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中考语法专题一 名词测试过关

I. 选择题。

1. Mr. Black is __. But he likes to drive a __ car. A. English; Chinese B. an English; China C. an England; China’s D. English; Japan 2. Lily and Lucy are from _______.

A. English B. Chinese C. England D. French 3.--Can you buy some eggs for dinner, mum? --Oh, no. There are _______ on the table. A. a box of egg B. two boxes of eggs C. two boxes of egg D. a boxes of eggs

4. The bus station is about five ___ from his home. A. hundred meter B. hundreds of meter C. hundred meters D. hundreds of meters 5. Our math teacher has _______ daughter. A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-years-old C. an 8-year-old D. an 8-year-olds 6. It will take us _______ walk to get there.

A. one hour and a half B. one and a half hour C. one and half hours D. one and a half hour’s 7. There are many _____ in our school. A. woman teachers B. man teachers C. women teachers D. men’s teachers

8. There must be something wrong with her ______because she can’t see things clearly. A. eyes B. ears C. nose D. face 9. How many _____ are there in your family? A. peoples B. people C. man D. woman 10. In the picture you can see a ___ and many __. A. cat, sheeps B. cat, sheep C. sheep, cat D. cats, sheeps

11. Those _____ stole a few ______ yesterday. A. thiefs, fishes B. thieves, fish C. thiefs, fishes D. thief, fish

12. She is always complaining because______ people can get on well with her.

A. few B. little C. a few D. a little

13. The room is too small, there’s no enough ______for another chair.

A. rooms B. room C. place D. spaces 14. How many ____ are there in these _____? A. tomatoes, photo B. tomatoes, photos C. potato, photos D. potatoes, photo 15. The little boy has two _______.

A. geese B. tooth C. dog D. cat

16. In order to keep fit, you should eat ______ fast food and _____ fresh vegetables. A. fewer, fewer B. less, more C. more, less D. many; little 17. I’m thirsty. I’d like to drink some _____. A. water B. bread C. eggs D. meat

18. Let the children go away. They're making so much __ here.

A. noise B. voice C. sounds D. volume 19. What _______ it is today!

A. a nice weather B. nice weather C. nice a weather D. good a climate 20. I want _______ and two apples for lunch. A. a piece of bread B. two piece of breads C. two piece of bread D. a pieces of bread 21.---How many____ would you like? --Two. A. cups of coffee B. cups of teas C. cup of teas D. cup of coffee

22. Jack won the boys’ ______ race in our school sports meeting yesterday.

A. 1500-metre B.1500-metres C.1500-metre’s D. 3000 meters 23. I like that son of ______.

A. Jim’s sister B. Jim sister’s C. Jim’s sister’s D. sister’s Jim 24. You must finish the work in___.

A. two weeks time B. two weeks’ time C. two week’s time D. one weeks’time 25. This is ___ room. Come in, please.

A. John and Joy B. John and Joy’s C. John’s and Joy’s D. John’s and Joy 26. That man is___.

A. a friend of my father B. my father friend

C. a friend of my father’s D. one of my father friend 27. _____ Day is on September 10th. A. Teacher B. Teacher’s C. Teachers’ D. Children’s

28. Nancy was very happy because she ____in the English test.

A. made a little mistakes B. made a few mistakes C. made few mistakes D. made little mistakes

29. She got much ______ from the newspaper. A. ideas B. leaves C. information D. stories 30. She gave us______ on how to keep fit. A. few advices B. some advice C. an advice D. some suggestion 31 ---Would you like to drink ___ tea? ---No, thanks. I’d like ____.



A. any, bottles of orange B. some, a bottle of orange

C. many, bottles of orange D. few, a bottle of oranges

32. Some ___ came to our city for a visit yesterday. A. Germans B. Germen C. Frenchman D. American 33. That table is made of_____.

A. glass B. glasses C. some glasses D. some woods

34. She has read____ of the good-looking writer. A. works B. work C. job D. career

35. How many___ were there on the road when the accident happened?

A. policeman B. polices C. police D. peoples 36. I write most of my______ in French.

A. business letter B. business letters C. businesses D. businesses letters 37. Excuse me, where is the______?

A. woman's room B. women' room C. men's rooms D. men rooms 38 The basketballs under the bed are______. A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily's and Lucy's C. Lily's and Lucy D. Lily and Lucy's

39. In a few____ time, those old houses will be pulled down.

A. year B. years' C. year's D. years 40. This is a pencil of ___.

A. Tom B. Tom's C. her D. him

41. After five years, all these youngsters became_____.

A. growns-ups B. growns-up C. grown-up D. grown-ups

42. The police asked those _____ about the accident. A. stander-by B. standers-by C. stander-bys D. standers-bys 43.All the people at the meeting are ______. A. mathematics teacher B. physics teacher C .mathematics teachers D. physics’s teachers 44.-Do you have ___ to tell me? –No, nothing. A. something else B. anything else C. else anything D. else something

45.After he checked up my ______ heart, the doctor advised him to rest for a few weeks.

A. father-in-law’s B. father’s-in-law C. father-in-law D.father’s-in-law’s

46. He had his hair cut at the ____ around the corner. A. barber B. barbers C. barber’s D. barbers’ 47. She is the only one of the students who _______ a chance to go abroad.

A. have B. has C. is D. are 48. She is in her ___but she looks very young. A. sixty B. sixties C. twenty D. twenties 49. My uncle works at ______.

A. a teacher colleges B. a teacher’s college

C. a teachers’ college D. a college of a teacher’s 50. My sister cut the cloth with ______ scissors. A. a pair of B. one C. two D. two pair of II. 用所给词的正确形式填空。

51. There are five ______ (tomato)on the table, so you only need to buy some ______(potato) for me. 52. --Are there any ______(deer) on the hill?

