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财务管理 C13财务4班


学生姓名: 专 业: 班 级: 指导教师: 起止日期:

2017年 4 月 9 日




[摘 要]党的十五大以来,中小企业的发展形式势如破竹,在国民经济和社会发展中的地位逐渐上升。中小企业作为拉动经济的新增长点为经济的增长和社会的进步提供源源不断的动力,也是缓解就业压力,是社会就业的主要场所。中小企业的管理成本低,市场适应能力强,新机制引入快,就业弹性高,是地方财政的主要来源,从而有充分的物质保障,保持社会稳定的基础力量。但是,我国从相对成熟的市场接近为成熟的市场经济,“卖方”市场变成“买方”市场,结构性供应不足与总量需求不足共生,许多发展中的中小企业资金缺乏,筹资渠道狭窄,可以选择的筹资方式较少,暂时没有专门为中小企业贷款的金融机构,使中小企业面临前所未有的挑战,严重的影响了中小企业的健康发展。2016年经济合作与发展组织(OECD)发布的《中小企业和企业家融资状况——OECD打分板》报告中具体分析了世界各国的中小企业的融资情况,从总体上看,中小企业的融资情况有所改善,但是还是过度依赖银行贷款,需要扩宽中小企业的融资渠道,在筹资的方式上进行创新,寻找多元化的融资工具,使其有更多的选择走出困境。


SMEs financing ways and choice


(Zhejiang Ocean University Donghai Science and Technology College,Zhoushan 316001, China) [Abstract]Since the 15th Party Congress, a form of development of small and medium-sized enterprises, in the national economic and social development status gradually increased.Small and medium-sized enterprises as a new growth point for economic growth and social progress to provide a steady stream of power, but also to ease the pressure of employment, is the main place of social employment.The small and medium-sized enterprise's management cost is low, the market adaptation ability is strong, the new mechanism is introduced quickly, the employment elasticity is high, is the local finance main source, thus has the sufficient material safeguard, maintains the social stability the basic strength.However, in our country from the relatively mature market close to the mature market economy, \seller's market into the buyer\s market, symbiotic structural shortage and aggregate demand is insufficient, many in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises lack of funds, financing channel is narrow, you can choose financing way less, temporarily not specifically for the small and medium-sized enterprise loan of financial institutions, SMEs face unprecedented challenges, serious impact on the healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises.2016(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD) issued by the small and medium enterprises and

entrepreneurs financing situation - OECD scoring board, the report of the specific analysis of the financing situation of small and medium enterprises in the world.In general, the financing situation of SMEs has improved, but still excessive dependence on bank loans and need to widen SMEs financing channels, in the way of financing innovation, looking for a wide range of financing instruments, make it more choice out of the woods. [Key words] SMEs; financing ways; choice

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