从一道高考题谈替代词one的用法 下载本文



作者:刘泽星 满新国

2002年NMET第35题:Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _______ I will always treasure.

一、one不带任何前置定语,单独使用时,表示泛指,可泛指“任何人(物);某人(物)”,但只能代替可数名词。其复数形式为ones,可用作主语或宾语;物主代词形式 为one's,可作定语;反身代词为oneself,可作宾语。

二、当one代替特指单数可数名词时,它前面常有the,this that,which等限定词修饰。one前可直接加this或that;而ones须带有另外的定语时前面才可加these或those ,否则只用these,those即可。many,some,several也不能直接与ones连用,在它们后面必须 有形容词才能与ones连用。


1.I don

t like this hat.Show me a bigger one(the two other ones).


1.This book is easy,but that one is rather difficult.(或but those thick ones/those are rather difficult.) 这本书容易读,但是那本很难读。(或:但是那些厚本子/那些很难读)

2.Japan has four big islands and many small ones.日本有四个大岛和许多小岛。 3.These yellow ones are too small;I want those green ones. 这些黄色的太小了;我想要那些绿色的。


1.She arrived first.The next one to arrive was Tom.她第一个来。第二个来的是汤姆。 2.This is a left hand glove and that这是个左手上的手套,那个也是左手上的。

s the other(one).

1.One should wash oneself regularly.(one替代a person)人应该经常洗澡。 2.He has many English books;I'd like to borrow one.(one替代a book) 他有许多英文书,我想去借一本。 3.He has no pen.他没有钢笔。

误:He wants to buy it.他想去买一只。(it应换成one) 4.He has a pen.他有一只钢笔。

误:He wants to sell one.他想去卖这只钢笔。(one应该成it)


A.that B .one C.it D.that

2.My cheap radio seems to be as good as Tom's expensive one. 我那个便宜的收音机看上去和汤姆那个贵的一样好。

但不可说:My cheap radio seems to be as good as Tom's one. 但是,在下列结构中,a可直接与one连用。

1.The machine is so large a one.这台机器是如此大的一台机器。 2.This rocket is as high a one as 100 meters.这个火箭有一百米高。

3.I want a book,but I don't want such a one.我想要一本书,但我不想要这样的一本书。

四、one(s)不可直接用在own,both,基数词,名词所有格和物主代词后。不可说some ones,Tom's one(s),several ones,his own ones。





1.one after another (三个以上)一个接一个地 2.one after the other (两个人,物)轮流地,交替地 3.the one?the other? 前者(是)?后者(是) (the former?the latter?)

1.She asked me which(one,ones)of the pictures I like best. 她问我,我最喜欢这些图画中哪幅/哪些。

2.Of all the pupils in this class,Mike is the tallest(one).这个班所有学生中,迈克是最高的。 3.I broke the cup,so I had to buy another(one).我打破了这个杯子,所以我得去再买一个。 但是在不定冠词a后有形容词时,one一般很少省略。例如: 1.I

d prefer a large bottle to a small one.


2.We changed our old computer into a new one.我们把我们的旧电脑换成一台新的电脑。 1.I

m not used to your dictionary;I'd rather use my own.(不能说my own one)


2.I don't know which book is better;I shall read both.(不能说both ones) 我不知道哪一本书更好;我要两本都读。 但是,基数词后有形容词时,可以用ones。 1.He had eight small ones.他有8个小的。

2.This camera is my father's.不能说my father's one)这个相机是我爸爸的。 3.This watch is better than mine.(不能说mine one或my one)这块表比我的好。

1.I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have _______.(1995NMET) A.it B.those C.them D.one 2.“When shall we meet again?”

Make it _______ day you like;it's all the same to me.” (1996NMET) A.one B.any

C.another D.some

C.itself D.himself

3.Tom felt that he know everybody's business than they know it _______.(1996NMET) A.themselves B.oneself

4.—Why don't we take a little break? —Didn't we just have _______?(1900NMET) A.it B.that C.one D.this 5.“Do you have a computer?” Yes,_______.”

A.I have one B.have it

C.I have D.I have that

6.Is this skirt _______ she likes best? A.one B.that C.the one D.which

7.Now that the new machines have been bought,_______ will you do with these old A.how;ones B.how;one 8.—It doesn't fit me well. —What about the _______ it? A.next one about C.next one to

9.—How many elephants did you see? —_______.

A.None B.No one A.one;anther C.the one;another

Keys:1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7 .D


C.what;one D.what;ones

B.one next by D.one next to

C.Not many ones D.Nothing

10.He came back from the market with a piece of meat in _______ hand and some fish in _______.

B.the one;other D.one;the another

8.D 9.A 10.D