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中考核心词汇用法与练习 action n. 行 动


ability n. be able to do能 力

above prep. 在…的上面 achieve vt. 获 得

across prep. 穿 过

go across the road/ bridge/street/field cross vt. 穿 过

Cross the road and you’ll see the museum. through prep. 穿过,通过

go through the forest/tunnel 穿过森林/隧道

affect vt. 影响 affect our moods 影响我们的心情 effect n. 影 响

have a good/bad effect on sb. 对某人有好的/坏的影响 afford v 买的起

The car is too expensive. I can’t afford it/I can’t afford to buy it. against prep.1) 紧靠 2)反对

He is wanted because he has done something against the law. allow vt. 允 许

allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

take action 采取行动

If we do not take action, there will be no bears in the world. active adj. 积 极 的 activity n. 活 动


after-school/outdoor/indoor activities advantage n. 优势,长处

disadvantage n. 劣势,缺点,不利条件 advise vt. 建议,劝告

advise sb.to do sth. 建议某人做某事 advice n. (U) 建议,劝告,忠告 give sb. some advice 给某人提一些建议

also adv. 也

too adv. 也, as well 也, either 也 I also like reading. I like reading, too.

I want to read the book as well.

He doesn’t like running, I don’t, either. among prep. 在…中间 三者或以上between prep. 在…之间 两者

The teacher stands among the students.老师站在学生中间

There is a railway between the two cities.在这两城市间有一条铁路。angry adj. 生气的,愤怒的


another adj. 另 一 个

Would you like another cup of tea?你想再要一杯茶吗? one…the other…(两个中的) 一个…另一个…

The old man has two daughters. One is a worker, the other is a nurse. answer reply

argue vi. 辩论,争辩arrive vi. 到 达asleep adj. 睡 着 的fall asleep 入 睡 stay awake attention n. 注意


beginning n. 开始,起初

At the beginning of the class, we sang an English song. breath n. 呼 吸

上气不接下气out of breath 吸气

breathe vt./vi. 呼 吸 bright adj. 明亮的,聪明的 He is a bright boy. busy adj. 忙的,忙碌的

忙于做某事 be busy with /doing sth.

buy vt. 买(bought bought) . buy sb. sth. /buy sth. for sb. by prep.

1) by bus/ bike/ plane/air/ train/ ship/sea/underground/boat

2) +时间 3) +地点

C care

care for/care about

I don’t care about money. 我不在乎钱

catch vt.1)捉住,赶上;2)染上(caught caught) 赶上catch up with 感冒catch a cold

cause vt.引起,使发生 n.原因check n.核实,查明


Check the tickets at the entrance. Christmas n.圣诞节

at Christmas/ on Christmas Day 在圣诞节 cinema n.电影院

go to the cinema 去电影院 go to the concert/the theatre come on 快点

Come on ,we have no time . 快点,我们没有时间了。 come out 出版,发行

A new CD-ROM has just come out. compare vt./vi.比较 compare A with B conference n.会议connect vt.连接

connect…to/with… 把…和…连接

You can connect the printer to the computer. 2

consider vt.认为,考虑

We are considering going to Canada。cook vt. 烹饪,煮 n.厨师 cooker

corner n.角落,拐角in the corner on the corner

cost vt. 值 (多少钱,花费/vi费用,价格course n.课程 of course 当然,可以cover vt覆盖,包括,报道

be covered with …被……覆盖

It snowed heavily in February in2008, and everything was covered with heavy snow.

crazy adj. 狂热的

be crazy about… 痴迷于…… create vt. 创 建 D

deal vi. 处理,应付 deal with

death n. 死,死亡 die v. 死亡

dead adj. 死亡的

My dog died two days ago.

My dog has been dead for two days.

The death of my little dog made me very sad.

decide v. 决定

decide to do 决定做… decision n. 决 定 make a decision 作决定

devote vt.献身于,致力于

My mother devoted much of her time to charity. different adj. difficulty n 困 难

have difficulty(in) doing sth 在做某事方面有困难

dinner n 晚餐正餐

I often have dinner at my grandparents’ home. divide vi./vt. 划 分

divide…into… 把…分成…

A year is divided into four seasons.一年分为四个季节。draw vt. (drew,drawn) 绘 画

drawing n. 绘 画

He is good at drawing .He can draw very well. dress vt.给…穿衣服n.女装,连衣裙