安徽省皖南八校2019届高三上学期第一次联考英语---精校 Word版含答案 下载本文

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Many a child take what their parents do for them for granted. They haven't realized the meaning of be grateful. But they always get angry with their parents because they don't get what they want. My friend once told me the news that a little girl went out of the house and refuse to return home as her parents did not give her enough pocket money. I was so shocking to hear it. I would never ask much from my parents because I knew it was not easy for him to make a living. And I always feel so thankful to what they have offered to me. If someone who gives me a hand when I am in need, I will remember him and if I have a chance, I will pay him back. In short, it is a grateful heart makes us becoming kind people and create a harmonious environment 第二节书面表达(满分25分)

假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Jack写信来询问你的家乡的情况,请结合美好乡村建设,从 下面几个方面描述一下你的家乡的变化。 1.房屋、道路等变化; 2.环境改善 3.生活丰富多彩。 注意:1.词数100左右


3.参考词汇:美好乡村建设 the Construction of Beautiful Villages

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