2018年秋人教版(山西专版)九年级上学期英语单元测试试题:Unit 7综合能力测试含答案 下载本文

Unit 7 综合能力测试



本题共5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项。

1.M:What's the matter with you?

W:I'm tired.I didn't sleep well last night.I went to bed at a quarter to 24.

2.M:My parents don't allow me to practice playing the guitar during the night.

W:Yes.It's too noisy.It can get in the way of resting.

3.M:I want to have a chat with my friends by WeChat at night.But my parents don't allow. W:Teenagers shouldn't be allowed to go to bed too late. 4.M:Let's go climbing tomorrow,shall we?

W:OK.That sounds nice.

5.M:Drivers must pay attention to the road signs and follow the traffic rules.

W:I agree with you.Or it will lead to traffic accidents. 二、对话理解。


6.W:What do you want to be when you grow up?

M:My parents want me to be a doctor,but I want to be a professional player.

Q:What does the boy want to be when he grows up?

7.M:I'm unhappy that my parents often make decisions for me.What about you,Millie? W:I make my own decisions.My parents never say no to my decisions.I think we should be allowed to make decisions ourselves.

Q:Who helps Millie make decisions?

8.M:Mom,can I drive your car to the park?

W:Sorry.I don't think a fourteen-year-old teenager is allowed to drive a car.

Q:How old is the boy?

9.W:Let's go to the cinema tonight.

M:But we aren't allowed to go out on school nights.We should stay at home instead. Q:What should they do tonight?

10.W:Do you like wearing school uniforms?

M:No,they are very ugly,but we have to wear them on school days.

Q:What does the boy think of school uniforms? 三、语篇理解。


Hi,I'm Mary.My parents are very strict with me,and there are many rules in my family.For example,I can't play computer games,even in my free time on weekends.I have to do much homework.After finishing the homework,I have to do some work my mother gives me.I can't watch TV on school nights.And I can't buy my own clothes.But I can buy school things.

I enjoy doing homework with my classmates.But my parents don't allow me to do that,because they think we will talk instead of studying.I disagree.In fact,we learn a lot from each other.



Tom is the only child in his family.His parents are strict with him.He is not allowed to play computer games,but he can play table tennis after school because it is good for his health.His parents want him to do some housework and cleaning because they are very busy.He is allowed to read comics after he finishes his homework because it is relaxing for him.Watching TV for a long time is not allowed because it is bad for his eyes.On weekends he is allowed to hang out with his friends,but he has to be home by a quarter to 10 p.m.


请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( B )1.—How was your vacation there?

—Great!Although the weather was ________, I had a good time there.

A.fine B.awful C.sunny

( B )2.—Our women badminton players did ________ in the Sudirman Cup competition last night. —What a shame!

A.friendly B.badly C.well

( B )3.—Teenagers should ________ to drive. —I agree.They are not mature (成熟的) enough. A.be allowed B.not be allowed C.allow

( A )4.If we keep trying not to throw rubbish everywhere,we'll ________ a civilized city. A.end up as B.end up to C.end up in

( B )5.—________ are not allowed to drink in the USA. —But they are allowed in Cuba.

A.Sixteen year old B.Sixteen-year-olds C.Sixteen years old ( A )6.I can't help smiling when I ________ my childhood.(原创题) A.think back to B.fall over C.take care of ( A )7.—Do your parents allow you to enjoy your hobby?

—No,they don't.They think it will get ________ of my study. A.in the way B.on the way C.by the way ( B )8.—Mom,can I play computer games for a while?

—________.You must finish your homework first. A.Of course B.No way C.Never mind

( B )9.If you work harder,you'll have another ________ to play the violin at a concert. A.sleep B.chance C.mistake

( A )10.If you want to take care of your health,you should ________ junk food.

A.keep away from B.look forward to C.get along with 二、补全对话。(每小题1分,共5分)

根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。 Becky:Welcome back to “The Problem Line”.Okay,it's time for another call.11.__B__ David:Hello!This is David.

Becky:Hi,David.Welcome to “The Problem Line”.12.__G__

David:Well,I'm having problems with my mom.When we talk about something,we always argue. Becky:13.__F__ It's impolite.

David:I know,but she plans everything for me.I can't even decide what to wear on weekends.

Becky:That's too bad.14.__E__ David:I tried,but she never listened.She thinks I should listen to her because I'm her child. Becky:Well,that's a difficult problem.15.__D__ Linda:Hello,I'm Linda.I think David should ask his teacher for help.Perhaps his mother will listen to his teacher.

David:OK.I'll have a try.Thank you! A.Hi,where are you from? B.Hello,who's calling?

C.You should learn from them.

D.Dear listeners,who can give him some suggestions? E.Why not have a good talk with her? F.You shouldn't argue with your mom. G.What's your problem?



The students in one class got special homework last weekend.They were __16__ to wash their parents' feet.

However,only 12 out of 54 finished the homework.Some said it was a funny thing,__17__ others just thought the teacher was trying to attract attention.They also asked, “__18__ should we wash our parents' feet when they can take a shower?”

However,the teacher has his own __19__.“I want them to know how hard their parents __20__ them.Washing feet is just a way of showing love,” he said.

Respecting parents has __21__ been considered a virtue (美德).However,nowadays many young people don't respect their parents and some even do cruel (残忍的) things to parents.They got angry easily when they thought their parents too __22__ about their studies.

So it's not surprising that,when one student offered to wash his parents' feet,his father said,“Why,my son?Are you in need of __23__?”

Another student Andy said he washed his parents' feet for about ten minutes and found it a(n) __24__ experience.

“I talked a lot with my parents while washing their feet, especially with my mom,” he said.“As I have got older,I talk to her __25__.We all think doing this homework has brought us closer.”

( C )16.A.discovered B.warned C.told ( A )17.A.while B.although C.since ( B )18.A.How B.Why C.When ( A )19.A.idea B.work C.time

( C )20.A.teach B.provide C.support ( C )21.A.sometimes B.never C.always ( C )22.A.fair B.careful C.strict ( B )23.A.sleep B.money C.time ( B )24.A.useful B.helpful C.difficult ( B )25.A.more B.less C.too
