安徽省皖南八校2019届高三上学期第一次联考英语---精校 Word版含答案 下载本文

nature, said the living things lived in the seafloor where water was heated by a volcano. Since the fossils are nearly as old as Earth, which formed some 4. 5 billion years ago, the finding supports previous indications that life may have begun in such an environment, he said.

He and his colleagues presented several lines of evidence to support the idea that tiny tubes and filaments are signatures of past life. But two experts who've previously reported similar findings said they are not convinced.

“I would say they are not fossils, \endonk of the University of New South Wales in Australia, who reported the Greenland findings last year, wrote in an email. The paper's evidence for a biological orign falls short, he said.

Abigail Allwood, a NASA geologist, said the authors have produced one of the most detailed cases yet made \claim to make and you do need extraordinary evidence, \32. What do Matthew, Martin and Abigail have in common? A. They have been studying rock features B. They are working in the same university.

C, They all made a contribution to the Greenland findings. D. They have discovered the oldest known fossils in the same place 33. How does Martin feel about the new study?

A. It confirms the biological origin B. It ignores the Greenland Findings. C. It needs more to convince people D Its authors takes ideas and words from his 34. What's Abigail Allwood's attitude toward Matthew's findings?

A. Supporting. B. Disapproving. C. Indifferent D. Neutral 35. The new findings can make people know something about_______ A. the process of fossil formation B. how life started on the earth

C. how to examine rock and find fossils D. how the earth formed about 4. 5 billion years ago 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Have you ever imagined the benefits that a good memory can bring to you? 36 .Here are four ways to improve your memory.

37 There is evidence that sleep plays a vital role in the consolidation( 巩固) of memories

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relating to learning motor skills, such as learning to play a musical instrument or ride a bike. Having a full night's sleep soon after gaining a new skill helps consolidate the processes involved, so they can later be performed well.

It 's rewarding to continue education. Older people are often told to adopt a \it or lose it approach to maintaining cognitive (认知的 )function. 38 In a 2016 study, US researchers found participants aged 60-90 who spent 15 hours a week for three months learning a complex skill, such as digital photography, saw significant improvements in memory tests.

Taking a break counts. 39 More than a century ago, German scientists showed that people performed almost twice as well in memory tests if they took breaks.

It's useful to stay social. Having an active social life delays memory loss as we age. US scientists who asked people in their 50s and 60s to do memory tests every other year between 2001 and 2007 found the decline in recall abilities of their most sociable subjects to be half that of the least well connected. 40 A .Sleeping well helps strengthen memories B. Old people should participate in easy activities

C. Yoga, meditation or other relaxation techniques may help.

D. Memories can be destroyed if the brain doesn’t have enough rests to sharpen them.

E. In fact, when it comes to memory, research suggests that only certain types of mental activities help.

F. Being able to remember important pieces of information can give you a powerful advantage in your life

G. Having good friends, volunteering for charities and other forms of social engagement also protect memory.




According to the power company, a truck hit a power pole or something. And that has 41 the power to 500 or so residents in our area. They should be able to 42 it within a few hours, they say. But now, the power is out.

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When I was a boy, a power cut was an adventure. We would light 43 and eat ice cream, based on the 44 that without power to run the freezer it was going to melt anyway. My dad always used power cuts as an 45 to talk about the good old days when he did his homework by fireplace light. These days a power cut is more like an 46 than an adventure, But there isn't a lot we cant do 47 modern technology. No lights? No problem-my cellphone has a flashlight app. In the middle of watching a good movie? You can Probably 48 where you left it off through that movie service you have downloaded on your tablet, Can’t 49 ? Use your cellphone to get a pizza 50 .A nice slice of warm pizza will go 51 with all that ice cream you have to eat.

Of course, technology can only take you so far in a real crisis. Honestly, we'd be in pretty 52 shape if this power cut went on for several days. And if it is the middle of a cold inter, I don't have any way to provide 53 . I have three flashlights, but 54 I don't have any batteries for those flashlights, of course, they are not useful.

Thankfully, the 55 is going to be restored to us soon. I’m 56 this little reminder of the 57 of the Boy Scout axiom(格言):Be 58 . Tomorrow I'm going to get some candles to go with all those 59 , and some batteries to go in those flashlights. What about you? Is there something you can do on this bright, sunny day today to prepare yourself and your family for the 60 unpleasant possibilities of tomorrow?

41. A. cut up B. cut out C. cut down D. cut off 42. A. save B. fix C. tie D, drop 43, A. candles B. leaves C. matches D. papers 44. A. assumption B. construction C. identification D. occupation 45. A. enquiry B. opportunity C. operation D. extension 46. A. intention B. event C. annoyance D. outline 47. A. apart from B. regardless of C. owing to D. In return for 48. A. pick up B. give away C. make out D. set off 49. A. repair B. wash C. sew D. cook 50. A colored B. delivered C. packed D. weighed 51. A. perfectly B. quickly C. regularly D. constantly 52. A normal B. small C. good D. rough 53. A. heat B. tea C food D. shelter

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54. A. unless B. though C. since D. until 55. A. winter B. power C. technology D. Cream 56. A. short of B. grateful for C. careful of D. responsible for 57. A. honesty B. generosity C. regulation D. significance 58. A. outgoing B. imaginable C. prepare D. confident 59. A, bottles B. matches C. tables D. cookers 60. A. strange B. big C. luck D, dark 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Once every 4 years the World Cup has always deeply attracted millions of fans around the world since it 61 (hold). As 62 matter of fact, there are two trophies(奖杯)in history. The first was made by Paris' technician, Friel, who was very 63 (fame) for making jewelry. The model, which was the goddess of victory Nike, 64 (dress) in ancient. Rome costume, stretching her arms, and holding the image of the cup, stood on the marble base. According to the FIFA regulations at that time, the World Cup champion team could keep the gold cup for 4 years to he next cup return. Besides, there was an additional 65 (require) The team who won the three world 66 (championship) would always get this cup.

In the 1970 World Cup Brazil won the title the third time, so the \Brazil and was supposed to be kept there 67 (permanent). Unfortunately, latter the Gold Cup was stolen and melted. 68 (create) a new trophy in 1971, FIFA finally collected fifty-three designs, 69 which the work of Italian Gazania was selected. He designed the trophy two Herchles( 大力神 ) lifted the design of the earth. The base is made up of two layers of precious malachite(, 孔雀石). In reality, FIFA rules the new cup as a mobile prize, 70 means no matter which team wins the championship, it can not occupy the cup forever. 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分


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