. But they are so delicious.( ) A.bad for B.good at C.interested in


21.(10分)Maria Onate grew up in Mexico. She had to (36) school when she was very young.
