2020年中考英语作文总复习题及答案解析 (20) 下载本文


1.假如你名叫张华,是一名初三学生,你所在学校本月底将迎来几名丹麦来的交换生.他们将在你们学校进行为期三周的学习生活.Jessica,是其中一员,并住在你家,她写邮件想对你有更多了解,以便适应这里的生活,请根据邮件内容给予回复. Dear Zhanghua, I'm looking forward to the 3﹣week study in your school. I've never been to China before. I am excited as well as worried. I'm not sure if I will be used to the life in Wuxi. Would you please tell me something interesting about your school life? Of course, I can share your worries as well. It's said that Wuxi is a beautiful city. What can I do at weekends? I hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely Jessica 注意事项:

(1)回信须根据邮件内容自拟,要求语句通顺、意思连贯、符合情景; (2)词数在90个左右,回信的首尾已在答题卡上给出,不计入总词数. Dear Jessica,

Yours sincerely



I'm glad to hear from you and I am happy to meet you in China at the end of this month. be glad to do sth,be happy to do sth.高兴做某事,这句话意为:我很高兴收到你的来信,且我很高兴在这个月月底能够在中国见到你. 高分句型二:

On weekends,We can go out for moutain climbing or visiting some places of interests. mountain climing爬山.这句话意为:在周末,我们可以出去爬山或者参观一些名胜古迹. 【解答】Dear Jessica,

I'm glad to hear from you and I am happy to meet you in China at the end of this month(高分句型一).I feel so excited that you will live in my house.Welcome you to China!(开篇点明

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Please don't worrry about everything.I will tell you some.My schoollife is colorful.Except for 7 classes.We also have after﹣school activities.such as the chess club,the music club ect.On weekends,We can go out for moutain climbing or visiting some places of interests(高分句型二).You know,WuXi is a beautiful place.You can take a lot of wonderful pictures.(介绍相关来信者关心的问题)

Take it easy,everything is under our control,just enjoy yourslef here!I am looking forward to your coming.(结尾安抚来信者心情) Yours sincerely Jessica


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