北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 14《Lesson 1 Your Choice》教案 3 下载本文

Unit 14 Careers

Lesson 1 Your Choice 教学设计

Teaching Objectives:

In this lesson, students will…

discuss your dream jobs and analyze the reason behind(such as personality); read a questionnaire and make choices;

give advice on your partners’ personalities and right jobs; learn words in the contexts;

Teaching difficulties:

discuss your dream jobs and find the reasons behind Read a questionaire and make choice

Teaching points:

Give advice to your partners’ personalities and right jobs Learn words on different occasions

Teaching procedure:

1. Warming up

a) Flash memory test on jobs. b) What’s your dream job?

doctor,nurse,teacher,journalist,designer; artist; manager, architect, carpenter, chemist, social worker; engineer, farmer, fireman, hotel, receptionist, lawyer, shop assistant, soldier, tour guide, typist

c) Do you have anything special inside yourself to have such a job?

(Ask students to choose 2 or 3 words in p22, exe 1 and fill in the work sheet) ? I think I’m…

helpful/patient/generous/reliable/organized/logical/careful/emotional/creative/flexible/strong/confident/motivated. ? I feel I am good at…

? In my opinion, I am a natural …

2. Skimming (Optional)

a) What’s the type of the article? A a letter B. an advertisement C. a questionnaire D a

poster i.

A questionnaire is a list of questions that a number of people are asked so that information can be collected about something.

b) What is the purpose of the article? –After doing this test, you can find out the right job

for you.

c) How many parts are there?

d) Matching with the main idea of each part.

Part 1 When your bus had an accident on a deserted road?

Part 2 What would you do when your teacher asked your class to act out a play in

a short time?

Part 3 What would you do to help a friend to write a summary?

Part 4 What would you do when your boss tells your team to repair an old pump?

3. Word learning (Optional)

1) Teach the words before reading: summary timetable aid guidance aid institute topic 2) Teach the words after reading: take charge of ; pump; data; paragraph deer 4. Read the questionnaire, make choices and exchange answers in pairs.

5. Your desk mates will guess what personality you are and the right jobs for you. Then you are going to decide whether it suits you.

6. (P22 exe 3) Check the answer key on page 91. Does the description fit your personality? Would you like to do the kind of jobs that the answer key suggests for you? Grammar

1. (p22 exe 4) Find out such sentence patterns in the text! Look at the reported requests and

orders from the questionnaire. What are people’s actual words? There is usually more than one option.

a) She asks you to help her. b) Tell them not to worry.

c) Tell everybody on the bus to put on more clothes… d) Your boss tells your team to repair an old pump…

Group one e) …your teacher asked your class to perform a short play… Is there anything in common in the five sentences above?

Ask/tell sb to do

a) “Help me please!”/ “Could you help me, please?” b) “Don’t worry, (please)”

c) “Listen, everybody. Put on more clothes.” d) “I want you to repair an old pump near a river.” e) “Will you perform a short play for the school?”

Compare the sentences in the two groups, what’s the difference between them?

1) Pronouns: 人称代词 第一、二人称(直) 第三人称(间)(p23, 5) 2) Verbs

When we report people’s requests or orders we use the pattern: ask/ tell/ order somebody + _________

When the order or request is negative, we use the pattern: ask/ tell/ order somebody+_________+ infinitive (See Page 92, Grammar Summary 3)

2. Report these orders and requests. Use the beginnings provided.

1) “Could you lend me a pen?” Peter asked me ________.

2) “Don’t lose the receipt. It’s important.” The salesgirl instructed the shopper


3) “Check for errors, please.” The teacher ordered the class ________. 4) “Can you give me a lift home?” Mary asked John _________________. 5) “Don’t drink that liquid. I don’t think it’s water.” The boy advised the girl


6) “Read the text and answer the comprehension questions.” The teacher told the

students _________.

3. Rewrite the sentences with “tell” (p23, 8) 4. Report the advice. (p23, 9) 5. Language in Use (p 23.10)


Advice from police officers:

Group Two