袖珍式智能化电容表软件设计本科毕业论文 下载本文



I 摘 要

电容是重要的电子器件,本文设计了一个袖珍式智能化电容表以测量电容,其量程为19.9pf~199.9pf和199pf~1999pf两段,对算法原理和软件设计做了较详细的描述。通过获取C-F曲线并分段线性化,给出测量频率导出电容的算法。系统以单片机为核心,并由555定时器搭接成R-C振荡电路,与单片机相连。针对具体硬件设计频率采集程序和电容计算程序,最终实现了电容测量。具有体积小,自动更换量程且成本低的优点。 关键字:线性化;电容;频率

II Abstract

Capacitors are important electronic device,this paper designs a pocket watch to measure of intelligent capacitance,its range to 19.9pf capacitance 199.9 pf and 199pf capacitance 1999pf two paragraphs,principle and software design of the algorithm is to make a detailed description.By accessing C - F curve and given piecewise linear frequency,and the algorithm are capacitance.System based on singlechip and 555 timing of overlapped by into r-c oscillating circuit.and SCM.In light of the specific frequency calculation program acquisition program and capacitance,finally realizes the capacitance measurements.Has the advantages of small size,low cost and automatic replacement range.

Key words: Linearization;capacitance measure;Frequency