--No, there are only some _______(sheep) there. 53. --How many _______(child) can you see in the park? --Ten.

54. Five _______(German) are going to come to our school for a visit tomorrow.

55. In fall, the tree ______(leaf) begin to become yellow.

56. I can see two ______(knife) in the box.

57. Those _______(roof) are equipped with chimneys. 58. Do you like those ______(goose)? They are very lovely.

59. It is not easy to look after these _____(baby) well. 60. They are very tall _______(Englishwoman).

专题一 《名词测试过关》参考答案: I. 单项选择。

1—5: ACBCC 6—10:DCABB 11—15:BABBA 16—20:BAABA 21—25:AACBB 26—30:CCCCB 31—35: BAAAC 36—40:BBBBB 41—45: DBCBA 46—50: CBBCA

II. 用所给词的正确形式填空。

51. tomatoes; potatoes 52. deer; sheep 53. children 54. Germans 55. leaves 56. knives 57. roofs 58. geese 59. babies 60. Englishwomen 《名词测试过关》解析

1. A. English意为“英国的”;Chinese car 中国小汽车。

2. C. be from+表示地点的名词,表示 “来自…”。 3. B. a box of +可数名词复数,表示一盒…; 如果超过一盒后,要在box后加es。

4. C. 阿拉伯数字(具体数字)+hundred/thousand/million +n.(复数),表示…百/千/百万…; 模糊数字+hundreds/ thousands/millions of +n.



5. C. 连字符连接几个单词做定语,每个单词都用单数形式。8是原音因素开头,故用冠词an.

6. D. 根据意思是说:将花费我们一个半小时的步行时间到达那里。这里的时间和walk构成所有格关系

7. C. 由“人+职业”构成的复数形式,两者都用复数形式,不用所有格形式。

8. A. 从because she can’t see things clearly可推出是眼睛有毛病。

9. B. how many 跟复数名词形式;people s是复数名词。

10. B. sheep 单复数同形。Many 后跟可数名词复数形式。

11. B. thief的复数是thieves; fish表示数量多少时,单复数同形。

12. A. few 修饰可数名词,表否定。

13. B. room作“空间”讲时,是不可数名词。 14. B. tomato和potao的复数加es; photo加s。 15. A. two后面跟复数名词。 16. B. less是little的比较级,修饰不可数名词;more是many 或much的比较级,修饰可数或不可数名词。

17. A. drink后跟液体,故选A。 18. A. noise有“噪音”的意思。 19. B. weather是不可数名词,前面不能用冠词a/an. 20. A. a piece of 一片,一张的意思;bread是不可数名词,不能加s。

21. A. how many 跟可数名词复数;coffee; tea不可数,不加s。

22. A. 用连字符连接的名词作定语,名词不能加s。 23. C. 名词的双重所有格构成:名词+of+所有格形式。

24. B. two weeks是复数,所有格在s后打逗号。 25. B. room是单数,表示两人共同拥有,在最后一个名词后打逗号,加s。

26. C. 名词的双重所有格构成:名词+of+所有格形式。

27. C. 教师节是9月10号,Teachers’ Day。 28. C. few 跟可数名词。表否定。 29. C. much修饰不可数名词。

30. B. advice是不可数名词,不能有a/an修饰,也不能加s。

31. B. would like表示建议,或征求别人意见,希望得到肯定的答复时,疑问句中仍然

用some; orange表示“橘汁”时是不可数名词。 32. A.表示德国人时,复数是Germans。 33. A. glass表示“玻璃”时不可数。 34. works 表示著作,或作品的意思。 35. C. police是复数名词,没有单数形式,不能加s。 36. B. most of+可数名词复数或不可数名词皆可,business letters 商业信函的复数形式。

37. B.女厕所:women’s room; 男厕所:men’s room 38. B. basketballs是复数, 表示分别拥有,故要在每名词后面打逗号,加s。

39. B. years是复数,所有格在s后打逗号。

40. B. 名词的双重所有格构成:名词+of+所有格形式。

41. D. 分词+副词构成的复合名词,复数在最后一个加s。

42. B.名词+介词构成的复合名词,在主体名词上加s。

43. C. 学科+职位的名词复数,只在最后一个名词上架s。

44. B. 疑问句中something要改为anything; else作后置定语。

45. A. 由father, mother, sister等加-in—law构成的复合名词,所有格只在最后一个打逗号,加s。 46. C. at the barber’s 表示在“理发店”。

47. B. 在定语从句中,先行词有the only修饰时,从句谓语用单数。

48. B. in one’s +(twenties, thirties)等,表示在某人“…岁时”。

49. C. teachers’ college 指“师专”的意思。 50. A. a pair of scissors 意为“一把剪刀”。

专题二 代词测试过关

I. 用所给代词的正确形式填空。

1. Mr. Lee teaches _______(we) English. We all like _______(he) classes.

2. Is this bike ________(you)? No, _______(I) is blue. 3. Did you enjoy ________(you) last night, kids? 4. She hurt _______(her) in the accident.

5. Is this _______(he) pen? Yes, it’s _______(he). 6. –What’s ______(you) age? --_______(me) am 15 years old.

7. We can help _______(every) other and learn from each other.

8. How is _______(you) father going, Li Lei? –He is fine, thanks.

9. --My book is here. Where is _______(you), Tom? --______ is in the classroom.

10. --Are ______(you) parents workers? --No, _______(they) are teachers. II. 单项选择。

11. Nobody taught English. He learnt all by . 每天练一练