高考英语二轮复习专题四语法填空和短文改错第三讲语法专题三形容词和副词题针对训练 下载本文

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修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


About a month ago,I was walking alone on the beach in the evening.I have already finished my homework,and I wanted to relax.Suddenly,I saw two children stand on the beach.They seem to have found something made of metal,which was big and

told them to move away the bomb.Fortunately,I had a mobile phone around with me,so I called the police and told them that had been found.About 15 minutes late,the police arrived.I was praised for it but then I went home.The next day,I heard that the police had blown the bomb up.It had been on the sand for over 60 years! 答案:


About a month ago,I was walking alone on the beach in the evening.I already


finished my homework,and I wanted to relax.Suddenly,I saw two children on standingseem

the beach.They to have found something made of metal,which was big and



that it was an old bomb!I



told them to move /from the bomb.Fortunately,I had a mobile phone around with


me,so I called the police and told them had been found.About 15 minutes whatlatebut

,the police arrived.I was praised for it then I went home.The next day,I laterandonheard that the police had blown the bomb up.It had been the sand for over 60 years!
